My thoughts exactly---I am on board with the NHL mandating this himbo-ification website change for all teams once hockey resumes some day. This is nothing so much as EHC Biel shamelessly trying to "borrow" from the buzz and awesomeness of the TV series "Spartacus". As I fangirl HARD on "Spartacus" like a crack hoe to the pipe and the wait for the final season to premiere in Jan. 2013 is really trying at this juncture, I support any efforts by other entities to give me a "fix" as it were. Quite frankly, I can already picture The Handsomest Goal Scorer That Ever Handsomed, maybe a couple of Staals, Lundqvist (which not only would make the fangirls happy but also Stu so there's that), Selanne, Pyatt, Stalberg, Vinnie, Laich, etc., etc.