<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="LordKOTL" data-cid="225458" data-time="1397240247">
I think at the lower levels--bantam, etc. is where they need to start the culture change by not so much saying "don't explode through the hit" but rather "here is your target zone" basically shoulders and below regardless of height difference. If that means that John Scott has to stoop down to lay a hit on Gionta, so be it.
Part of the language spewed on the interwebs re. head hits is that in a height difference situation the taller player can't help but hitting the head of a shorter player. I don't agree with that. If the primary hit target is in a band around the body defined by the crest, you'll learn to bend down to get the right target and also keep your elbows down.
Just my thought on it. Again, an explosive hit to the core of a player usually doesn't result in severe injury--only if it goes excessively high or low.</p></blockquote>
Usually you are targeting the chest or shoulder depending on your angle. But in order to apply force to the hit you need to accelerate upwards. When two bodies collide, there will always be acceleration. If you don't accelerate and "explode" up, you will just run into the guy, or get flattened if he has speed.
It's really simple, keep elbows down, aim for chest/shoulder. Usually when a guy gets hit in the head either a) the target moves a split second early, B. Height of the hit (meaning puck carrier is lower due to knee bend or odd position) is off, or C) the hitter is a dickbag.