I have heard you provide your last argument a few times now Chief. I am not claiming it is simple. But it is not impossible.
As to being a highly trained and qualified crew: I get that. But that doesn't mean that a female can't achieve that distinction just like the males have.
I really don't care one way or another but I have noticed or at least feel that most people who are opposed to this idea have personal and emotional (not logical) reasons for thinking it won't work and it shouldn't be done.
From a vulcan perspective: it can be done, let's do it.
From a romulan perspective: get the bitches off the boat.
(sorry if that humor is lost on some people - it really is meant to be funny)
It's real easy having no experience with something to sit there and say "oh thats not impossible, they did it with this, they can do it with that".
Nowhere have I ever said that a woman can't be as good as or better than a man at their job.
An as a matter of fact there Mr Pete, I have only been looking at it from a logical perspective. I grew up in and around the Navy Pete. I spent my formative years following my Dad around during his 23 years in the Navy, and I just spent 20 years of my life serving my entire career onboard submarines, so I think I have a little knowledge with what is involved, emotionally, physically and logistically with a transition like this. This is not as easy as throwing up a tent, writing "Female Berthing" on the door, and going about your business, as so many around here assume. You are talking an area of about 500' long by 60' wide by 60' high with millions of dollars worth of missiles, ancillary equipment, a nuclear reactor, and oh yeah about 170 people crammed in there. Never said it was impossible, I think it will be easier to work it onboard boomers, just dont see how onboard a fast attack. So you know a fast attack is 360' by 30' by 30' with torpedos/tomahawks, ancillary equipment, a nuclear reactor and about 150 people.
So, to follow your humor, Picard(Obama) has already given the order "make it so #1" and Commander Riker(ADM Roughhead) has said "Aye, Aye, Cap'n" it is their job to figure this nightmare out, not mine. As Data, I have given my logical reasons as to why I think this will either take forever to work or will fail horribly.
This does not affect me at all Pete. I am out. Retired. Done my time, and wear my Dolphins with pride. If I was still in, and as a Damn good Chief, I would have folowed orders and I would have done my damndest to try and make it work. "Mine is not to wonder why, mine is to do or die" Because Pete, as a submariner, we are the best in the fleet, we're given shit to work with and turn it into gold.