The IHN Psychiatric Couch


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May 14, 2010
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No. I don't have mommy issues. She is one person that I simply want absolutely zero to do with. No I dont hurt or abuse women. as for women disappointing me, well I'm through 10 years of her bullshit I am still friends with Tiffany. I dont know why but we are still friends and yeah she's pretty good at disappointing me. My expectations are short and sweet, don't be an ignorant dumbass and I can pretty much get along with anyone

TSD's mom used to hit him with a vacuum cleaner hose and he still loves her. Of course, he probably deserved it, but still I cried when he said it.


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May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
You most likely do--at least subconsiously. Thing is, whether you do or not shouldn't matter.

And really, as for being terrible at talking to women, just practice and stop letting the outcome of you talking to them matter. And yes, it is just that simple. it's you that makes it more complicated than that.

Its easy for me to talk to women these days, Ive spent 7 years talking to women at bars and such without sex ever being an option, and it just comes naturally. That and I for some reason developed into an obnoxious smartass that wont shut his mouth. If my problem is anything nowadays its that I dont shut up.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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My favorite teams
  1. Portland Timbers
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
I think that last line can be a combination of both. When i woman tells you what she wants in a man or what women want so to speak, they are describing a husband, not the guy they will just meet and regularly **** the shit out of, the guy she just described wouldnt have a chance at that.

So If its real dating for a real long term relationship, I would listen to women over men. When its goin out for poon, look at a guy thats doin it right.

and i know fast talking foul mouthed ignorant smartass works. My college sexual hero mr. currently happily married We'll call him skeletor, was the most notorious heart breaker known to all the women in Dunn-Barton and hamilton-Whitten halls. The man was not particularly attractive i mean he wasnt hideous or anything, he was just absurdly average with a pretty bad case of acne, and looked like skeletor because he was so damn skinny and boney(my buddy alex coined calling him skeletor) Let my put it this way being very unmodest, I was a very attractive guy back in my more fit days in college, and I couldnt even dream of holding a candle to him at the time. But skeletor, skelelor could talk his way into the panties of any pretty little thing he came across that peaked his interest. He could get any chick he wanted. The ***** of it all, after he'd score a one night stand with these broads, they would like fall in love with him on top of it and he had to break hearts left and right. One night he had to tell this broad how it was in my dorm room with me present, I was like now your talkin buddy, leave her right on my bed in tears I think I can take over from there.

He was the best wingman on the face of the planet too, he could talk a ***** into his bed and her friend into yours without breakin a sweat.

Anyway. I know for a fact it is possible to be a pretty homley dude, and pork some of the hottest chicks in existence if you can talk.

You're very close, actually. Regardless if you just want to nail her once or are looking for a potential life partner, the fact remains that you still have to ATTRACT her, and that is doing what guys like Skeletor do. That is step 1. You're never going to get anywhere unless you attract them 1st. And really, it dosn't matter if they are total skanks or have a sweetheart rating approaching or exceeding that of bri's, it's all about that attraction.

What guys like Skeltor do is play on a woman's subconscious. Whether they're feeding them bullshit just to get them lying naked between their sheets or using it to really attract someone that is worthy of spending the rest of their life with them, it won't matter. That's why you ALWAYS lead with what the sucessful guys do no matter what level of intimacy you're looking for.

Then, if it develops into a relationship...that's when you start listening to what women say they want.

I find that women rarely ever tell a guy straight to their face what attracts them from scratch--even if they know conscioulsy what they go for subconsiously. I think it has to do with the fact that women tend to be more empathic and if you have to ask, you're not coming off as such, and they don't want to say because they think it will hurt your feelings. Just a guess here, but I think I'm on solid ground.


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May 14, 2010
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Its easy for me to talk to women these days, Ive spent 7 years talking to women at bars and such without sex ever being an option, and it just comes naturally. That and I for some reason developed into an obnoxious smartass that wont shut his mouth. If my problem is anything nowadays its that I dont shut up.

And you can be tactless.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
TSD's mom used to hit him with a vacuum cleaner hose and he still loves her. Of course, he probably deserved it, but still I cried when he said it.

How do you remember this shit!

Shes done far worse, like make me kneel on heater vents then turn the heat on full blast so the metal grates start burning, that borderlines on cruel and unusual punishment in my opinion. Oh I completely deserved everything I got. What i find funny is when I talk about that stuff with my mom now, she doesnt seem to recall doing anything worse than soap in the mouth or a smack across the face.

She would hit my ass with whatever was in reach, especially when i got to middle school.

I dont think I recall her exacting any sort of physical punishment on me since I was a sophomore in highschool. Although i had done things that warranted it, I mostly just got a stern talkin to from then on. Maybe she felt bad about all the gratuitous violence she inflicted in the past, or the fact I was too old for any sort of physical punishment to bother me. I think the last time I recall her slapping me, Im like this doesnt even hurt, you done now? and she slapped me a few more times.

Dont get me wrong, my mom was a very caring mother and I wouldnt have traded her for anyone, but if you crossed her, the fucking die was cast, and you had no idea if she was going to break the cool lego pirate ship you made over your head, or beat you with a vacuum cleaner hose.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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My favorite teams
  1. Portland Timbers
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
And you can be tactless.

So can I...on both counts of being tactless and being a smartass not able to shut up. Again, there's no real excuse there. You say something that puts her move on. she doesn't sem intrested, you move on. Every minute you spend talking to a woman that has no, or has lost, interest in you is time that you could be talking to someone that still has interest in you.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
And you can be tactless.

I really dont even know what that means but it doesnt sound good.

I mean i kinda do, but I chaulk it up to being obnoxious.


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May 14, 2010
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How do you remember this shit!

Shes done far worse, like make me kneel on heater vents then turn the heat on full blast so the metal grates start burning, that borderlines on cruel and unusual punishment in my opinion. Oh I completely deserved everything I got. What i find funny is when I talk about that stuff with my mom now, she doesnt seem to recall doing anything worse than soap in the mouth or a smack across the face.

She would hit my ass with whatever was in reach, especially when i got to middle school.

I dont think I recall her exacting any sort of physical punishment on me since I was a sophomore in highschool. Although i had done things that warranted it, I mostly just got a stern talkin to from then on. Maybe she felt bad about all the gratuitous violence she inflicted in the past, or the fact I was too old for any sort of physical punishment to bother me. I think the last time I recall her slapping me, Im like this doesnt even hurt, you done now? and she slapped me a few more times.

Dont get me wrong, my mom was a very caring mother and I wouldnt have traded her for anyone, but if you crossed her, the fucking die was cast, and you had no idea if she was going to break the cool lego pirate ship you made over your head, or beat you with a vacuum cleaner hose.

I actually listen to people when they talk. That's how I was able to write Dear Santa. You poor baby that must have been awful for you.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
I actually listen to people when they talk. That's how I was able to write Dear Santa. You poor baby that must have been awful for you.

I listen to people too, but I didnt even remember mentioning that on here myself, until you mentioned it. Your mind must be a trap.


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May 14, 2010
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I really dont even know what that means but it doesnt sound good.

I mean i kinda do, but I chaulk it up to being obnoxious.

I suggest you look for a woman that will sass you back. It will keep the relationship exciting and the sex will be great.


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May 14, 2010
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Billings, Montana
I suggest you look for a woman that will sass you back. It will keep the relationship exciting and the sex will be great.

Tell me more about this great sex.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
I suggest you look for a woman that will sass you back. It will keep the relationship exciting and the sex will be great.

I do need that. I too am one that can't stand stupid bitches. Honestly, I would almost venture to say I wouldnt even just bang some ***** that was a complete air head.

and believe me, my standards for that are low, I will bang just about anything that will let me, but start high and work your way down

and i apologize to any offended ladies to my rampant use of the words "*****" and "broad" when referring to women. I am not hateful or anything, its just used in reference to women I objectify and have no connection to, such as, some broad I would bang and thats that, and some stupid air head *****.

If that was the least bit understandable.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
I just read this entire thread and all I can say is..


Come on Rk no words of wisdom for young supraman?


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May 14, 2010
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Yeah, I find myself craving a little Afternoon Delight.


New member
May 14, 2010
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...well I lasted as a mod for what a week?

Why wouldn't you still be a mod? Because of this thread? That is ridiculous. You are entitled to your feelings and to express them.

Oh and take the E harmony rejection as a good thing. It shows you are one of a kind and not a cookie cutter. A few years ago they told me I was unmatchable because I am too conflicted. You will find someone when you least expect it.
