<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="BiscuitInTheBasket2in17" data-cid="211848" data-time="1382388442">
Towards the end of my NG days we would have and annual company function where we would dust off the old dress uniforms. Many of us work make fun of the awards by adding on joke awards. Either ones we created, boy or girl scout metals, disney metals, foreign metals, etc. Yea is it miltary blasphomy, but it was with a limited group and in private, and fun to either figure out what the award was or tell "stories" of how they were earned. Oh, and there was always a secret failure award. By that, there was a private vote as to an award or type of award would be the secret award. Top 2 or 3 votes were selected the secret award status. The secret award "winners" would have to cover the booze for the next event. Oh and they would get a secret award medal to wear in the furture.</p>
HAHAHA! That is awesome!</p>
BAH! Internal blasphemy is the best fun!</p>
On my EAS, I had a box of apples that I gave out to every person in my unit like cigars at a baby's birth. Why? Eat the apple, **** the Corps (core),</p>
Or changing the "Teufel Hunden", a term in so rich in USMC history, the nickname the Nazi's gave to USMC in WWI (Devil Dog).</p>
Well, I always like "Two Foot Onions" a bit more than Devil Dog...</p>