As an aside, here is a conversation (I guess you could call it that) between myself and a friend of mine who is a Bruins fan.</p>
<div>me: good game</div>
<div>Him: yeah, that two handed whack to the skates was great</div>
<div>bruins played like ass first 2 periods</div>
<div>and the loss is their fault</div>
<div>but, lmfao</div>
<div>"Okay, NHL. Okay."</div>
<div>"oh shit, boston has momentum! even t hough we've fucked em all nightm we better ignore the 2 handed slash to the boston skates that leads to the winning goal!"</div>
<div>their jobs are safe.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>I was trying to be a good sport. Guess not.</div>