Chief I don't believe everything this guy says by a long shot. You are welcome to review my DD214 to see why.
But, I get where he is coming from on some small parts of his assertions. I was in the army before 9/11 and I still ask every day why the hell did we really go to Iraq. Why the hell are we still there? Are we really going to leave next year like they have pretty much demanded?
I know why we are in AFPAK, I have no problem with that. But when will that end? What have we accomplished beside a lot of dead radicals?
Here is the big question you need to ask yourself: How much fucking money have we spent in those two places, and all the surrounding countries that we have been using for the effort (Qatar, anyone?). How many contractors like me did you work with or know the past 10 years that probably would not have made so much money if not for those two wars?
Try answering some of these questions prior to just considering them indictments of your post. Dialogue Chief, its about the dialogue here.
Pete, I wouldn't have an issue with SOME of the things this guy has to say either, if he #1 had half a clue & didn't assume the military are a bunch of barely educated lemmings that couldnt get into college or find a "real job" and walk atround like robots chanting "ugh, he have oil, me go kill" or better yet "GE say motor on missile need tested, me shoot at village, prove it go boom" and #2 said it in a way that wasn't a rehash of every anti-war activist of the 60's.
I laughed at your last sentence, I'm a Commo, you and I both know Commo's have no problems with dialouge.
Here are some thoughts, some based on EDUCATED research, and certain things gathered during my time in, remember i am not an expert, never claimed to be, just somebody that through a large portion of his career worked literaly side by side with members of our SOF community. Why did we go into Iraq post 9/11? Everyone knows the arguments out there: they were harboring terrorists, they had WMDs, so on and so forth, they were thumbing their nose at the rest of the world, Jr wanted to finish what Daddy about a combination of gearing up for another invasion from Iraq, Kuwait style, combined with the
obtaining of nuke capable armaments ... something that the Intel idiots jumped the gun on, and mis-analyzed as being in house already. As far as I am concerned, we should have left iraq a while ago, and we should have started cutting back troops in Afghanistan a long time ago. However, I dont have the ear of anyone at the 5 sided funny farm here in DC, to voice my opinion too, not that they would listen to a lowly Chief anyway, I after all am an uneducated bumpkin from the sticks/inner city who just is a pawn of the big corporations. Oh and before I forget the guy was a mass murderer too, like Hitler, Milosevic (or whatever that sick ******'s name was in Yugoslavia), and Amin....but then again, not our problem, let the people there take care of it. Even though the rest of the world is screaming at the US to do something about it. Again ignore the rest of the world and dont do anything.....they dont matter.
As far as the amount of money spent, I agree it is ridiculous. I'll tell you this much, that is where the biggest fiscal reform can be made, tell the fucking contractors that they arent going to get paid the fucking ridiculous amount they are asking for their services and then stick to your guns, and they will quit charging what they do. However, you and I know damn good and well know that contractors will make money regardless of any ongoing conflict/war. Simply put, you need the tech reps to fix the things we, the guys using the gear, just dont have the knowledge to fix. Becasue things do happen, especially with todays technology, that even the guys who designed it, stand there scratching their asses going "Wow, we never saw that before."