Justice Dept. Rejects New S.C. Voter ID Law


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Back in Jax
That's about what Oregon requires. The thing I can see is that the information does have to be processed by a person, and while the laws are pretty much black and white, the interpretation of said laws are up to the biases of the people receiving said documents.

My Illinois birth certificate is a simple copy of a piece of paper with a notary seal on it. It does raise eyebrows around here especially since Oregon and Washington's certificates look like a freaking merit award with all the glitz and glamour on it (Hell, My wife's Slovak BC looks the same with a hologram on it). If the county clerk or DOL clerk had a wild hair up their asses, they could have claimed that my official BC, being so freaking cheap looking, was not acceptable. Regardless of the law, you can get a clerk who hasn't been laid since the bicentennial, and chooses to jam you up.Doubly, if the clerk is a racist fucktard.

And yet we have a guy in the higest office of the land who doesn't even have to show his.............

I keed, I keed.


New member
May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
But you don't hear those who are liberal minded having issues with ACORN. I guess it is okay if it supports your political position.

Yet those that desire to see standards in place to protect the sovereignty of our voting system are just bigots, eh? I love being singled out and words being used to describe me to fit their attack style agenda.

I describe you as someone who is a fan of ice and hogs. so icehogs. YOU AND YOUR DAMN PORK BELLY PROJECTS!!

I just never knew that voter fraud was so rampant in South Carolina.

Good thing that conscious legislators are championing such an important and nonpartisan cause.

I do know that when I was an examiner at the Illinois Sec of State's office, minority applicants tended to have the hardest time coming up with acceptable identification necessary to secure state-issued identification cards.

That was 20 years ago so perhaps things are different.

I have a hard time coming up with the money to pay all these taxes....but yet I still pay. So yeah cough up some proof.


New member
May 17, 2010
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Try to imagine..........

You are talking to an individual that is new to our country. They are learning about the laws, the Constitution, Bill of Rights to become a citizen. That same person looks at you and asks,

"If I want to vote in one of your elections I don't need any photo identification to prove who I am before I vote? In other words, I just claim who I am verbally and they have to let me vote?"

When you think about it, does it not floor you that this is even a debate?

I'm trying to imagine my great grandfather asking this with an accent similar to Sean Connery's. "Ish the Shi-cah-go way..."

Editor's note: He was from about 30 miles south of Glasgow, landed in America around 1890 and became a citizen five years later. Voting might have gone like this...

"Ay'm heeer to casht my vote, i'sh the Coal Shitty way..."

"You can't vote! According to these papers you can't even pronounce your last name right you drunk Scottish basterd! Get out!"

"Ay'm nae drunk, I alwaysh shpeek like thish!"


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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I describe you as someone who is a fan of ice and hogs. so icehogs. YOU AND YOUR DAMN PORK BELLY PROJECTS!!

I have a hard time coming up with the money to pay all these taxes....but yet I still pay. So yeah cough up some proof.

Bwaaa hahahaha.......... I feel like a big pork belly after Christmas!


New member
May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
I'm trying to imagine my great grandfather asking this with an accent similar to Sean Connery's. "Ish the Shi-cah-go way..."

Editor's note: He was from about 30 miles south of Glasgow, landed in America around 1890 and became a citizen five years later. Voting might have gone like this...

"Ay'm heeer to casht my vote, i'sh the Coal Shitty way..."

"You can't vote! According to these papers you can't even pronounce your last name right you drunk Scottish basterd! Get out!"

"Ay'm nae drunk, I alwaysh shpeek like thish!"

Bah Scots are genetically drunk.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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My favorite teams
  1. Portland Timbers
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
All political circle-jerking aside...

My opinions on this:

You can only vote if you're a citizen and all citizens have the right to vote barring any law currently on the books that would restrict you (i.e. convicted felons, etc.) Proof of said citizenship within any US state or territory where you're allowed to vote for local, county, state, and/or federal elections will be a state or terrotory-issued ID. All of these ID's should sate on them whether or not you're a US Citizen, a Legal Permanent resident (not allowed to vote), or your voting priveledge is denied. This can be done through RFID if it's deemed too invasive to be prominently displayed. The requirements for a state ID (Driver's license, learner's permit, or ordinarly ID card) should be proof of citizenship, proof of natural US Birth (Birth certificate that, if legal, cannot be denied not matter how "unofficial" it looks), or proof of permanent residence (greencard) (will not give the right to vote); a picture ID (previous state ID, passport, bank card with photo, military ID), and proof of state residence (bank statement, pay stub, utility bill, etc. If those requirements have been met, you get your state ID and the right to vote if you're a US Citizen through birth or naturalization, PERIOD.

As for voting, at the polls you have to present your state-issued ID with proof of voter eligibility. If it's a mail-ballot like Oregon your ballot is mailed to you and the mailing list is compiled via State ID records (Which registers you to vote).

Anyhow, rant off.
