I thought she was knocked out and had broken legs. Did you ever read her book? I haven't, but I also know that she was unwittingly dragged into a giant farce and she can't really be blamed for it.
On the topic of unable to deploy or ship out due to pregnancy: are there real numbers to show that trend? I can't find any. I heard about it happening when I was in too, but I am just wondering how much is rumor/urban legend and how much is reality.
I didnt read her book but almost any base I had gone to for my 2 weeks being called Jessica Lynch was an insult around 2004 on.
This was a quote from her own mouth in an interview with Diane Sawyer : "I did not shoot, not a round, nothing. I went down praying to my knees. And that's the last I remember." She broke her foot.
She claimed her weapon jammed.
Um, clear the fuckin Jam? I know M-16's are prone to jamming, but shit. Even in heavy mud and rain if you slap on the magazine to chamber a round it will fire.
I don't necessarilly blame her for her actions, its just when damn near most of the rest of your unit goes down fighting, wtf.