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Is it too early to start at the front of the fan club for turkey neck chicken leg puppy monkey baby? Yeahhhhhhh!!!! I say again my Bears brothers...yeahhhhhhhhhh. oooooohhhhhhh. To quote Arnold Swarzenegger most time appropriate and opportunistically..."its like I'm cumming all the time? You know? At the gym I'm cumming. I'm cumming in the mirrior in the bathroom you see? Cumming with my wife. And then maybe some pushups in the bathroom...I'm cumming again. Yes?"
Say it with me.....
Glennnnnnnnoonnnnnnn. Glennnnnnnnnoonnnnn. Yeahhhhhhhhhh. We got Puppy Monkey Ginger mother *******!!! suck our dick. You can has Winston. We'll take the guy that never got the proper look. You can write that book. Glennon was alllll, it took.
He carried the Bears. The mighty champion. His eyes will turn as red as the flames on his head.
The flame in his heart, they will never extinguish.
Ok....now..stategally. Lets look at this, through the mist. I'm there my friends. In the fog. Now...I can hear the whispers on the wind...and collective...the energy of all life, how does a spider walk without a brain? What could our brain do if it were the size of a spider friend? Could we walk to the store, and buy milk?
OMellllloott. I just want to say...**** you. For no reason except I'm manic or high on drugs or whatever and its on my mind.
Its probably a state such as this, where I originally connect eggs to being green, and yellow, and pegged you for a Packer troll. My old nemisis. If I was wrong. I apoligize...for everything. Except the text above. That you can keep.
Moving on...strategy....
Pace. Well...please god I just hope we know Barkley is in the competition. I hope its a 3 way competition and I ain't talking about Shaw or Hoyer. Although, if Pace doesn't draft a QB at all...I'll be wrong...and I have to respect him. Balls. That would be big balls, and sticking to his game. Wow. Ok...I could be wrong...
but Glennon is a look at a player who deserves a second chance, that has some upside, that has had some time since we saw them last, exposure to different coaches and systems, and is looking to compete for a starting job somewhere and get his next chance. Why wouldn't we be that guy that gives him a chance?
Its also an expensive smokescreen. From a strategy stand point whether intentional or not. Everyone will take us off #3 QB watch because we payed so much money. I mean almost BECAUSE we made a franchise investment (at a good value if it panned out), but as a smoke screen value immediately.
Look...now Cleveland weighs what they hold at #11 differently, because they view #3 going down differently "in probability." With Garrett the massive temptation to risk it...it could be enough where they hope their QB is there at 11.
Am I too far off base on that domino effect of this move? Because this move at 15,000,000 has that effect, I have to wonder if Pace is an evil genius.
And evil genius would have their eye on a QB, either Trubs, or Kizer, or Watson....and really want them. That could be "THE PLAN" as in a masterplan. And they know they want Glennon either way. Paying him dramatically and outbidding everyone...is kinda funny. But it also does this.
It sends a message that we really have our eye on someone, and we will smile big in the media and say he is the man. Would be crazy if Jeffery got on board and doubled down on his Super Bowl guarantee. Like if it was orchestrated with Pace/Jeffery.
Then bam we draft DeShaun Watson or Trubs or Kizer...all 3 can run and throw. It would be a sharp move. I'm gonna give up trying to guess between all these QB's. I'm not close enough to the process. Don't know the weight room reports, the trainer reports, the doctor reports, the home ed teacher in high school interview. We have to give Pace the benifit of the doubt sometimes. He has access to alot of information we don't have the privilege too.
So in Pace we trust. Suspension of disbelief. Maybe he is not an idiot. Ok? Maybe? That tranlates to **** Omelotte to some...but to me...I don't know. Maybe he IS an idiot. He either is or he isn't.
If he is not, I think Glennon served as a nice smokescreen whoever his QB preference is. And who cares what round it is, or he schemes to try to get it done. This is Paces show, its interesting. If he likes Kaaya who they scouted extensively for years for instance, and he trusts it because he knows of him so well...well...he still gets better value potentially after the Glennon move.
Barkley. Glennon. Kaaya (or any other QB). Is doing his job finally.
1st round. Genius smokescreen.
2nd round. Brilliant.
3rd round. Nice job well done.
4th round. Damn. We drafted Kelly or couldn't pass on somebody interesting who fell and Pace is one crazy mother ****** with giant balls. Shaven. But giant balls.
5th round. Again. If Pace were to pull a QB from any round at this point he is on a whole other level of genius from any of us. He is beyond my comprehension of what the potential for alien intelligence capacities could be.
So...in conclusion. The Glennon move is brilliant, because it makes Pace look brilliant whatever round he now drafts a QB in, or as a bridge to a QB he has his eyes on (using Fox as his 2017 fall guy) and landing a Donald or Jackson.
This is one way that grabbing a talent from another team as your "start now guy" while grooming a draft pick at some point, is superior to just staying with Barkley or Hoyer.
If we stay with just Barkley or Hoyer, the whole world thinks we are locked onto drafting somebody. They are trying to guess who and when and thinking about jumping us.
I think this takes us down a notch on the radar.
Barkley vs Glennon/Garrappollo and then a rookie, plus Shaw on PS would be a nice collection to be sifting through for the next year and a half.
It comes down to the cost between Glennon and Garroppollo. One is cash. One is debilitating, when he could just be had in 2018 (hometown Jimmy anyone?)
So...Jimmy might actually stay in New England and back-up Brady next year. Insurance is worth alot when your QB is 40.
Or Jimmy could deny extension to the Browns who made that risk and won with Collins. And become available.
So why not look at Glennon for no cost of picks? Then get Garrappolo for no cost of picks if it doesn't work out?
Where there is smoke, there is fire. Ginger bush fire!! The first Chicago QB...a fire breathing Ginger for the city known for fire. Destiny. His aerodynamic super neck will crane and cut through the wind with super effeciency as he scans the field over the Lines warring beneath him.
His bionic super-neck will rotate left, then right, as easily escapes the rush and steps into safety and his speedy receivers darting too and fro.
The world ain't ready for Glennon/Fangio mother *******. Now get that man a secondary Pace!! Like a badass one. Complete that D....find me that back-up NT we need, and find me another edge piece to replace Houston. Or Houston rebirth? Dead? not dead? new piece? we shall see. Super Floyd?Yoked?
Super White? Yoked? Super Merideth? Yoked? Yes please. And may Braverman morph into Julian Edelman.
We did it now boys. We did it now. 4-12
Do not question da Rask