[quote name="roshinaya"]
Probably quite a few, but would these bombings have occurred without a foreign military presence in the region? They are after all prepared to die for a cause they believe in, sound familiar? There are no winners in a war, only losers.[/quote]
The world is not this peaceful utopia that you make it out to be... I hate to break it to you. The Middle East has been fighting over religion for CENTURIES. It has absolutely nothing to do with the U.S.'s "foreign, military presence" there. I can't believe you are actually fucking making excuses for terrorist action, or are this naive. The United States is a major target of Muslim extremist attacks, mostly because we have been THE symbol of modernized society for decades. We are also extremly open to immigrants, and they're pissed off so many Muslims are living happily in our country... We are also a huge Christian nation, which, happens to be the extremists main enemy. Sure, our military presence in the middle east doesn't help, but you don't see them targetting Russia, do you? You know, the country that invaded and occupied Afghanistan for a decade, slaughtering innocent civilians that had nothing more than rocks to defend themselves with? Are you friends with many Russians? How about Germans? Every country that has ever been a major military power in the world has made mistakes, and the U.S. is no exception. Wake up.