[quote name="bierboy"]
I actually had that one in my sig for awhile after Lord posted it...great one.[/quote]
Well, think about it in the modern context for a moment...
We'd have to assume that any deity requiring a human sacrifice does so for the sake of consumption or as a sex toy, which are the only 2 reasons I can come up with that have anything to do with sexuality. Based on the consumption motif, we'd have to think that for qualifying for avatar or demigod status, much less deity, they'd know how to clean and dress a corpse for consumption, so any lovejuice flavoring wouldn't be an issue unless said deity was anaplylactic to it--and given the rate of human skin moulting, it would not be a "virgins only" issue, it would be a "no sex within 2 weeks" issue.
(Can you tell i have too much free time yet?)
So, assuming the sex toy issue, we also have to assume the following: the human must be dead. I hear the last time a deity tried a live human, he hasn't stopped hearing about it since, so, for the sake of peace and quiet from the human side of things, the sacrifice must be dead and the deity than uses the spirit.
Now, negating the notion that virgin sacrifices are just a method to make young girls put out, we have to consider who dies a virgin. 1st off, young kids. I ask you this...does any deity who happens to be a kiddie fiddler deserve your worship, or should they soon be a victim of deicide--band or act? In this line or reasoning, the defense rests.
Now, consider those of age that die as virgins. Folks, just like humans, anyone past the age of 23 who's not got their pole varnished or had the baby's bedroom painted white...there's a reason for it. They are dieties with a self-esteem complex, and as such, aren't deserving of human worship.
As such, any deity worth their salt would request a sacrifice that knows how to **** and is not all trasked out...much like their human companions.