Apropos of nothing, this morning I was thinking about something. Given the way last offseason played out, it feels like the cubs made a mistake jumping in early on a guy like Chatwood. I know that sounds obvious given how Chatwood turned out but that's not really what i'm talking about. The cubs came out pretty strong signing Morrow and Chatwood early in the offseaason presumably to put themselves in a situation where they weren't one of the teams fending for the last FA that remain. In retrospect, the way things played out allowed teams who were a bit more patient to get much better deals. For example Chacin worked out lots better for the Brewers. They signed him dec 21 as opposed to the cubs signing Chatwood 2 weeks earlier on dec 7.
Basically what I was thinking is that in the past teams were more willing to buy to be a .500 team. That's no longer the case. Teams tank left and right for obvious reason. In the past that created an environment where you had to be aggressive because as mentioned before you didn't wanna be the last guy without a chair. However, without that added pressure on the market, you end up with the reverse happening where players don't want to be the guy left without a team and thus you get these really crummy(for the player) deals.
As that pertains to this offseason, I'm thinking maybe it's a good thing the cubs don't appear to be super aggressive with money. This recent Brach deal is pretty fantastic in my eyes. i think you could easily compare him and Cishek and Cishek ended up with double what he got. And while he's not the most popular guy in town right now, I still really like the deal they got Darvish on late in the process. And who knows, maybe in the market drags machado and/or harper find themselves having to settle for a lot less than they expect which maybe fits into the cubs budget at that point.