Just ask yourself this question


Aug 25, 2012
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Ok. I was wrong. But that doesn't make the rest of the post invalid. Please read it and then if you still think I am an idiot so be it.
Yes it does actually and don’t cut yourself so short here...

You could be the GOAT of Idiots...


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2012
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Ok, he spent what to move up one spot? This year's 3rd basically? I'm good with that. Floyd has looked like a great player when healthy. I'm good with that. Whites a bust. I get it, shit happens. Amos in the 5th. Starter. Whitehare in the 2nd. Starter. Goldman. Starter. Howard. Stud. Eddie Jackson. Stud Cohen, Shaheen future studs. But yeah, Pace is terrible at bringing in talent.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2012
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Who has done the most to run this beloved franchise into the ground? Answer : ryan pace

Let us examine his track record. First hire Mark trestman
. CFL offensive guru with no NFL head coaching experience. Came in had a crappy winning percentage and was gone in 2 years. Strike one. Next he brings in the antithesis of trestman john fox. A defensive minded coach who has coached in few super bowls. He has an worse winning percentage than trestman and only last 3 seasons. Some of you will say that he did not have a say in those hirings and were actually sweaty teddy's hires. if that is true, why did he not have the backbone to say to his owners this is the wrong direction we are going in?and if it false then the blame falls squarely on his shoulders. Either way Strike two.

Then He goes out and spends 18 million, on the worst FA signing of the year (per espn.com). What did he get for 18 Million dollars: Four TD's, 5 interceptions, 3 fumbles, and 4 losses. What a stellar return. Strike three.

Now let us look at his Drafts. For as bad as the Bears were you'd think that should result in high Draft picks that can be used to rebuild the franchise. Well the results speak for themselves. With all the top ten picks he has had, have resulted in the Bears winning 5 games last season. With his highest Draft pick he mortgaged the Bears future, and bid against himself for a one year wonder who had all of 13 collegiate starts, and most likely to be available at his original pick. A rookie GM bamboozled him into this stupidity and made him look like a fool. Even I, being just a meatball fan, would have avoided this costly mistake. If nothing else we are left to wonder what could have been, if he used his pick on Deshaun Watson. Strike four.

Now don't get me wrong. Mitch could morph into next Tom Brady and I would be ecstatic, however that doesn't seem very likely. I hope for our sake that I am completely wrong. What I am trying to say is Pace has systematically ruined our beloved Franchise for the last 5 years, Why he still has a job I do not know. Unless he has compromising pictures of Sweaty or Virginia he should have been fired with Fox.

Having said all that. I do like the Nagy hire, and the subsequent coaching hires. But what do I know, I liked the trestman hire and the fox hire.

Maybe, just maybe, he has been giving Sweaty Teddy just enough rope to hang himself, to the point where he can say we have tried his way now let us try mine. I hope against hope that this is the case, and if it is I will gladly munch on a large helping of crow.



New member
Jan 8, 2018
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You need to go do some fact checking goat. By the way you sound just like AM are you his alt? Alts are in right now.

Ok, so I forgot who hired Trestman, that does not make me an Alt. I don't believe in Alts. I believe in expressing an opinion, and if proven wrong, you own it. You don't be a douche and start another thread condemning your original opinion.
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2020 CCS Survivor Fantasy Football Champion
Aug 21, 2012
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Ann Arbor, MI
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  1. Chicago White Sox
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  1. Chicago Bears
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  1. Notre Dame Fighting Irish
This being your first thread on here as a new member, you might be better off just deleting the entire thread. Don't want this to be the first impression of you lol js

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CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Ok. I was wrong. But that doesn't make the rest of the post invalid. Please read it and then if you still think I am an idiot so be it.

Ok, I felt bad (no I didn't) so I skimmed the rest of it.
Pace has systematically ruined our beloved Franchise for the last 5 years
:obama: I didn't skim any further than that...


New member
Jan 8, 2018
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This being your first thread on here as a new member, you might be better off just deleting the entire thread. Don't want this to be the first impression of you lol js

Sent from my RCT6703W13 using Tapatalk

Jeez , one lousy mistake and I am on everybody's ignore list. Was I that far from the truth? If you think I am completely missing the mark, then explain yourself. Point out the errors of my logic. Just don't call me a Fucktard and leave it at that. Call me a fucktard then rake me over the coals with your argument. I can accept that. If you don't learn from your mistakes and own them, then you are wasting time.


Save America
Aug 20, 2012
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  1. Colorado Rockies
  1. Atlanta United FC
  1. Los Angeles Lakers
  2. Orlando Magic
  3. Phoenix Suns
  4. Sacramento Kings
  1. Columbus Blue Jackets
Jeez , one lousy mistake and I am on everybody's ignore list. Was I that far from the truth? If you think I am completely missing the mark, then explain yourself. Point out the errors of my logic. Just don't call me a Fucktard and leave it at that. Call me a fucktard then rake me over the coals with your argument. I can accept that. If you don't learn from your mistakes and own them, then you are wasting time.
34 Goat, on behalf of the CSS forum I apologize for all these morons ripping you. Most of them are very new to football and even newer to manners and common decency. Them ripping you is an unavoidable product of the internet and modern society and their poor upbringing

Once again, welcome to the forum!!!!!!!!


New member
Jan 8, 2018
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Ok, I felt bad (no I didn't) so I skimmed the rest of it.

:obama: I didn't skim any further than that...

So by disagreeing with that thought you believe That pace is doing a decent job?


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Jeez , one lousy mistake and I am on everybody's ignore list. Was I that far from the truth? If you think I am completely missing the mark, then explain yourself. Point out the errors of my logic. Just don't call me a Fucktard and leave it at that. Call me a fucktard then rake me over the coals with your argument. I can accept that. If you don't learn from your mistakes and own them, then you are wasting time.

I have never made any errors when it comes to my postings in regards to football knowledge mistakes like you have here and sometimes make the occasional grammatical mistake or something goes wrong with my punctuation but I usually get this same sort of treatment on here and this seems very too much harsh in terms of criticism and regarding rebukes, but that all being said, you just literally have to "roll with the punches" and know that each and everyone deserves to tell their story and have it heard, and let the angry and frustrated unhappy people do this to you, and just let it roll off your back like water off of duck feathers.


Save America
Aug 20, 2012
Liked Posts:
My favorite teams
  1. Colorado Rockies
  1. Atlanta United FC
  1. Los Angeles Lakers
  2. Orlando Magic
  3. Phoenix Suns
  4. Sacramento Kings
  1. Columbus Blue Jackets
34 Goat, on behalf of the CSS forum I apologize for all these morons ripping you. Most of them are very new to football and even newer to manners and common decency. Them ripping you is an unavoidable product of the internet and modern society and their poor upbringing

Once again, welcome to the forum!!!!!!!!
Truth spoken

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Who has done the most to run this beloved franchise into the ground? Answer : ryan pace

Let us examine his track record. First hire Mark trestman. CFL offensive guru with no NFL head coaching experience. Came in had a crappy winning percentage and was gone in 2 years. Strike one. Next he brings in the antithesis of trestman john fox. A defensive minded coach who has coached in few super bowls. He has an worse winning percentage than trestman and only last 3 seasons. Some of you will say that he did not have a say in those hirings and were actually sweaty teddy's hires. if that is true, why did he not have the backbone to say to his owners this is the wrong direction we are going in?and if it false then the blame falls squarely on his shoulders. Either way Strike two.

Then He goes out and spends 18 million, on the worst FA signing of the year (per espn.com). What did he get for 18 Million dollars: Four TD's, 5 interceptions, 3 fumbles, and 4 losses. What a stellar return. Strike three.

Now let us look at his Drafts. For as bad as the Bears were you'd think that should result in high Draft picks that can be used to rebuild the franchise. Well the results speak for themselves. With all the top ten picks he has had, have resulted in the Bears winning 5 games last season. With his highest Draft pick he mortgaged the Bears future, and bid against himself for a one year wonder who had all of 13 collegiate starts, and most likely to be available at his original pick. A rookie GM bamboozled him into this stupidity and made him look like a fool. Even I, being just a meatball fan, would have avoided this costly mistake. If nothing else we are left to wonder what could have been, if he used his pick on Deshaun Watson. Strike four.

Now don't get me wrong. Mitch could morph into next Tom Brady and I would be ecstatic, however that doesn't seem very likely. I hope for our sake that I am completely wrong. What I am trying to say is Pace has systematically ruined our beloved Franchise for the last 5 years, Why he still has a job I do not know. Unless he has compromising pictures of Sweaty or Virginia he should have been fired with Fox.

Having said all that. I do like the Nagy hire, and the subsequent coaching hires. But what do I know, I liked the trestman hire and the fox hire.

Maybe, just maybe, he has been giving Sweaty Teddy just enough rope to hang himself, to the point where he can say we have tried his way now let us try mine. I hope against hope that this is the case, and if it is I will gladly munch on a large helping of crow.

I could have helped you but you went awry with first hire.

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