Rose To See Specialist Monday(Update: MRI Reveals No Structural Damage)


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Apr 16, 2010
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hahahahah that was funny.

"would you listen please?!?!"

*starts playing music while guy is talking*

Joe from Evanston has had some epic moments on there.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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I'm sorry that falling to the floor doesn't hurt sometimes and that not thinking a screen isn't a big deal in some cases.

maybe when you fall, you cry like a little ***** and when someone sets a screen on you, you cry even more.

NBA player tripping and falling to the floor = really painful and puts a lot of stress on the body

anybody else falling = no big deal because they aren't in the NBA. They probably fell on a pillow.

BRB. Gonna go run into a brick wall to see what an NBA screen feels like.
LOL at this. Nice try trying to downplay how much Rose "really" gets hit. The physicality of an NBA or any basketball game played at a high level would shock you. Rose going into the lane on what seems like a simple play and getting "bumped" would likely put your frail ass down.

But keep on trying to prove your point. You've repeatdly been proven wrong.
trust me, i'd chill. I just don't feel comfortable that we have a pedo on CCS [ft].
BRB gonna pick up Zack and go for a drive to try and touch his leg. Slap slap slapping sounds!


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Jun 9, 2011
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LOL at this. Nice try trying to downplay how much Rose "really" gets hit. The physicality of an NBA or any basketball game played at a high level would shock you. Rose going into the lane on what seems like a simple play and getting "bumped" would likely put your frail ass down.

But keep on trying to prove your point. You've repeatdly been proven wrong.

BRB gonna pick up Zack and go for a drive to try and touch his leg. Slap slap slapping sounds!



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How can you FT?

They're just kids



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I molest little kids. So what? I's my life, I'll do with it what I want.

fuckin pig.

EDIT: WOW! you deleted it?!?!?! It's okay. I screen shot it


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Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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I typed that from memory. I took several courses in anatomy, physiology, pathology, kinesiology, etc. And I'm trained to treat or aid in the treatment of over 70 conditions. Disc herniations is one of them.

I don't copy and paste shit like that. I work with chiropractors and wellness centers in my area. So thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt. I don't expect anything from a troll like FT.

Its good that there is no structural damage to Rose's back.

I work at a Chiro as well. What do you do?


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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Damn great thread. Two things
1)No structural damage=great news so get off the ledge

2)Point blank, people need to stop with the injury comparisons. Just bc you know someone who can do with whatever his injury is doesn't mean Rose or anyone else can do theirs free of pain or do whatever it is they do successfully. The body isn't an exact science. You don't know what the injuries are specifically and the severity so stop with webMD e-diagnosis's.


CCS Donator
Jun 28, 2010
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I work at a Chiro as well. What do you do?
Clinical Massage Therapy (it's all treatment based). It's a crazy experience, people come to me with all kinds of injuries and I treat them based on the the injury and how soon it is after the injury.

I don't work at a Chiro office, but they send people my way because they don't have anyone on staff to do it. It's a good deal and I get to work from home so my son doesn't have to go somewhere else when he gets out of school.

I worked on one guy at a rehab center who was partially paralyzed from running into a support pillar on the exit ramp at U.S, Cellular Field. He was doing daily rehab and he couldn't even raise his arms to comb his hair. The doctored ordered for him to get his arms treated. His muscles were so locked up that they felt like rocks. I worked on him for 20 minutes and he could lift his arms past his head. He was so thankful, his brother that was there cried.

It's amazing what we take for granted and seeing something like that just makes you appreciate the things you have in life.


CCS Donator
Jun 28, 2010
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Damn great thread. Two things
1)No structural damage=great news so get off the ledge

2)Point blank, people need to stop with the injury comparisons. Just bc you know someone who can do with whatever his injury is doesn't mean Rose or anyone else can do theirs free of pain or do whatever it is they do successfully. The body isn't an exact science. You don't know what the injuries are specifically and the severity so stop with webMD e-diagnosis's.
That's why what I posted was focused on what it could be and what it could lead to and why.


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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Clinical Massage Therapy (it's all treatment based). It's a crazy experience, people come to me with all kinds of injuries and I treat them based on the the injury and how soon it is after the injury.

I don't work at a Chiro office, but they send people my way because they don't have anyone on staff to do it. It's a good deal and I get to work from home so my son doesn't have to go somewhere else when he gets out of school.

I worked on one guy at a rehab center who was partially paralyzed from running into a support pillar on the exit ramp at U.S, Cellular Field. He was doing daily rehab and he couldn't even raise his arms to comb his hair. The doctored ordered for him to get his arms treated. His muscles were so locked up that they felt like rocks. I worked on him for 20 minutes and he could lift his arms past his head. He was so thankful, his brother that was there cried.

It's amazing what we take for granted and seeing something like that just makes you appreciate the things you have in life.

Awesome, i do the same thing, more or less but I work primarily in a chiro office with mostly patients who were injured in car accidents or slip and fall related injuries.


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2)Point blank, people need to stop with the injury comparisons. Just bc you know someone who can do with whatever his injury is doesn't mean Rose or anyone else can do theirs free of pain or do whatever it is they do successfully. The body isn't an exact science. You don't know what the injuries are specifically and the severity so stop with webMD e-diagnosis's.

except there was no comparison. I even said in this thread a few times that injuries effect people differently.

If it's a herniated disc..he's fucked.

So herniated discs are a major problem then? Can rehab help with this, or is it more of a surgery type of thing? I am assuming the pain is pretty bad with all of the above!


A parent of a kid on my basketball team just had surgery this past week. He's got 4-6 weeks recovery time. It was in hi sneck and they had to go in through the front of his throat area, push his trachea, etc to the side and take out the disc.

Insane stuff.

Severe ones=surgery

Minor ones=rehab/rest

my friends got a herniated disc in his lower back and it doesn't bother him at all.. or not much. His doctors told him he doesn't need to do anything and to come back if he starts to feel pain or numbness in his legs. That was a couple of years ago and he's been the same. So it depends on how bad it is and it's different for everyone.

^^When I jumped in, I was basically responding to ChiTeez when he asked a question about the injury. Not having the problem myself, I used an example of someone I know with the problem and how much [or how little] it effects him. There was no "My friend doesn't have any issues and he can work out and feel just fine. If Derrick or anyone else has the same thing, they'll be okay."

there was no comparion coming from me. "LOL at comparing some Home Depot hack to Derrick Rose." is what came from FT, when I didn't even make a comparison. I responded to that, not using the injury as a comparison. Rather, I said guys who aren't in the NBA can put as much stress on their bodies. Which is true. There are people all over the world putting a ton of stress on their bodies every single day and they're not in the NBA.

Not once did I say, or even mention that Derrick Rose can do his job with a certain injury and feel no pain and should be fine.

In fact, I said the exact opposite: "And if you were in the NBA and did feel pain, it would obviously effect your job the same way it effects people's jobs who aren't in the NBA [the jobs that require you to use your back of course].. until they're healthy enough to resume work." and also said that an NBA PLAYER [didn't even use rose's name] COULD have a herniated disc, and not even know it. So how would it effect him if he didn't know he had it and wasn't feeling pain or anything else? I even provided a link which a DOCTOR/SPECIALIST [not me] said that there are people with that injury that feel no pain and aren't even aware they have it until they are told they have it.
