I've worked in data centers for major financial firms who replace computers quarterly to slightly faster versions all to execute split second trades of thousands of shares of different stocks after fractional cent price increases to siphon value out of the financial system that no individual investor could ever compete in, and I'm supposed feel sorry for them today? LOL.
Yeah they do the same kind of lightning trading with currency as well, squeezing profits out of differences in exchange rates in the miliseconds.
Derivatives bullshit that created the Great Recession.
They don't even argue very hard for the value of this kind of bullshit betting in the derivatives market.
No one stops them from turning the market into purely a casino.
And if you try to regulate it at all, they say derivatives create liquidity.
That's all you hear when there is a question about the value of one of their bullshit profit-sucking schemes.... they all "create liquidity".
Oh you mean it leaves them more free capital? Yes
And what do they do with that extra capital? Oh they dump it into more Vampiric Capitalism.
Like you said.... and they want me to feel bad for them.