a little off topic side not
but dirk and lebron seem very different, if not nearly the exact opposite
i'm sure im not the only one that has noticed this
Lebron has been pampered and glorified since he was young because of his amazing talent, while dirk has been ridiculed because he was "soft" and "couldnt get it done"
Lebron's strengths are athleticism and passing and his weakness is shooting and post game, while dirk's strength is shooting and rebounding and his weaknesses area athleticism and defense(also another strength of lebron's and no im not saying dirk is completely unathletic and a terrible defender but those are two things he doesnt do exceptionally well in imo)
dirk is obviously white and european from germany, while lebron is black and american and from ohio
lebron is lazy and somewhat egotistical, while dirk is hard working and a team player
dirk amps up his performance in the clutch(regardless of who's leading the game or series), while lebron cowers away from the spotlight in adversity
dirk committed to his team, while lebron left his