Official "420" thread [No Political Talk]


I don't have a party
Aug 31, 2014
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Socialist Republic of California
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So I went to a Windy City Cannabis dispensary yesterday.

I am going to describe the experience so @truthbedamned or others in 420-legal states can tell me if they are just as odd.

First, you walk up to the location and they have a line formed outside, complete with rented crowd control barricades used to make a snaking line. This might simply be the case until the surge of customers normalizes. No one nor any signage indicates what you're waiting for... is everyone waiting? Is this a line for specific items? I keep seeing people walk in, ignoring the line... are we just f***ing idiots and the security inside is waiting for us to figure it out? Nah I keep seeing the line-ignorers show a card... must be a medical card... they don't have to wait in line I suppose, seems logical.

So I wait.

The store has security, and they all appear to be police (county?) whom scan your license when you enter. Combined with the line outside it basically feels like waiting to get into a college bar at 11pm.... security checks your ID and only lets in a certain number at a time.

Once inside, you enter a waiting room kinda like a doctors office waiting room, with a front desk that just says Registration while other workers also do Registration in the waiting area using tablets.

A line has formed leading to the Registration desk, and the tablet-wielding employees call the front of the line as they finish registering people, so I know I'm in a line that goes somewhere this time.

Each person who "registers" shows their ID which is scanned by the tablet and put into their system, and then they tell you what they have available and they order what you want, and ask you to take a seat in the waiting area.

I take a seat and the lady next to me has a number she is waiting to be called... I did not receive a number... wtf?

Not 30 seconds later, another security guard sitting at a door across the room from the door I entered from the outside, calls me and the lady next to me to go in.

I go in and there's just 3 people standing behind counters with screens in front of them, but again no signage and they are chatting to eachother... lady in front of me isn't sure what to do... I figure just go talk to one of these people, they at least seem friendly.

I go to the one on the left... he asks me nothing and just starts reading off my order... perhaps they have the orders and your license photo? Either way, he knows what I want so I confirm.

He walks to the other side of the room behind the counter to boxes on the floor and grabs my items from said boxes. Then he puts them in a small paper bag and gives me my total. I pay him and he gives me my change, and hands me the bag. No receipt (it was in the bag), and I just turn and make my way back thru the doors I came in... which feels odd... to have a line leading into this destination, and then you just kinda have to weave thru that line of people to get back outside.

I mean I get this is a newly legal product for recreation, but they've been selling medical for a bit now, they didn't just open these stores... yet it feels like they moved into that space yesterday, threw boxes and furniture down, and just started operating.

I don't grasp why you need to check IDs at the door, then at registration and someone has to order the things I want for me on a tablet, and then I wait for a mystery summoning by a security guard, who sends me into a room where people read that electronic order off a screen and go get the stuff.

Couldn't you just have people in the spot you pay with tablets and whatnot... scan my license, take my order, go fill it, take my money.... and have a path to the outside from said room that is exit only.

Seems like it would still fulfill whatever documentation they are required to do by taking your info before the order, while cutting the wait from ordering to paying and gtfo'ing.

Anyone in any other states find dispensaries to be kinda oddly/vaguely organized like this?
That is somewhat the same as in California with a few very clear differences. First of all there are no waiting lines here. Never ever stood in a line. Second thing is they check your ID and register you at each dispensary you visit just so they have you on record. Security sounds about the same. The people just passing you up and not standing in line were probably folks with medical cards. They get to go to the front of the line. Biggest difference I see is that the dispensaries out here you can browse and choose what you want. They are just like a store with display cases and the clerks wait on you. You don't have to know what you want before you go in. It is strictly cash and all have ATM's out in the lobby.

We also have recreational dispensaries as well as strictly medical dispensaries.

Penny Traitor

Staff member
Aug 21, 2012
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We also have recreational dispensaries as well as strictly medical dispensaries.

That is the problem here in Illinois right now. Once recreational was legalized at the start of the new year, the only dispensaries still allowed to sell were the medical dispensaries...which I think are less than fifty in the whole state. There is going to be a second rollout come July 1st where new dispensaries and something being referred to as "smoke shops" will be able to open and sell to the public.

So right now Illinois is stuck in a strange limbo where it is legal to purchase, but there is nowhere near the supply to meet demand. By this time next year we should be in better shape, but the next six months are going to be a lot of limited menus, long lines and high prices.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Does anyone know the barriers to online ordering/delivery of cannabis products in Illinois?

First I see is the payment part... right now it is all done purely in cash... banks don't want to touch this money.

However, there do seem to be some online stores which I imagine ship elsewhere... perhaps Canada?

If payment was solved, then you have a shipping problem... no one will want to ship a product that is Federally illegal, unless maybe it is done only inside a State where the product is illegal, but it still seems messy.

Does this kinda thing only break open if we finally legalize it Federally?

Penny Traitor

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Aug 21, 2012
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Does this kinda thing only break open if we finally legalize it Federally?

It has gotten to the point where the federal government has to do something. You cannot continue to ignore that close to 20% of the country is ignoring a federal law. The GOP will never publicly endorse it because of Jesus or something. Trump could have been the guy, but he is too busy Trumping it up to do something useful.

Really they don't even have to legalize it at the federal level. All they have to do is deschedule cannibus off of the Controled Sustance Act and let the states decide for themselves, but they would no longer be breaking federal law opening a bunch of doors for the industry.

Or you gear up the DEA and go to war with about a dozen states.

Seems like an easy choice to me.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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It has gotten to the point where the federal government has to do something. You cannot continue to ignore that close to 20% of the country is ignoring a federal law. The GOP will never publicly endorse it because of Jesus or something. Trump could have been the guy, but he is too busy Trumping it up to do something useful.

Really they don't even have to legalize it at the federal level. All they have to do is deschedule cannibus off of the Controled Sustance Act and let the states decide for themselves, but they would no longer be breaking federal law opening a bunch of doors for the industry.

Or you gear up the DEA and go to war with about a dozen states.

Seems like an easy choice to me.

Trump should make cannabis one of his campaign promises.

Evangelicals have proven they won't abandon him... he's done worse than flirt with cannabis legalization.

And it might get him some youth voters.

Penny Traitor

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Aug 21, 2012
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Trump should make cannabis one of his campaign promises

An exploding domestic industry was right up the alley of a lot of his MAGA preaching in 2016, but let's get people back into the coal mines instead.



CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I don't have a party
Aug 31, 2014
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Socialist Republic of California
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
Finally... thx Burque for linking this.
Unfortunately the GOP that have corn cobs up their asses which believe pot is a gateway drug as they have their 5th pitcher of Old Fashions on a Tuesday night are not going to allow this to come to a vote in the senate.

And yes....I am a conservative.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Unfortunately the GOP that have corn cobs up their asses which believe pot is a gateway drug as they have their 5th pitcher of Old Fashions on a Tuesday night are not going to allow this to come to a vote in the senate.

And yes....I am a conservative.

Oh yes all true, but glad to see someone at the Federal level has it on their radar.

If they eventually pass this, you can be on the leading edge of Craft Cannabis Online Stores...

Penny Traitor

Staff member
Aug 21, 2012
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Oh yes all true, but glad to see someone at the Federal level has it on their radar


And just like I said, they would only be removing it from the Controlled Substance Act and letting the states do what they wish from there. Even Trump said he would sign off on it if the Senate passed it...the problem is it will just probably be buried by the GOP led Senate, at least until after this year's elections.



CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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And just like I said, they would only be removing it from the Controlled Substance Act and letting the states do what they wish from there. Even Trump said he would sign off on it if the Senate passed it...the problem is it will just probably be buried by the GOP led Senate, at least until after this year's elections.

Perhaps this can be one arrow in the quiver that Democrats use on the campaign trails to turn out some new voters in 2020.

"Democrat Senate is the only way you get legal weed"

Use that hard in Kentucky to oust ole Turtle Face.


Minister of Archaic Titillations
Aug 20, 2012
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Its been fun reading all you Illinois guys reactions and stories about legal weed. When it came to Colorado I, too, felt like a criminal when I first purchased. I still remember my first experience. The counter, the line, the rows and rows of WEED! Getting to smell them and talk about THC levels with the budtender. So freaking cool.

I still go to the same place as I always have. A nice family run "joint" on Broadway in Denver. It's called "The Kind Room."

Enjoy it, fellas!

Spunky Porkstacker

CCS Donator
Jun 6, 2010
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NW Burbs
Its been fun reading all you Illinois guys reactions and stories about legal weed. When it came to Colorado I, too, felt like a criminal when I first purchased. I still remember my first experience. The counter, the line, the rows and rows of WEED! Getting to smell them and talk about THC levels with the budtender. So freaking cool.

I still go to the same place as I always have. A nice family run "joint" on Broadway in Denver. It's called "The Kind Room."

Enjoy it, fellas!

Is there actually a Green Mile downtown?


I don't have a party
Aug 31, 2014
Liked Posts:
Socialist Republic of California
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
Behind the Green Door is a famous porn movie from 1972.
First one I ever saw:)

I take that back. Deep Throat would be the first I ever saw.
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