I can't believe you are this dense. Oh, wait a minute, you are very dense. A logical signage would say something like. Danger with an alligator likeness on it. I do not think that just posting a no swimming sign is nearly enough. Hell, the kid wasn't even swimming, was he? Hell, there were probably poisonous snakes, snapping turtles, etc, in that water. How about signs warning tourist NOT TO FEED the gators. That is another problem isn't it? I think that anyone caught feeding wild animals should be arrested on the spot because it reduces the natural fear of animals of humans. Out here, some dumb asses feed raccoons and coyotes. Years ago a friend of mine worked with a guy who lived in the foothills and a coyote killed his young son who was maybe two years old. The damn animal actually went up the steps of his house and snatched the kid off of his kiddie swing and cut his jugular vein and he bled out quickly.
Point is that I believe that Disney must be held accountable for what they didn't do.