Not even close to being right Alan.
For one, I could care less about news paper cover stories. This is not a cubs/sox debate, and we are most definelty not jealous that the beloved kerry wood is back on the cubs.
My specific issue is this meatball lovefest for a RP who is being talked about like he is a future HOF pitcher. "beloved" and this whole "dedication to cubbie blue" is so moronic of fans.
Seriously, what does this deal do for the cubs? Oh, it sells jerseys, tshirts, and is a huge PR move because the front office knows damn well that the cub fans will buy into this crap.
There are many ways to look at why Wood decided to take a huge pay cut from going to a contender, as I have said before, in cleveland and NY he was just a guy, but here he is the center of attention.