What are you looking for in a dog? Companion, protection, a pal to walk with or all of it. How long will it be alone on workdays? Do you have a fenced yard? How big of a dog would you feel comfortable with?
Decide what you want from it and start researching breeds with those traits.
I've had dogs and cats in my life since I was born.
When you narrow it down, please let us know.
Companion and a walking pal.
It wouldn't be alone at all when I work, I do consulting from home full time now.
No fenced in yard, I have a patio and small yard in front/side of house, so it can sit outside with me, leashed.
Next place I live would either be fenced yard or enough space the dog can just run the property.
I was thinking a dog in the 50-70lb realm.
Small dogs are okay, but prefer one I can wrassle with a bit and they won't get intimidated.
Prolly nothing like a Husky or GSD right now, they'd need a bigger property to run on.