Official Bears vs Arizona Cardinals Pre-Season Game Three Thread

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Apr 19, 2010
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And apparently they actually "gameplanned" for this shit-fest. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the score was important, there were just a lot of other things that were bad and more predictive of coming struggles.

Even though it was clear the O-line was determined to give Chris Williams help, he still had trouble staying engaged on Calais a pre-season game. And Kreutz, Garza and Omiyale were all getting beat by their opposing defender (or missing him entirely) way too often when trying to stop the pass rush. To be fair though, while their wasn't much to take away from the running game, the blocking looked like it got into a proper position at least, especially so on guard/center pulls, it's just that the push wasn't there, which I'm fine with, because that can reasonably be attributed to this still being the pre-season.

There's a lot more to take away from this game and talk about, but I'd like to save some of it for the show, and remember that we want to hear from all you Bears fans on Monday night when we go live (check the 643 Sports tab in the "Podcasts" section for more). Be you a homer, a naysayer, whatever, we want to hear from you.
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