Navy Preparing Subs For First Femaie Officers


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May 14, 2010
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I don't know what the inside of a sub is like and don't really want to cause I'm claustrophobic, but their are obviously some women that do. I'm assuming from the article that only female officers are allowed on theses crews and not regular seawomen. I'm guessing that is because the officers have separate sleeping quarters and they would have to take over more space to have accommodations for regular girls. Just seems a little complicated and inconvenient from my view, just to make a point. But, if they don't mind sharing a bathroom, who am I to say anything.


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Jun 15, 2010
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Oh man, what happens once all the female officers' periods synch up?


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
Hopefully they arent in charge of an SSBN and launch on Russia.


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May 14, 2010
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Oh man, what happens once all the female officers' periods synch up?

They must get to have more luggage cause that one wants to bring an exercise bike.

Funny you should mention the period thing. A few years ago I asked about how they got more feminine products if they needed them and it was told to me that it wasn't a problem cause women weren't allowed to serve on subs. Isn't it scary that we think about the same things?


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Lets cut the crap. No matter what people try to veil the reason for keeping women off subs, the real reason is, now theres poon tang on the boat, and they are worried about people fucking. Which is stupid. Who gives a ****, if people bang underwater.


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May 14, 2010
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Lets cut the crap. No matter what people try to veil the reason for keeping women off subs, the real reason is, now theres poon tang on the boat, and they are worried about people fucking. Which is stupid. Who gives a ****, if people bang underwater.

But, why is a sub any different than any other boat? They can have sex on other ships too, but they get in all kinds of trouble if they get caught. At least they did on that documentary "Carrier" that was on PBS. Two people on there had sex when they were on shore and the guy got told he'd probably never advance any further as long as he stayed in the Navy. That show was very interesting if you have never seen the inside of a ship like that. It was like a 9 or ten week series I think. Their beds were like coffins. It looked like one person would have trouble fitting in one. They were stacked like 3 high.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
But, why is a sub any different than any other boat? They can have sex on other ships too, but they get in all kinds of trouble if they get caught. At least they did on that documentary "Carrier" that was on PBS. Two people on there had sex when they were on shore and the guy got told he'd probably never advance any further as long as he stayed in the Navy. That show was very interesting if you have never seen the inside of a ship like that. It was like a 9 or ten week series I think. Their beds were like coffins. It looked like one person would have trouble fitting in one. They were stacked like 3 high.

I dont know but seriously, what other reason could there really be? Bubblehead would be able to answer this better than me. I was in the Army and i dont know the mantra of the squid.


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May 14, 2010
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I'm sure that is the reason because they are always talking about how the wives are against it. I just don't understand why they think they are more likely to have sex in that cramped tin can that on a ship with lots of good hiding spaces. Bubble and I have talked about this many times. I always got the impression that things are really cramped on a sub and that providing special separate accommodations for the females would make it more cramped. I would feel like I was suffocating. Sex would be the last thing on my mind. I think they should have an all female crew.


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May 14, 2010
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Billings, Montana
I dont know but seriously, what other reason could there really be? Bubblehead would be able to answer this better than me. I was in the Army and i dont know the mantra of the squid.

That is what I always thought the problem was too. Why else would the keep them apart. Of course like you said Bri they would have the same problem on ships. Maybe there isn't room for a men's and womens's room. But I don't really buy that.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
I'm sure that is the reason because they are always talking about how the wives are against it. I just don't understand why they think they are more likely to have sex in that cramped tin can that on a ship with lots of good hiding spaces. Bubble and I have talked about this many times. I always got the impression that things are really cramped on a sub and that providing special separate accommodations for the females would make it more cramped. I would feel like I was suffocating. Sex would be the last thing on my mind. I think they should have an all female crew.

And what is stopping the wives? Were all taught jody is tappin that shit 5 minutes after we left the world. I cant understand the mentality. So the women are worried they will be on "equal footing" as far as infidelity is concerned? Shit when a dude is in the desert or in that tin can, he has far more to worry about his significant other being unfaithful even with plent of military women around. Its not like they only enlist prostitutes. And any woman back in the world need only show up to a bar and say the word to get some. Its bullshit.

it goes for women in general. Women have all the power in that situation. I would laugh in a girls face, if she told me she went out one night and couldnt get laid.


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May 14, 2010
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And what is stopping the wives? Were all taught jody is tappin that shit 5 minutes after we left the world. I cant understand the mentality. So the women are worried they will be on "equal footing" as far as infidelity is concerned? Shit when a dude is in the desert or in that tin can, he has far more to worry about his significant other being unfaithful even with plent of military women around. Its not like they only enlist prostitutes. And any woman back in the world need only show up to a bar and say the word to get some. Its bullshit.

it goes for women in general. Women have all the power in that situation. I would laugh in a girls face, if she told me she went out one night and couldnt get laid.

Who is Jody? Is that a man or woman cause that is a unisex name?

Do you know what different Army hats are for? I saw on the news some troops came home and a few of them had black hats on that look like a cross between a pimp hat and a cowboy hat.


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May 14, 2010
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Billings, Montana
TSD, why does the army always sing about jody and getting cheated on in general? Is it like a hazing thing? Or just a way to relieve the stress of being apart?


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May 15, 2010
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Middle of nowhere AL
While they are entitled to their opinions, how the wives feel about it has absolutely no bearing on what the final outcome is. I absolutely love all the "who cares, it's about time" "they're on surface ships" "other countries do it" and other similar answers on here, when you have absolutely no idea what life onboard a submarine is like. I can only speak for life onboard a fast attack submarine, I never went to sea onboard a BN (Ballistic Missile Submarine) so my perspective will come from that. The biggest difference between a ship and a "boat" (submarine) is SPACE. Specifically in berthing. You can segregate both racks (beds) and heads (bathrooms to you Bri) into seperate compartments onboard a ship. YOU CAN NOT DO THAT ON A SUBMARINE, especially a fast attack submarine. Whereas the whole sign flipping thing is a novel idea, I am really interested as to how that will work out. All the junior officers (and that is everyone below the CO & XO) share one shitter and one shower stall. So you know, that is about 15 to 17 people sharing one bathroom. The ratio is even worse for the enlisted.

Just so you all of you other Navy that has females onboard submarines go to sea for the length of time or the distances away from home port that we do. They are all littoral fleets, meaning they stay really close to shore and usually are only at seas for a couple days. We dont, we really go far away from shore and stay out....I literally have not seen the sun or inhaled fresh natural air for over 90 days.

Here are the biggest problems I see...there is ABSOLUTELY NO PRIVACY onboard a boat. You go into berthing you will see a naked body, whether you want to or not. You walk down a passage way, to pass someone you will rub against them.

Hygiene, specifically when she is on the rag. What to do with "the product" when she is cant flush it, becuase I guarantee you it will foul up the sans system.....hell a chem wipe can cause the shitters to back up.

I could go on and on about why I dont think this is a good idea, and it has nothig to do with the last male bastion. I have no doubt that a woman can perform there job just as well as a man can (although I am the best damn radioman the navy ever saw), this is simply knowing what life onboard a submarine is about, and the hardships and sacrifices it entails.


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
Wouldn't surprise me if those ladies will be required to suppress their menstrual cycle through use of OCPs.

I'm actually more worried about them re-decorating the sub. Pink curtains and nice lace doilies all over and such...


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May 15, 2010
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Middle of nowhere AL
Wouldn't surprise me if those ladies will be required to suppress their menstrual cycle through use of OCPs.

I'm actually more worried about them re-decorating the sub. Pink curtains and nice lace doilies all over and such...

You are stepping on a very fine line with that one wino.

LOL....not worried about the second part...there are so many limits, shit, to everything we do. LOL..her ya go Bri, here's another thing that I know would stop you from serving on subs, a submarine shower.

It is as follows, you go into the stall, a 3'x 3'x 6.5', taking your shampoo and soap (notice I didnt say shit about conditioner or skin therapys or anything like that) shampoo and soap, you turn on the watersoaking you rhair and body, you turn off the let water run for more than a minute or two, you will have people beating on the door telling you to knock it off hollywood, you still dont turn it off, they will open the little cubbyhole next to the shower and turn the water off for lather your hair and turn water on and rinse, again paying attention to how long you let the water run, same result will happen if you dont.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
TSD, why does the army always sing about jody and getting cheated on in general? Is it like a hazing thing? Or just a way to relieve the stress of being apart?

Jody is the mythical other man who is porking your woman back home. In some cases jody really is porking your wife or girlfriend, in some cases hes not. But yeah, if I were to guess its probably just a hazing thing, I never bothered to research it. When I was at training or away for my 2 weeks, it was usually fellow soldiers that would just give eachother shit about it. In Basic the DS's would if they saw an exceptional looking woman hanging in some recruits locker. Grabbing the photo out of their locker, getting in their face saying "Holy Shit private you realize there is no motherfucking way Jody is not going to be hitting that piece of ass without you around to protect it".

In general, I have no doubt during deployments it happens alot both ways. While in Iraq or afghanistan there arent any saigon whores, there are probably more female soldiers that their ever were before, so i have no doubt theres some extracurricular PT going on between male and female soldiers out in the sandbox.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Jody is the mythical other man who is porking your woman back home. In some cases jody really is porking your wife or girlfriend, in some cases hes not. But yeah, if I were to guess its probably just a hazing thing, I never bothered to research it. When I was at training or away for my 2 weeks, it was usually fellow soldiers that would just give eachother shit about it. In Basic the DS's would if they saw an exceptional looking woman hanging in some recruits locker. Grabbing the photo out of their locker, getting in their face saying "Holy Shit private you realize there is no motherfucking way Jody is not going to be hitting that piece of ass without you around to protect it".

Damn! Jody happens to be my son's name, better not let his wife find out about it!



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May 14, 2010
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You are stepping on a very fine line with that one wino.

LOL....not worried about the second part...there are so many limits, shit, to everything we do. LOL..her ya go Bri, here's another thing that I know would stop you from serving on subs, a submarine shower.

It is as follows, you go into the stall, a 3'x 3'x 6.5', taking your shampoo and soap (notice I didnt say shit about conditioner or skin therapys or anything like that) shampoo and soap, you turn on the watersoaking you rhair and body, you turn off the let water run for more than a minute or two, you will have people beating on the door telling you to knock it off hollywood, you still dont turn it off, they will open the little cubbyhole next to the shower and turn the water off for lather your hair and turn water on and rinse, again paying attention to how long you let the water run, same result will happen if you dont.

That sounds icky. How do they have room to shave their legs and stuff? I imagine a sub as being all smelly and not in a good way. I mean where would all those odors escape too.

I know this is like a TSD thing to say, but if they were all female crews would they be called a clittoral fleet as opposed to a littoral fleet?


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May 15, 2010
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Middle of nowhere AL

That sounds icky. How do they have room to shave their legs and stuff? I imagine a sub as being all smelly and not in a good way. I mean where would all those odors escape too.

I know this is like a TSD thing to say, but if they were all female crews would they be called a clittoral fleet as opposed to a littoral fleet?

Seriously? Shave their legs? LOL......if they're going to do that, they are going to do that in the shower without the water running...or wait till we pull into port and get a hotel room. Submarines stink, bad....nowhere near as bad as the WWII diesels, but they still stink...andonce the smell is in you rclothes, it takes forever before its out. I quite literally, when coming home from deployment, take my clothes and dump them on the back patio for a couple days to a week, before washing them, hoping it would air them out.


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May 14, 2010
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Seriously? Shave their legs? LOL......if they're going to do that, they are going to do that in the shower without the water running...or wait till we pull into port and get a hotel room. Submarines stink, bad....nowhere near as bad as the WWII diesels, but they still stink...andonce the smell is in you rclothes, it takes forever before its out. I quite literally, when coming home from deployment, take my clothes and dump them on the back patio for a couple days to a week, before washing them, hoping it would air them out.

So is she gonna have room for that exercise bike?
