So Variable, are you for or against a socialist way of running the country? It sounds like you are anti greed, anti opulence, and pro good of the group over good of the individual.
Is that accurate?
That's actually putting it lightly and a little out of place. I wouldn't know what to label it, but I guess you can say it shares similarities with it. And before I go on, I know that a lot of the things I'm proposing aren't remotely possible now. That there is just no way to fully implement it now, maybe there can be a start somewhere, but how and where or with who, I have no idea. Not in any of our lifetimes, if at all. But that's what this thread is for.
The problem with Communism/Socialism is that it still exists within the confines of the monetary system. That is: scarcity (whether real or created) being a beneficial status for industry, the use of fiat currency where money is made out of debt and thin air, technological limitations due to the first two factors, education being shit, the list goes on. We face all these problems. You would have to eliminate them first. Which would mean a total re-design of our social structure, getting rid of the monetary system, the root cause of all the problems, the need for profit. I can't stress enough what the ramifications of having that guiding mindset in society has done to us, and the chain reaction it's caused in all aspects of our lives in not allowing to progress past it and evolve. And it wouldn't just have to be us, this country, that got rid of it, it would have to be everyone. So you see the apparent futility of such a proposition. A world without money?
But just as futile, if not more, is what's pushed on us on a daily basis, of fixing things within the system as it is. It's like a dog chasing it's own tail. Truly fixing it would mean a total system collapse. So, we know that's never going to happen willingly. Because of that, we need war, we need people to fail, we need people to be constantly in debt, we need third world countries to continue to be third world countries, that's how the system continues to operate. It's a vicious circle.
It's not what makes our life better, it's not what continues to move us forward as far as we've come. So what is it that does? What is it that is responsible for, well, everything? Is it money? If anything, that holds us back, every dollar you and I have are owed to someone by someone. If everyone were able to somehow pay all their debts, including the government, there would not be a single dollar left in circulation and the loss of life would be incredible. The more money there is, the more debt there is. The more debt there is, the more money there is. This mind numbing paradox is largely ignored, and the consequences are immeasurable.
Is it politicians? Our so called leaders in government that establish budgets, pass laws and declare wars under the guidelines of this monetary system that approaches our true problems first with the question of "How much does it cost?" Of course not, even if they were all sincere, they would be fighting against the very grain of what it means to be successful under this system. They're just as trapped as everyone else.
It's technology. The true gift we have that has improved our lives from the very beginning. Everything from a pencil to a chair, bicycles, contact lens, stoves,cars,etc. Applied technology itself is an extension of human attributes, devised from human ingenuity. That's what frees us and improves our life. When we understand that, the most important focus to have is on the management of the earth's resources and the continued development of technology (especially concerning energy) as much as possible, for that's where we gain the materials and knowledge to continue to progress as a species. But as it is, the true potential of technology is held back by the monetary system because anything that threatens to become highly efficient, sustainable and abundant also become enemies of profit as they are negative factors to it. It's a prison without bars.