CCS shiny object crew's view of the world:
Chicago Bears walks into it's doctors office:
Doctor: Bears, you are in bad shape. You need kidney, liver, and heart replacement.
Bears: I've got the money doc, set me up.
Doctor: I've got a great kidney and liver available.
Bears: Here's the cash, hell maybe even a little extra for you doc.
Doctor: The heart may be a bit harder, I have one but it isn't a match, is from an obese smoker, and likely gets rejected and fails. Or you can wait, I am expecting a new shipment in about a month with some really young athletic hearts available.
Bears: I will take the slow heart that isn't a blood match, here is a lot of money, you make it work.
Doctor: That's not how this works Bears, more money doesn't make it match.
Bears: Huh? Sorry, I stopped listening. What do you have in the way of corneas?
Doctor: You don't need a corneal transpla... oh **** it.