State Department Rejects Construction of Keystone Oil Pipeline


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
I'm not sure where you are going with this as one has nothign to do with the other. Anyway, Algae is a great way to produce biofuels but there are several reason it hasn't taken off yet. There are several local companies that are working on this actually. Mostly it's expensive.

**** it lets do a TARP bill for algae diesel. They are too green to fail!


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May 15, 2010
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I have seen how the do the Algea thing. It is fascinating. I am sure Youtube has some footage. If I had money to invest in alternate fuel businesses, I would invest in that. However, I have no money, no investments, and will probably die poor and being a drain on society.

If you can harness my rotting corpse for fuel or energy, please do.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
I believe in green energy and am hopeful that cost effective alternatives become available and we should continue research. They are not anywhere near having it cost effective yet and many issues with the government backed areas. Just look at the recent recall on the smart car, thinking it was the Chevy Volt.

On the other hand, why the hell is this being blocked by our federal government? I really see it as appeasing a political faction because the EPA concerns have been addressed from what I have read, it is estimated to create 20,000 jobs, the unions are for it and we would have less dependence on foreign oil. If we don't do it I have read that they will have the pipeline run to the Canadian west coast where it will be deported to other foreign lands of which I have heard China mentioned numerous times.

Answers need to be demanded by our federal government as to why this is being delayed. All the talk of jobs ........... yeah, right.

This is just politics. hes gonna get the union vote either way. Its just the way it is. This is for the environmentalist votes, If he gets re-elected you may see him act on this. (I mean its not a sure thing but it wouldnt surprise me in the least.)


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Sounds great. If we ever colonize the moon or Mars the thought is too toss some water and algea out to start up the eco system. I have no knowledge on hand of the science behind it, but it sounds wonderful. Create biofuels while reducing carbon pollutants in the air. Sign me up.

I am not so quick however to sign up for another fossil fuel that emits harmful pollutants and is transported in a 'lowest bidder' pipeline.

Mars, technically if we can introduce the right gasses in the right quantity then introduce plant life, there is no reason we cant live there, once it has a stable atmosphere it should have a comparable temperature to earth maybe a little cooler.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Mars, technically if we can introduce the right gasses in the right quantity then introduce plant life, there is no reason we cant live there, once it has a stable atmosphere it should have a comparable temperature to earth maybe a little cooler.
I would say there is a very big reason, it's all just thories right now, haha.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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I have seen how the do the Algea thing. It is fascinating. I am sure Youtube has some footage. If I had money to invest in alternate fuel businesses, I would invest in that. However, I have no money, no investments, and will probably die poor and being a drain on society.

The government has money to invest too! Just follow their lead, they know how to pick the winners.



Staff member
May 14, 2010
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The government has money to invest too! Just follow their lead, they know how to pick the winners.

Ok, sorry, I missed the joke on this, I assume the government plowed money into this company and it went belly up or something?


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Not far from 127th and Archer
I believe in green energy and am hopeful that cost effective alternatives become available and we should continue research. They are not anywhere near having it cost effective yet and many issues with the government backed areas. Just look at the recent recall on the smart car, thinking it was the Chevy Volt.

On the other hand, why the hell is this being blocked by our federal government? I really see it as appeasing a political faction because the EPA concerns have been addressed from what I have read, it is estimated to create 20,000 jobs, the unions are for it and we would have less dependence on foreign oil. If we don't do it I have read that they will have the pipeline run to the Canadian west coast where it will be deported to other foreign lands of which I have heard China mentioned numerous times.

Answers need to be demanded by our federal government as to why this is being delayed. All the talk of jobs ........... yeah, right.

This is not a defense of Obama's decision since I believe the pipeline should be green lighted. The 20,000 jobs figure is a bit of a ruse coming from the Canadian firm. The jobs are not permanent, so 10,000 in year one and 10,000 in year two equals 20K. That number is not necessarily U.S. jobs since the pipeline may be built outside the U.S. plus a portion of the jobs will be Terrance and Phillip(Canadian). I've seen 4,000 U.S. jobs for two years as an estimate.

But the bigger issue is a loss of balance between economic decisions vs regulatory decisions. As a country, we go from one adimistration that bends over backwards for business to another that bends business over to take it in the giggie.

Blame Canada


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May 15, 2010
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Here are some of the objections from the 'eco guys'. Can't say I disagree, but then I'm one of the people that whole heartedly believe in Human-Induced Climate Change.

"Tar sands oil is one of the dirtiest fuels on the Earth. Investing in tar sands oil now will delay investments in clean and safe alternatives to oil, such as better fuel economy requirements, plug-in electric cars fueled by solar power, and smart growth and public transportation infrastructure that give Americans choices other than cars."

Where in the hell did you end up going nut job during your life? Just what did happen in the miiitary to get you to this point?


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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This is not a defense of Obama's decision since I believe the pipeline should be green lighted. The 20,000 jobs figure is a bit of a ruse coming from the Canadian firm. The jobs are not permanent, so 10,000 in year one and 10,000 in year two equals 20K. That number is not necessarily U.S. jobs since the pipeline may be built outside the U.S. plus a portion of the jobs will be Terrance and Phillip(Canadian). I've seen 4,000 U.S. jobs for two years as an estimate.

But the bigger issue is a loss of balance between economic decisions vs regulatory decisions. As a country, we go from one adimistration that bends over backwards for business to another that bends business over to take it in the giggie.

Blame Canada
Year one and year two? Is this thing only supposed to take 2 years to build somehow? I'm a little confused, is that jobs after it's built? Also, do they take into account the permanent jobs created after it's build and not just the constructions jobs to build it, in these figures?

I agree with you though that the numbers seem a bit inflated and I was wondering how many of those jobs would be Canadian. The number of jobs created should be individual positions basically for the length of that position. If you have a worker and you replace him with another worker to finish the job, that's not 2 jobs.


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
Where in the hell did you end up going nut job during your life? Just what did happen in the miiitary to get you to this point?

See, I was an intelligence analyst. We look at things from many angles and make an objective assessment based on facts.

Here are the facts about human induced climate change: for the last few hundred years we have been spewing all kinds of chemicals into the atmosphere while deforesting a massive portion of the world. You know, those forests that help scrub harmful pollutants out of the atmosphere?

How does this not make sense to people?


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Not far from 127th and Archer
Year one and year two? Is this thing only supposed to take 2 years to build somehow? I'm a little confused, is that jobs after it's built? Also, do they take into account the permanent jobs created after it's build and not just the constructions jobs to build it, in these figures?

I agree with you though that the numbers seem a bit inflated and I was wondering how many of those jobs would be Canadian. The number of jobs created should be individual positions basically for the length of that position. If you have a worker and you replace him with another worker to finish the job, that's not 2 jobs.

But TransCanada numbers count each job on a yearly basis. If the pipeline employs 10,000 people working for two years, that's 20,000 jobs by the company's count.

The estimates also include jobs in Canada, where about a third of the $7 billion pipeline would be constructed.

The U.S. State Department, which must green light the project, forecasts just 5,000 direct U.S. jobs over a two year construction period.

Even according to TransCanada, the amount of permanent jobs created would be only in the hundreds.

What's fascinating is that politicians will stare into a camera and throw out the 20,000 figure without batting an eye. And sheeple will actually believe them.


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May 14, 2010
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Ahh, ok I misunderstood what you were saying originally. This clarifys more. And is still dumb. If my company employs 1000 people, at the turn of the year we don't add 1000 jobs.

And seriously? They can build 2000 miles of pipeline in 2 years? Why do I not see that as even remotely possible?


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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I'm sure many jobs would have been created in builing new refinerys and processing plants as well.

Plus how many jobs would be added to the company(s) that would have to produce that much pipe?


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
Ahh, ok I misunderstood what you were saying originally. This clarifys more. And is still dumb. If my company employs 1000 people, at the turn of the year we don't add 1000 jobs.

And seriously? They can build 2000 miles of pipeline in 2 years? Why do I not see that as even remotely possible?

It's just clearing the path, putting special seismic footings in place, the laying prefabricated pipe sections into place. It really is not that labor intensive nor does it require a great deal of engineering ability.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Mars, technically if we can introduce the right gasses in the right quantity then introduce plant life, there is no reason we cant live there, once it has a stable atmosphere it should have a comparable temperature to earth maybe a little cooler.

There is actually one very, very, very big reason that is far beond any technology we have.

Magnetic field.

Mars has a tiny magnetic field and as such, there is nothing to prevent the solar wind from blowing anything but a tenuous atmosphere away--not to mention the impact cosmic rays would have on life. Even if we could introduce the right atmosphere and plant life, it wouldn't tlast long without massive upkeep (think trying to keep a balloon inflated with a hole in it).

And being able to introduce a planet-sized magnetic field is well out of our capabilities.


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May 15, 2010
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See, I was an intelligence analyst. We look at things from many angles and make an objective assessment based on facts.

Here are the facts about human induced climate change: for the last few hundred years we have been spewing all kinds of chemicals into the atmosphere while deforesting a massive portion of the world. You know, those forests that help scrub harmful pollutants out of the atmosphere?

How does this not make sense to people?

You know why? Because we didn't have many of these things 100 years ago. But they were keeping track of the weather.

And lo and behold the same weather patterns that happened back then, ARE THE SAME FUCKING THINGS THAT ARE GOING ON TODAY.l

Now get your nose out of the Al Gore biography you're reading and get back to work analyzing something worth while. Like hockey stats for starters.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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It's just clearing the path, putting special seismic footings in place, the laying prefabricated pipe sections into place. It really is not that labor intensive nor does it require a great deal of engineering ability.
Yes, but all of those things are time consuming over 2000 miles. And I would imagine weather would play a role in it's progress as well. That's 1,000 miles a year. Working 24/7 that's almost 3 miles of pipeline a day. I don't even know if they have the ability to clear the path that fast. Let alone clear the path, remove the garbage, survey, adjust, lay pipe (yeah I said it), pack up move down... I don't even think they can repave 3 miles a day. God that would be awesome.
