I wonder how the GME and AMC apes are doing?!
Well, the AMC meme paid for my wedding and the GME play remains on track to fund my early retirement so no complaints here. Actually, my only complain was selling my AMC a few days too early but oh well.
What's funny to me are the people that continue to act like GME is a meme just because AMC was.
Check out this video.... Other than trying to sell the idea that hedge funds have a higher "moral compass" than retail this hedge fund manager does a decent job explaining the situation with GME...
Personally, this has been the easiest year of holding a stock ever. Complete zen mode.
Bottom line is if they truly closed their positions last Jan like they claimed they did the stock would've went back to $4 immediately afterwards like all the mainstream media was claiming it would. Yet here we are almost a full year later and the show still goes on despite Citadel continuing to short the **** out of the stock every single day for the past 12 months.
If it was 140% short last January it's gotta be 2040% short now or some other absurd percentage.
Meanwhile you can browse any of the GME related subreddits and it's a non-stop screenshots of people bragging about directly registering their stock with Computershare. Only a matter of time before the entire float is locked up in Computershare by apes and then shit's really going to get weird.
Anyways, hope you guys managed to load up on today's tasty $121 dip. This AH rip should make tomorrow interesting.