Exactly, division winners only win 55% of their games.
90 wins is 55.55555%
AL East: Yanks: 19-12, Tampa 17-14, Jays 16-15 rest under .500
AL Central: KC 19-11, Tigers 19-12, Twins 18-13 rest under .500
AL West: Stroes 20-11 rest under
What a wanky year...... Who would have though that the stroes would be there. And the Twins for that matter.
NL East: Mets 19-11, Nats 16-15 rest under
NL Central: Cards 22-8, Cubs 15-14, Reds 15-15
NL West: Dodgers 19-10, Pads 17-15
If you look at it .500 is keeping them in it right now. It is not like there is just 1 wild Card anymore (err the Red Sox clause)
What I'm seeing is a changing of the guard. Younger teams are starting to take over this year. Stroes, Twins, Cubs, Mets. LAD and Yanks will be in the mix due to their buying power. Tampa is a head scratchier due to them losing too much front office and field management. I can't see them good for too long with their market draw. Should be a last time seeing them doing anything in that division. (team should get moved to a bigger baseball draw market as Tampa sucks as fan draw goes)
Was thinking Nashville. You always look at football markets to see if they can support a baseball market. Also areas like Florida and San Diego are bad summer sports areas due to basically the Ocean. Too much to do vs not as many options going on. Areas like Nashville are ripe for sports because,,well it is land locked.