Post good tweets about the presser


Simply a Bears fan
Aug 4, 2013
Liked Posts:
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
Well, nice start, I also don’t spend Now on NFL Sunday ticketl or NFL Gamepass. I softly only watch on ilegal streams, unless it’s internationally televised.
And more importantly, I just unfollowed all Bears related pages on social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. That’s the one that hurts them the most right now. And a true indicator of how many fans you really got.
I have GamePass and must keep it as the wife is a huge Saints fan. Yes, she was a fan when they were the browns of the South.
I do not FB, Twit nor Instagrahamcracker either.
I guess I should drop the Bears on Youtube as I haven't watched any of their videos postings there since the second or third time Nagy said he needed to look at the tape. That after just coming off the field and seeing it with his own eyes.
Message boards have always been a way to comiserate with other fans of the Navy and Orange.
