<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Rex" data-cid="201629" data-time="1371622147">
Although it does seem strange, what do you think is the conspiracy? No coach would pull one of their best players to gain a "psychological advantage" </p>
Conspiracy? No. I don't think the Hawks are being honest about the situation. Hossa not playing, based on the smell and sight test, appears to be an absolute last minute decision. I don't think the Hawks had any idea he might not play. I have no idea what happened in warmups that he couldn't go, but everything we have heard just doesn't make sense. If there is ANY chance that Smith is playing, and Hossa is not...</p>
1) Smith has his mom attending the game, instead of having lunch with her and her going back home. It's the fucking Stanley Cup Finals, and if there's a chance he's going to play, his mom is going to be there.</p>
2) Smith takes warmups. He has taken warmups before in the playoffs. The bullshit about "tipping our hand" is just that. Bullshit. You have a guy that hasn't played a game in months skip the warmups before a game in the Stanley Cup Finals to keep from "tipping your hand"? Come on... Who buys that shit?</p>
3) Smith follows the pre-game routine that the rest of the team follows. Team lunch, afternoon nap, etc. According to Sharp, that didn't happen, and the entire situation was surprising.</p>
Nothing the Hawks or the coach have claimed checks out... Seriously, I want to know why Hossa didn't play... I mean, did he tear a fucking muscle taking that wrist shot? Is his vertigo acting up? I just don't understand.</p>