Bielema claimed he taunted the SC sidelines because he was upset about the risk of injury that could have happened when SC ran the trick play on the kick return.
Meanwhile he is taunting while one of his actually injured players is being tended to and had his players faking injuries throughout the game.
So again this seemed to be him being more pissed at Beamer for his "bush league" tactics than any real concern over injuries.
Pay attention!
Bielema’s player didn’t become any less safe by him taunting the sideline!
His player was being tended to by medical personnel, and his player was not severely injured or facing a life and death situation!
Bielema taunting Beamer did not make his player less safe!
Bielema praying over his player would not have made his player one bit safer!
You’re stuck in another vortex and you’re not gonna give up. You have decided for some reason that Bielema somehow endangered his player by not playing doctor and operating on him on the field. (Even though you earlier implied, it was a fake injury)
He was upset over the play in which South Carolina pretended the play was dead when it was not. He made it very, very clear -to anyone who wants to look at it objectively -that is what he was upset about and nothing absolutely nothing that he did contradicts that.