Official Tech Thread(PC/Mac/Audio/Electronics ETC)


Time Lord
Nov 9, 2010
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Midlothian, IL
iTunes 11 delayed until November - CNET


Time Lord
Nov 9, 2010
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Midlothian, IL
Got a refurbished 4th generation iPod touch a few days ago. Purchased it through Amazon's marketplace. The seller had a really good rating (94% positive I think). Been playing around with it. This is the first iPod with a screen I've owned. I've been very happy with it. The touchscreen can be finicky at times, but I knew that going in. All touchscreens are that way.


CCS Donator
Apr 28, 2011
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Yeah, Windows 8 was designed by marketing people. :smh:

It doesn't matter, any real techie uses linux, while the gadgeteers can fight over which big company can predict it's users needs and wants better. LOL

Meh, Linux for work, Win 7 for home.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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ShiftyDevil or Crystallas, you ever get the feeling with some people they setup a dual boot with Linux and Windows on their machines just so they can show people they have Linux and do a few command line things and act as though they are some hardcore code junkie? I have known quite a few guys who talk about having a Linux partition and when I ask them what they use Linux for they essentially come up dry lol.

I work on a product that is all Windows stuff.... Windows Server, SQL Server, etc.... I really only ever used Linux at work on a different product and for school projects when I was in college. I know some people have it and do development at home, but I get the feeling alot of gamer nerds setup a Linux partition so they can act like they are developers when really they just know how to install Mods for their favorite games and run MSE when someone downloads junk on to their machine from a bad torrent or P2P program.

Maybe my perception is off? What do you guys think?


Three if by air
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Jun 25, 2010
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ShiftyDevil or Crystallas, you ever get the feeling with some people they setup a dual boot with Linux and Windows on their machines just so they can show people they have Linux and do a few command line things and act as though they are some hardcore code junkie? I have known quite a few guys who talk about having a Linux partition and when I ask them what they use Linux for they essentially come up dry lol.

Everything is the answer to the highlighted part. Everything I do, I do it on linux. In the very rare times there is something I want to do, but can't natively/alternatively, VM. Ive been running *nix for about 2 years longer than I have been running windows(to be fair windows 1.0/2.1 were pretty useless). I don't run linux to act like I'm hardcore. Actually, I run BSD 9.1 as my main OS now(lol, I do get a chip on my shoulder with this one). Nowadays, BSD and Linux are as similar as Linux and Windows(not very similar). I also go for months without using bash. We passed the point where there is more you can do with linux, than on windows(which ironically enough for 90% of anything you can't do on linux, you can do using Wine, and sometimes far more stable to emulate windows programs in wine, than run them in windows.... yes, wine has come a long way.)

I don't jump on people for running Windows. I have a windows virtual machines here for rainy days myself(haven't "dual booted" for some time). I jump on people for not trying it when they are specifically seeking solutions, or running with the assumption that in 2011(I should say 2013) you need to know bash and how to get to your terminal to run a quality desktop distro. And that is false. But what do people do? They do the same thing in a cycle: They say, Okay, I'll taste linux. They install it on a machine that is so old, they don't bother using it anymore, then expect it to run satisfactory. And of course, in most of those cases, they are always surprised at how quick it is on their old machine, and how EASY it was to install it. But after that, they give up, because the linux install was on a system they weren't going to use much(or at all) anyways. It's the same cycle, and they act like they tried it.

But I get the hate from Windows software developers. The OSS world is shifting the demands for developers.


CCS Donator
Apr 28, 2011
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ShiftyDevil or Crystallas, you ever get the feeling with some people they setup a dual boot with Linux and Windows on their machines just so they can show people they have Linux and do a few command line things and act as though they are some hardcore code junkie? I have known quite a few guys who talk about having a Linux partition and when I ask them what they use Linux for they essentially come up dry lol.

I work on a product that is all Windows stuff.... Windows Server, SQL Server, etc.... I really only ever used Linux at work on a different product and for school projects when I was in college. I know some people have it and do development at home, but I get the feeling alot of gamer nerds setup a Linux partition so they can act like they are developers when really they just know how to install Mods for their favorite games and run MSE when someone downloads junk on to their machine from a bad torrent or P2P program.

Maybe my perception is off? What do you guys think?

In my case, my home computer is primarily a gaming rig, which means it's Windows for me; as far as I'm concerned that's just fine. Windows 7 works perfectly well. I don't worry about people who do the Mac/Win/Nix is the best, hur hur nonsense. Your primary machine(s) should be whatever you genuinely prefer, but, if you want to be fully computer literate you should get time on the major OS's. Doing that allows you to use the right tool for the job.

At work, I'm a DBA, I'm primarily working on Linux servers (almost all are Ubuntu), in fact we only have one database running on a win2k8 box, and that's because we have some connectivity software on there (required to connect to a client) that runs on Windows only.

If you're running servers (especially DBs) I can't think of a reason you'd use something other than Linux. Granted my specialty is very much on the database, and database architecture end so maybe some SysAd can come in here and school me on why you'd use a Win server or something.

Now, as far as SQL Server goes, it can go **** a duck. As far as I'm concerned the best RDBMS out there is Postgresql. Ger your self a Ubuntu box/VM and go to town with Postgres, now that's champion status.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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**** itunes. That thing is a piece of bloatware shit. & processes running all the time just so you can have a media player? **** that.

I use media monkey which is ok, but I have stability issues sometimes.

Are there any other music players/managers out there that people use? I would be interested in recommendations. I do like a sleek UI.


White Guy
Aug 21, 2010
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In my case, my home computer is primarily a gaming rig, which means it's Windows for me; as far as I'm concerned that's just fine. Windows 7 works perfectly well. I don't worry about people who do the Mac/Win/Nix is the best, hur hur nonsense. Your primary machine(s) should be whatever you genuinely prefer, but, if you want to be fully computer literate you should get time on the major OS's. Doing that allows you to use the right tool for the job.

At work, I'm a DBA, I'm primarily working on Linux servers (almost all are Ubuntu), in fact we only have one database running on a win2k8 box, and that's because we have some connectivity software on there (required to connect to a client) that runs on Windows only.

If you're running servers (especially DBs) I can't think of a reason you'd use something other than Linux. Granted my specialty is very much on the database, and database architecture end so maybe some SysAd can come in here and school me on why you'd use a Win server or something.

Now, as far as SQL Server goes, it can go **** a duck. As far as I'm concerned the best RDBMS out there is Postgresql. Ger your self a Ubuntu box/VM and go to town with Postgres, now that's champion status.

This is exactly my case as well. I play around with VMware at home, but that's learning for work essentially. I am also a DBA and work with PostgreSQL and LUW on Linux only. That is the only way to go.
