It's called player development, Scott. I can't wait until Boras is gone from the game.
I don't like Boras either, but he's got a point, and this goes beyond player development. I'm not sure Bryant has much more to learn at this point. His job is predicated on getting his clients big $$ as fast as he can. And who knows, maybe 9 games would have mattered. I'd much rather have Bryant than Olt for the 9. Olt flat out fucking sucks.
So we shouldn't be surprised he doesn't like sitting him in AAA for 9 games. On the cubs' side of things its a no brainer and a win win. You get control, and if he's really good you got time to extend before arb. ends and he becomes a FA.
But Epstein had to have known this in 2013 when he drafted him, and when they gave him the gigantic bonus. Boras will come with the headache. And even if he does leave or retire, someone will take his place.
If Bryant lives up to the hype--then worry about paying him 30 mil a year when you get there. Till then block out the noise.
Boras is a dick, but he's got a job to do too. Get the best $$$ for his clients.