Offseason thread


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Apr 16, 2013
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Does anyone know the timeframe on when Bellinger has to make his decision?
Day after the series players can opt. I am not sure when that time frame expires. I would guess 10 days.


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Apr 16, 2013
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But that is exactly the reason why Jed needs to be removed prior. I'm actually down with the idea of Craig getting hired as the team prez. He knows what is going on after a year with the team. Add to it he will not have this loyalty issue going on to base decisions off of 'feelings'.

If Jed sticks we can expect either 1 of 2 choices

1 Cody opts out and Jed having 27M more to do questionable things with

2. Cody opts in to get another chance to get a better contract pay off. He is still a Boras client and those cats do not change stripes. This forces Jed to trade out talent leaving a hole after Cody leaves the boat sinking after his pillow deal

Jed can not be trusted to pull option 3. Trade Cody if he opts in. He will pull the same crap as he has always done.

This is the real issue when I look at this situation. Cody has not been 100% this year. He got injured 2* and returned both times before he was done healing. This resulted in a diminished return in production.

So why would Jed allow this to happen? Because he has no spine and will suck up to contract.

This is the bottom line.


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For a guy who struggled to get it there at 90 MPH.....not many players got more out of less than Hendricks. He probably won't be back but it was nice to see him go out on a high.


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Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
For a guy who struggled to get it there at 90 MPH.....not many players got more out of less than Hendricks. He probably won't be back but it was nice to see him go out on a high.

He has not been good since COVID hit. And just like COVID he just would not go away.

One good game. 'golf clap'

Waste of payroll. Jed gave him his pay off and it blew up in his face and now the fan base is sucking Kyle off.

At least we got Shota out of this shit show of a season. Too bad that Jed always makes more bad moves to outweigh 1 good one every year

I loved what Kyle did in 2016. There was no reason to pay him off in a opt year for old news.


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You know nothing, you post nothing of any interest. I see the winds blowing differently now again too. You had
Hendricks penciled in at #5 as late as this year. But now you hated him since COVID? You were also in love with your buddy, Jed for
most of the season. as you hate him too, while most of us have been calling him a travesty for 2 years. Another shocker from
the human windsock. You are the most wishy washy dufus on CCS.

Do yourself a big favor and just STFU.


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Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
I did. I have been watching Netflix all day with my wife. Pretty good day off tbh

But looking at the off-season as what I would do:

Create a winning window and ID who am I banking on to be the horses on the team to go forward in it. Then offer them controllable contract over it.

On the top of my head Steele has to be my main lock up. Busch I am not sold on yet. If he was at 2B then it would be a hard yes. As a 1B he is adequate and not a game changer.

After that I would have to go into the office season with get rid of Cody at all costs. Even if I take contract in return. Cody was fine at 17M. 27M you want some MVP vote consideration production.

So I have said trade Cody and Hoerner then bring up Shaw and Caissie. I have been thinking it over a bit lately. I do believe long term it would be the right choice. Short term the team will be worse.

So in view of everything they lack a superstar hitter. The team is supporting role types. Some are over paid for what they bring.

So ya it would make sense to get stupid and target Soto

It hit me that Phi, LAD, NYY, Atl, Balt all have that going on. They have 1 or more hitters that can carry their team on their backs. Judge, Harper, Otani and so on. Cubs do not have that impact hitter that teams have to plan against.

I have flipped back and forth on this a bit. And yes it is annoying. But I just do not see this team being good with out that kind of impact and overpaying on avg talent that is not special.

So ya my rant about Jed is real and he lacks the balls to bring a winning product to Chicago.

2016 was a one time thing because it happen before most of the current juggernaut teams were established. Or it was a transition year. If it was a good foundation it would have been sustainable


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Apr 16, 2013
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I think that I am locked into this. I can not expect much from this team. It generates enough to keep up with the top teams in baseball.

So actions speak louder than words. Until they make a impact move other than over paying on players that have not been top 15 players for years or look for bargain bin deals on wavers. They are what they are.

A vacuum for your wallets


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Apr 16, 2013
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Think I am going to root for the pads this series. I like how they run their team and they are not afraid of contract.

When the Cubs get their heads out of their asses then I will root for my childhood team. Until then it is a waste of effort supporting them.


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Apr 24, 2013
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Think I am going to root for the pads this series. I like how they run their team and they are not afraid of contract. When the Cubs get their heads out of their asses then I will root for my childhood team. Until then it is a waste of effort supporting them.
They’ve spent like drunken sailors for 9 years and this is their second time making the playoffs.


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Jed Hoyer is an absolute loser. Could have had Sale in the 5 instead of Hendricks. That gets us a few more wins minimum. Could have had Glasnow in a Morel trade in the 5 instead of Hendricks. That gets us a few more wins minimum and gets us rid of Morel who cost us several games throughout the year before he was traded. Could have had Matt Chapman at 3rd who gets us probably 4 or 5 more wins than either of Morel or Parades. I'm not sure how many times this clown has to fail before he's seen as a failure, but being over the luxury tax and missing the playoffs in an era where everyone half way decent makes the playoffs is a joke. Nothing will change. Jed Hoyer is a loser and knows less than the average fan and they'll never win with him making decisions.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Det first to pull a upset. Interesting


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Apr 16, 2013
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They’ve spent like drunken sailors for 9 years and this is their second time making the playoffs.

They were not afraid to make deals and to over value their own system like Jed does

They have made moves to put themselves into the play offs. And when it doesn't work out they realize their mistakes and readjust accordantly.

Not many teams could trade for Soto and get worse then retrade him and get better.

I have lived in San Diego since 91 so I know their history first hand. I never bought into them because baseball has just been a way to keep connected to my roots.

That said Cubs start going in the right direction I am down. But, I do not see that happening with the current ownership and leadership

To contend a team needs 3 things. A superstar hitter. A ace. And a top closer

Cubs have none of these

They have the sides going on

Cubs plate is potato's and gravey and no main course.
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
2nd upset. Balt out


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
Jed Hoyer is an absolute loser. Could have had Sale in the 5 instead of Hendricks. That gets us a few more wins minimum. Could have had Glasnow in a Morel trade in the 5 instead of Hendricks. That gets us a few more wins minimum and gets us rid of Morel who cost us several games throughout the year before he was traded. Could have had Matt Chapman at 3rd who gets us probably 4 or 5 more wins than either of Morel or Parades. I'm not sure how many times this clown has to fail before he's seen as a failure, but being over the luxury tax and missing the playoffs in an era where everyone half way decent makes the playoffs is a joke. Nothing will change. Jed Hoyer is a loser and knows less than the average fan and they'll never win with him making decisions.

Glass is not equal to Morel. It would have been Brown centering that deal plus

Sale? I doubt that also.

Chapman? It was going to be Chapman or Cody and Jed picked his buddy.

Chapman had a better season than Cody this year. Parades was a better ending player. Plus he is going to get around 6-8M in 2025.

I was pro Glass last off-season. I believe most here thought that I was crazy for saying that he should have been targeted. Well he would have been the needed ace and they could have still targeted Shota.

Jed's biggest fail this offseason was targeting Cody after having Busch at 1B and PCA almost ready. It was a fan suck off move.

The 2nd biggest fail was going cheap at closer. Became a shit show.

So if Jed traded for Glass and then targeted Hader then this year might have been a bit better.


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Apr 24, 2013
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They were not afraid to make deals and to over value their own system like Jed does

They have made moves to put themselves into the play offs. And when it doesn't work out they realize their mistakes and readjust accordantly.

Not many teams could trade for Soto and get worse then retrade him and get better.

I have lived in San Diego since 91 so I know their history first hand. I never bought into them because baseball has just been a way to keep connected to my roots.

That said Cubs start going in the right direction I am down. But, I do not see that happening with the current ownership and leadership

To contend a team needs 3 things. A superstar hitter. A ace. And a top closer

Cubs have none of these

They have the sides going on

Cubs plate is potato's and gravey and no main course.
They were not afraid to overvalue their own system?

So you’re saying they have had a good 9 year run?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
They were not afraid to overvalue their own system?

So you’re saying they have had a good 9 year run?

They had the #1 system and still traded out their blue chips for Soto. Then it didn't work out so they freed up payroll and traded for Cease.

And they made the play offs.

SD was a strong team under Bochy. Then not so great under Black. This current team is under the Cubs in payroll on the 40 man. 231M to 237M and +10 wins going up against the Dodgers in Division.
Add to it SF was running a 250M 40 man and the Dodgers 351M. So winning 92 games in that environment is far more impressive than the Cubs barely breaking .500 in a division front lined by a STL at 215M and Mil at 160M and the rest under 120M

So SD got their payroll in check and added a ace. Result was a play off berth. Cubs made some decent moves but were out weighted by adding Cody and Neris. They broke even in wins from last year.

SD has a legit Ace. A superstar hitter. A legit closer that saved 36 games.

The Cubs a semi ace (need to prove not a one and done) no superstar hitter. Suzuki was the closest thing and he is not at that level. And a influx of closers that made us feel that we were watching musical chairs

These two teams are not even in the same stratosphere
