No Hablo Ingles?.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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While it's not a thing that causes me too much concern, I think it's more a matter of pride than anything else. If you ever see a Mexican talking to another Mexican, they'd consider it a big sign of disrespect if the other answered them back in English when they started speaking to them in Spanish. Same holds true for others whether it's French, Italian, German or whatever. So rather than help one another out and learn the language together, they much prefer to stick with their native language out of pride, which is a silly thing.

Our education system surely isn't the best but I do know free English classes are offered basically everywhere so if any want to learn, the tools are readily available. You can see some people, who come to the country not knowing English, learn it very quickly, inside of a year while others can be here 5 years or more and still not know anymore than they did when they first entered the US. I have to wonder how that's even possible cause in that amount of time you should pick up a working knowledge even if by accident.

Long time ago, when I visited various places in Europe, I found a lot of the natives in those countries could speak a good amount of English and they were happy to accommodate me so it's not something I'd get down on people for but I can't understand how so many can't see the benefit of learning the language of the country they are choosing to live in.

That's what I noticed too. In Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, and Hungary, whenever I'd need to interact with someone on my own, I would always say in the native tongue, "I can't speak <native language>, can you speak English?" And usually they would speak what they could and try to accomodate the best they could--and I would do my best in their native tongue. At least outwardly, they at least had a little respect because I was trying and not fitting the "ugly American" stereotype--the kind that has Canadian flag patches over everything and wonders aloud, "Why the dagum furriners can't speak a lick of english like they do in 'MURICA!"

Of course, I think that's on a person-by-person basis. I'm sure there are those in other countries that fully expect every single foriegner who visits to be 100% fluent in the majority language and have no accent whatsoever.

On the flipside though--when it comes to America I'm all about celebrating diversity, but when it comes to being a permanent resident or citizen, you have to be able to communicate enough to get by in terms of day-to-day interactions and your job, and in the vast bulk of the US that's going to mean learning english. As such, I think the "It's my culture" argument is a cop-out. Keeping your culture is fine--We're America and we have no culture so any added culture is a good thing, but language for the sole purpose of commincation != culture.


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We have different views of "native" apparently. I was born here. Henceforth I'm a native. If you were born here I would consider you a native. This is the dictionary definition like it or not.

I find it funny you think "Native Americans" are the only true natives. Even they migrated from other places over the course of history. At some point almost all ethnic groups are the result of a migration from one place to another.

Would you get pissed off if a Native American was speaking in their tribal language? If you told them to speak English, this is 'Murica, they'd have every right to tell you to go **** yourself because you're asking them to speak a foreign language.

Seriously, it's such a dumb thing to be upset about. They're the one at a complete disadvantage for not learning the majority language, so why does it bother you? I only speak English, understand a little Spanish. So far, in my entire life, it's rarely even been a minor inconvenience that someone else doesn't know English.


Just your everyday fail.
Aug 21, 2012
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Lost OMW to the Point
The difference between immigration now and in the past is quite large. My first generation great grandparents on my mothers side moved here right before WW2 and insisted upon their children that they would learn the English Language and actually punished them when they would speak Slovak around the house.

My great grandfather never had a good job because he refused to learn the English language and so even though he was capable of corporate type work, he spent the remainder of his working life as a janitor and working multiple jobs.

Immigrants back then mostly believed in the melting pot theory, you come here you remember where you came from because it shows you how great you now have it here in the U.S. but at this point in time the U.S. is no longer the greatest country in the world. Most immigrants from Mexico come here to work very hard for 5-10 years, take all the tax free money they make and ship it back to Mexico where they put their families up in nice homes and essentially set themselves up for life.

I also know a friend who is from Puerto Rico who regularly has people speak to him in Spanish because he looks like he is from Mexico. He hates that and finds it insulting because he has put in the effort and time to learn the english language and speaks it fluently.

We used to stand for something as a country, people came here and we worked together. Nowadays its more or less that people who come here are catered too and they abuse our system of government, the SJW's pipe up and say we are wrong for "blah blah" reason, then the conservatives pipe up and say the exact opposite, battle lines get drawn, Arizona starts enacting unconstitutional laws, the country gets into a big uproar and misses the Monsanto Act that was snuck through while everyone else was looking the other direction.

Either way, our country is not the greatest country in the world, it has a lot of shit wrong with it. We are going to piss off a lot of people to correct it and ultimately probably cause a civil war. I say we fix the shit and get through the tough time and deal with the fallout now then spend the next 50-100 years slowly falling apart and being overtaken by the rest of the world.

Wasn't planning on writing all that but it's from the heart. Enjoy and berate me as necessary.


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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The difference between immigration now and in the past is quite large. My first generation great grandparents on my mothers side moved here right before WW2 and insisted upon their children that they would learn the English Language and actually punished them when they would speak Slovak around the house.

My great grandfather never had a good job because he refused to learn the English language and so even though he was capable of corporate type work, he spent the remainder of his working life as a janitor and working multiple jobs.

Immigrants back then mostly believed in the melting pot theory, you come here you remember where you came from because it shows you how great you now have it here in the U.S. but at this point in time the U.S. is no longer the greatest country in the world. Most immigrants from Mexico come here to work very hard for 5-10 years, take all the tax free money they make and ship it back to Mexico where they put their families up in nice homes and essentially set themselves up for life.

I also know a friend who is from Puerto Rico who regularly has people speak to him in Spanish because he looks like he is from Mexico. He hates that and finds it insulting because he has put in the effort and time to learn the english language and speaks it fluently.

We used to stand for something as a country, people came here and we worked together. Nowadays its more or less that people who come here are catered too and they abuse our system of government, the SJW's pipe up and say we are wrong for "blah blah" reason, then the conservatives pipe up and say the exact opposite, battle lines get drawn, Arizona starts enacting unconstitutional laws, the country gets into a big uproar and misses the Monsanto Act that was snuck through while everyone else was looking the other direction.

Either way, our country is not the greatest country in the world, it has a lot of shit wrong with it. We are going to piss off a lot of people to correct it and ultimately probably cause a civil war. I say we fix the shit and get through the tough time and deal with the fallout now then spend the next 50-100 years slowly falling apart and being overtaken by the rest of the world.

Wasn't planning on writing all that but it's from the heart. Enjoy and berate me as necessary.

The South will rise again, Biznitch! And people call us rednecks for having guns, suckaasss!


Bears & Cankles.
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 20, 2012
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Would you get pissed off if a Native American was speaking in their tribal language? If you told them to speak English, this is 'Murica, they'd have every right to tell you to go **** yourself because you're asking them to speak a foreign language.

Seriously, it's such a dumb thing to be upset about. They're the one at a complete disadvantage for not learning the majority language, so why does it bother you? I only speak English, understand a little Spanish. So far, in my entire life, it's rarely even been a minor inconvenience that someone else doesn't know English.

Who's upset?


Bills Board Hall of Famer
Aug 21, 2012
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Portland, Oregon
If you owned a business, folks who don't speak English can cost you alot of staff downtime. That's money.

Small example: Yesterday I take my dog to the vet. The lady in front of me at the counter speaks only Spanish, the lady at the desk spoke only English. After a period of painful babbly exchanges I stepped in and helped translate as best I could (my Mexican is a bit rusty). Finally, when she was done I asked the Mexican lady in Spanish how long she had lived here. Answer, "15 years". Feeling bold (and honestly, thinking about this thread), I further asked if she had ever thought about learning English. Answer, "Nunca" (never). To be honest, I found that a little irritating......Not to mention my dog was in pain and needed to see a vet.

I realize it isn't cut and dry but I personally would make the effort to learn the language of my home. Even if I am only visiting I try and learn some basics.


Bills Board Hall of Famer
Aug 21, 2012
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Portland, Oregon
As an alt? I guess. I think the whole alt thing is pretty dumb personally.

Myself and my 15 alts agree with you. I tell, you it is a full time job rotating them in and out, creating news ones, etc, etc.


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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If you owned a business, folks who don't speak English can cost you alot of staff downtime. That's money.

Small example: Yesterday I take my dog to the vet. The lady in front of me at the counter speaks only Spanish, the lady at the desk spoke only English. After a period of painful babbly exchanges I stepped in and helped translate as best I could (my Mexican is a bit rusty). Finally, when she was done I asked the Mexican lady in Spanish how long she had lived here. Answer, "15 years". Feeling bold (and honestly, thinking about this thread), I further asked if she had ever thought about learning English. Answer, "Nunca" (never). To be honest, I found that a little irritating......Not to mention my dog was in pain and needed to see a vet.

I realize it isn't cut and dry but I personally would make the effort to learn the language of my home. Even if I am only visiting I try and learn some basics.
So you speak broken Mexican not Spanish?
