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Well I could go on a pretty decent rant but:
1. 2 Metra rate hikes in 4 years and service has deteriorated a bit, not gotten better.
2. Delays due to mechanical failures or stuck doors and junk, stuff entirely within Metra's control.... last week we rolled in to Oak Lawn and the train died and they could not get the engine to restart.
3. Bad handling of delays or failures..... sit for 10-20 minutes with no news from the train crew during delays and then often times they are just wrong about what they tell you. I got on a train going home a few months back and they told us the train would be stuck waiting to leave "for a while" because of switch problems. So I call people up, see if I can get a ride to my car from a Rock Island line station and as I am about to exit the train they close the doors and announce we are good to go and headed out. So like half the train, nearly including me, got off and went for alternatives and the delay turned out to be like 8 minutes. During the engine failure at Oak Lawn they let us stew for 10 mins before walking through and telling us something and basically told us "It doesn't look good, probably best to get off" and then they didn't have a plan or anything for communicating where people should go to catch the next train or if they intended to bring the next train up behind this one to push it the rest of the way as they sometimes do.
4. Their conductors are shitty alot of the time.... half the time they piss me off because they have 30 mins to check all the tickets and they will play **** around and then rush through the cars last minute trying to check everyone. And then you get the evening/night trains home where someone rushes and they jump on and need to buy their ticket with cash and they are willing to take the 2 dollar hit and the conductors (some, not all) will yell at these people.... I've seen them do it to teenagers and full grown adults.... **** you, its your job, do your job and shut your fucking trap.
5. Did I mention they fucking hiked our rates twice already?
6. The trains are old and shitty, not just the engines but the cars are falling apart.... doors get stuck, seats get stuck... windows are too foggy or dirty to see outside.... intercom/speaker systems are broken so no announcements or automatic next-stop/approaching messages are broadcast.
In conclusion, they run a less than satisfactory service and I would not be mad if they would stop raising the fucking prices on it.
Your complaints are better organized than my friend. Then again situations are different. I don't ride Metra every day so I don't see a lot of these problems. My friend has a tendency to blame Metra for track problems, massive delays and what not and most of what he complains about are out of Metra's control on his line. A major problem with Metra is for most of the system, they don't own the tracks they operate on. Private freight lines operate and maintain the lines... so their freight trains get priority over anyone else, creating delays for the trains. Couple in with a massive amount of State and Federal regulations that railroads have and you have our current system today.
Another thing to point is... winter fucks up everything regardless of what the **** it is... Roads suck in the winter, tracks suck in the winter. Problems and delays are going to occur with weather... something many people don't seem to understand. As far as their equipment, that is 100% on them though. But a failure here or there is going to happen as well due to weather, just like peoples cars.
Your complain on #3... That's a major communication problem which is something I've read about in the papers often. Metra spokespersons say they're going to fix the issue, but I've seen those complaints for years, so I feel not much can be done.. Conductors are also in a union, which always creates unneeded problems. But there definitely needs to be better transparency.
#6... A lot of the latest rate hike is to update their equipment... I think it often depends on the lines.. but whenever I've rode (And I've only rode the UP West in recent years) the cars seem fine. But yeah, its no secret some of those cars are from the 1950's. Railroads have a tendency to do this though... Commuter cars before the current ones railroads were often using cars from the late 1880's in the early 1950's. Most of the Engines are from the 1980's as well, though I've been seeing new engines on other lines over the past 5 years.
And yeah, I know too much about the railroad industry.. its an interest of mine. Not to say Metra is blameless by any means, and I agree 100% the system needs massive upgrades and changes... Corruption has been a major part of Metra too (like any agency based out of Chicago lol). I won't even say they are doing the best they can be..because they could be a lot better... But you could not have a system period and be forced to drive and park downtown every day.