Not sure why everyone thinks the GME squeeze is over already...
If it was actually over the HFs and their media army wouldn't be desperately trying to push their narrative that it's over so hard. It's comical how absurd the media coverage and astroturfing on reddit has gotten. Who the **** do they think is actually falling for their "SLV is the next GME" thing? WSB was reminding everyone not to fall for that scam yet it was plastered all over every media network today that they were.
Not trusting anything I hear coming out of HF's and media at this point. Nothing but FUD to shake all the paper hands.
I'm no financial advisor but the DD being posted still looks promising to me....
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Sucks for
@Grimson's buddies who threw their $5k live savings in expecting to hit an instant jack pot but like they say don't gamble with what you can't afford to lose.
Me on the other hand I got nothing but time. If they want to turn this into a long term capital gain for me even better.