The Bears Media Narratives


Aug 21, 2012
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Just a point - wasn't it LaConfora who said the Bears traded up for Solomon Thomas? If so then he might be a bit pissed that Pace made him look like an idiot...

LaCanfora is consistently wrong....I believe he just makes shit up; it is so whacked out...


Aug 21, 2012
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In terms of record, if ownership believes that Pace is safe because of the talent he just brought in last draft, then the coaches are more on the hot seat and Pace is safe.......Pace will get another coach unless these players he just drafted bomb out.....

The 17 draft looks like a draft of very high ceiling risky prospects that a GM safe in his position would select....


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2011
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Technically, it would be coming off the best draft in 13 years (if you are referring to the 2003 draft).

Leon Sandcastle

CCS Donator
Feb 5, 2013
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Well when someone says "coming off the best draft in 14 years" I naturally assume he's talking about the draft that literally just concluded this past weekend and not the one from a year ago. I mean he's not really "coming off" last years draft is he, he's "coming off" this years draft.

Try using common sense. It helps.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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well said Windy... the other narrative that is annonying was the 49ers rookie GM schooled the bears for draft picks.


well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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WC is saying Pace considers himself safe because ownership has told him that he is(that draft is part of the reason why ownership has told him that)

Do we have an actual source on that? I know George met with the media back in January but I don't recall him touting last years draft as some sort of feather in Pace's cap that will keep his job safe... Perhaps I'm wrong but I don't recall anything in that vein being said...

The only thing remotely close I can find is his promise of patience: “Like I said, I’m not a patient person. But I promised Ryan that I would be patient.” Not exactly a ringing endorsement but ok...

And when pressed further on what would happen if we had another 3-13 or 4-12 season he offered another non-committal response: “Well, there’s a great line in the movie True Grit: ‘I don’t deal in hypotheticals. The world as it is is vexing enough.’ We’re trying to get better every day. Every season is evaluated at the conclusion of the season on the merits of that season.” Um ok George, thanks for the non-answer that don't really tell us much of anything.

I'm glad people are pleased with Pace's drafting but results matter. If the Bears continue to post losing seasons and miss the playoffs are we really doing to be arguing Pace should keep his job because his drafts look good on paper? George can blow smoke up reporters butts all offseason long about how patient he's willing to be with Pace but if the team continues to finish dead last in the division I bet that patience dries up real quick. Another bad losing season or two and I don't think George is going to care that he hit on Jordan Howard in the 5th round 4 years ago...


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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Do we have an actual source on that?

It's WC's speculation from the OP based on local guys at Halas Hall. He states that.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
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I look at it this way with Glennon and Trubisky. Basically they are two unknowns (yes Glennon not so much but still) and Pace has given himself 2 chances at a franchise QB.

worst case scenario is that neither of the two work out and the bears are back where they started (and probably with a new GM)
middle ground scenario is one of the two is a decent QB that lets the bears compete
better middle ground scenario is one of them is a franchise QB and the other sucks, so you just drop the one that sucks or keep him as a backup.
BEST case scenario both look great and prove that they have what it takes to be a possible franchise QB. then you are able to dangle one of them (probably glennon) for draft picks ... like New England is with Grappallo.

if Glennon is as butthurt as some of the media say then someone needs to sit him down and say pal you haven't done anything in this league but you have shown some ability so thats why you got paid. work your butt off and play well and you have nothing to worry about with Trubisky.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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I think Pace is tied to Trubisky, which means he is here for at least 3 more years, which also runs him into the end of his contract.

I don't think Pace can survive 3 more losing seasons unless Trubisky looks amazing in his debut.

Bernstien referenced this today. There are 2 different timetables going on. Fox is on the hot seat and needs Glennon and Pace has a long range view. His assertion and his "contacts" confirmed that Pace is able to take a long range view because he has been afforded that time.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2010
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There are a couple of media narratives that are beating the Bears up right now that I think are just total crap and actually have me defending a team I enjoy to criticize.

Why sign Mike Glennon if you were going to draft a QB?

I am very glad the national media has latched onto this because it is probably the biggest dumb ass point that they are parroting. There have been a couple of local guys as well that I have had to move into the same dumb ass category as well.

1. The money does not matter, the Bears had a ton of cash and it did not affect their ability to make any other move. Whether they paid him 10 million or 18 million it is all the same on the final budget.

2. Glennon actually gives Turbisky a chance to sit. There is an unknown about Glennon that does not exist with Hoyer and Barkley, who we know suck. There is no way Brian Hoyer keeps Trubisky on the bench for more than 4 weeks with his checkdowns and 17 ppg.

3. There is a sliver of upside with Glennon. He could be a little bit good. In that case the Bears can either keep him and have a legit competition with Trubisky moving forward or they can. Maybe he plays well and you can flip him for picks? If Glennon even plays half way decent he gives the Bears and asset at the QB position and that is worth more than the 6-8 million they are over paying him.

4. 60k no shows last season because Bears fans figured out that Barkley was a total dud. Glennon should ensure that the Bears are not impossible to watch in the last 8 weeks of the season.

5. Glennon gives this coaching staff a chance to show what they can do. If the Bears can win 7-8 games with Glennon and show some development than I think they stay. This will be the first time that we see the Bears coaching a team without having to cater to what Cutler can do and to coach around the never ending turnovers. If the Bears can put a half way decent product on the field with a veteran QB than I am intrigued what they can do with a player with more physical talent than Glennon.

I am almost willing to bet that the 49ers are starting C.J Beathard by the end of the season and not because they want to. Then see how ugly it gets in the stands.

Another point that needs to not be missed, Pace convinced the entire NFL the Bears loved Glennon.

Mike Glennon.

This was a huge component of Pace's flawless misdirection plan. Even the 49ers GM thought the Bears were committed to Glennon. From the Peter King article:

“Man, who do they want?” Lynch said. “Gotta be Solomon, right?”

“Call me crazy,” Marathe said. “But I think it’s Trubisky.”

“Then why’d they go get [free-agent quarterback Mike] Glennon?” Lynch said.

Clearly the strong words and the big contract confused them. ESPN was talking about Solomon Thomas right up until Goodell said
"Mitchell." Based on the fact the Bears got Trubisky, its clear the other interested teams had no idea they needed to hurdle them.

That doesn't happen if the Bears go into the draft with scrubs like Sanchez and Hoyer.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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Can we also discuss this bullshit idea that John Fox had no idea that Pace was going to do this?

A couple strong points came up on this and La Confora is a total hack.

Schefter said that Fox 100% new that he was at the top of the board, he may not have known about the trade until an hour before.

Rapaport was on The Score and said that Fox knew about Trubisky and that he was at the secret dinner. In fact they were worried about bring Fox to Chapel Hill because he is super well known in North Carolina.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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Titans General Manager Jon Robinson said on SiriusXM NFL Radio that Tennessee was fielding calls at No. 5 from teams that wanted to trade up. But when the Bears moved up from No. 3 to No. 2 and took Trubisky, everyone stopped calling the Titans.

“We had some calls about pick No. 5,” Robinson said. “When the trade happened between San Francisco and Chicago, it kinda threw water on anything in that spot.”

More trades into the top 5 that went belly up when Trubisky was picked.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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Alex Marvez

GM Dave Caldwell tells @SiriusXMNFL that @Jaguars got calls from teams interested in No. 4 pick for QB. Assumes it was for @Mtrubisky10


CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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Enemy Territory via southern C
Hey guys...perhaps something is missing here for me. Can you give me a timeline of events?

I missed draft night in the first round. I am failing at doing a Bikram 30 day challenge, and I think I drug tested for the state that night, ended up coming home and the DVR missed the beginning.

The trade was finalized with San Francisco 30 minutes before trade? Was Garrett announced before draft like in some years? And then our trade was announced? Or trade was announced during the 49ers clock?

Paying for the deal to be done before the clock even starts is something that tips the trade for me to "better safe than sorry".

I think San Fran actually could have sold the 2 to us, and then sold the 3 to Carolina and got Foster if not for the one issue, of McCaffery having a former coach on Carolina staff.

That made trading up for Fournette unnecessary to them.

The final measurment will probably show that we won the Trubisky for Thomas plus picks trade, and won it handidly. But that is just because Lynch took a class with Thomas and was locked in for some reason. Don't buy the all things were equal BS, 49ers wanted Thomas more than Foster, and some in the organization would have viewed that as a big drop, while the GM himself really wanted Thomas.


CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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Enemy Territory via southern C
Alex Marvez

GM Dave Caldwell tells @SiriusXMNFL that @Jaguars got calls from teams interested in No. 4 pick for QB. Assumes it was for @Mtrubisky10

yeah....that just means teams couldn't stomach the price to trade up to 2, and were checking out prices at 3, 4, 5, etc, probably to jump the Jets if Trubisky got past the first 2 or 3.

We'll never know the whole story.

If 49ers had a 12 to 2 offer that was legitimate, and extra 4th rounder would not be a consideration. They would be weighing multiple firsts, a 2nd, 4th, next years 3rd....the price would have to be higher than Washington's 5 to 2. or whatever it was.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2011
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yeah....that just means teams couldn't stomach the price to trade up to 2, and were checking out prices at 3, 4, 5, etc, probably to jump the Jets if Trubisky got past the first 2 or 3.

We'll never know the whole story.

If 49ers had a 12 to 2 offer that was legitimate, and extra 4th rounder would not be a consideration. They would be weighing multiple firsts, a 2nd, 4th, next years 3rd....the price would have to be higher than Washington's 5 to 2. or whatever it was.

A team might be looking to trade down and garner picks. But that same team might prefer to stay in the top 5 even if it means getting less back in a trade. So a Browns trade might be appealing to them, but the Bears trade might be MORE appealing because they only move down 1 pick.

You are basing your logic off of what you would do, not what the 49ers would do.


Bills Board Hall of Famer
Aug 21, 2012
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Portland, Oregon
Every time Rask posts I hear White Rabbit in my head
