The IHN Psychiatric Couch


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
The brutal honest truth is the best therapy in my opinion. If he's truly a fan of F. Lee Ermey he will apreciate it. I actually bit my tongue regarding his relationship with Mommy.

Oh go for mommy. This'll be good.


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May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Yeah a lot easier said than done and to actually be about where I need to be is going to take probably a year. I need to lose about 80-100 lbs. That's a serious chunk of weight to drop so that aint going to come easy. Tuesday I'm going to an adult hockey clinic so hopefully I can get back on the ice on a regular basis and as long as my dumbass can stay away from McDs after hockey I should lose some here and there.

Shit Winos isn't wrong. I know that, which is why I haven't told him to kiss my fat ass. And being overweight sure the hell does wonders for my confidence with the ladies I really need purple for that one?

I elaborated further in that post of mine. Dude I have experience stuggling to keep the weight down dude. In my opinion the only way to make it stick is A. never ever be satisfied with yourself. B. get in a regime and stick with it. C. Give up some shit for the rest of your life and come to terms with it, that is what im trying to do now.

Although my ideal wieght may be different from yours, Im shooting for basic training wieght. I went into basic training at 189 when I got out of basic training I weighed 215 of lean mean fightin machine, im shooting for 200. No I dont have to lose 80-100lbs to do that but still.

But go for it man, intially weight should come off fast and it will get you pumped to stick with it.


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Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
Sounds like you wanted her to fraudulently sign the Pell grant application and she didn't want to take that risk. KUDOs to her. So you had to get school loans or pay your own way through college. Boo-Hoo.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Sounds like you wanted her to fraudulently sign the Pell grant application and she didn't want to take that risk. KUDOs to her. So you had to get school loans or pay your own way through college. Boo-Hoo.

Oh he went for mommy (I actually agree with you wino, i thought he was rather extreme about that too if she could get in trouble with the IRS for doing it).


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
Sounds like you wanted her to fraudulently sign the Pell grant application and she didn't want to take that risk. KUDOs to her. So you had to get school loans or pay your own way through college. Boo-Hoo.

Strangely enough the guy on the phone assured her nothing was going happen and that information doesn't make it to the IRS, you really think our government really is that efficient. So kudos to her for lying to the IRS for not reporting her alimony checks from my father? really? Also the amount had to be under 20,000 income I think, her alimony is only about 11k a year. Because I was under 24 I had to base it off a parent's income.

Kind of funny that 80% of her kids want nothing to do with her and the one that does talk to her well he's a bit shall we say slow. Look you don't know half the story and I ain't going to spend hours telling everyone all the shit she's done. Suffice to say she's a ****.

Also as previously mentioned my parents are rather old, so old fashioned morals and all but I was raised by my father that parents want what's best for their kids. So my mom who could have really helped me go to school didn't do that. No she was selfish.

Sorry winos your argument holds zero water. But hey thanks for playing.


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May 14, 2010
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I elaborated further in that post of mine. Dude I have experience stuggling to keep the weight down dude. In my opinion the only way to make it stick is A. never ever be satisfied with yourself. B. get in a regime and stick with it. C. Give up some shit for the rest of your life and come to terms with it, that is what im trying to do now.

Although my ideal wieght may be different from yours, Im shooting for basic training wieght. I went into basic training at 189 when I got out of basic training I weighed 215 of lean mean fightin machine, im shooting for 200. No I dont have to lose 80-100lbs to do that but still.

But go for it man, intially weight should come off fast and it will get you pumped to stick with it.

One simple change that will drop you a shit load of weight quickly if you're a pop drinker, cut that shit out of your diet. You'll likely lose 20-30 pounds over 3 months just from that.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
One simple change that will drop you a shit load of weight quickly if you're a pop drinker, cut that shit out of your diet. You'll likely lose 20-30 pounds over 3 months just from that.

I know I should quit drinking pop but I'm just going to say it, there is no substitute I like. Water gets old really fast.


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May 14, 2010
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Billings, Montana
Losing weight is a good plan. I cut way down on the amount of pop I drank and I lost 15-20 pounds. Also just try to work out everyday. Even a little bit. But the weight thing is a confidence thing you feel better about yourself then your more confident. On the other hand you don't want a woman who would dump you if you put a couple pounds on.


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May 14, 2010
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Billings, Montana
I know I should quit drinking pop but I'm just going to say it, there is no substitute I like. Water gets old really fast.

I didn't give it up now I only get these little 8 oz cans of pop. Also I mainly have diet coke, so I can still get the caffine but way less pop.


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May 14, 2010
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I know I should quit drinking pop but I'm just going to say it, there is no substitute I like. Water gets old really fast.

Well if you're not willing to make sacrifices than nothing will change.


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
Strangely enough the guy on the phone assured her nothing was going happen and that information doesn't make it to the IRS, you really think our government really is that efficient. So kudos to her for lying to the IRS for not reporting her alimony checks from my father? really? Also the amount had to be under 20,000 income I think, her alimony is only about 11k a year. Because I was under 24 I had to base it off a parent's income.

Kind of funny that 80% of her kids want nothing to do with her and the one that does talk to her well he's a bit shall we say slow. Look you don't know half the story and I ain't going to spend hours telling everyone all the shit she's done. Suffice to say she's a ****.

Also as previously mentioned my parents are rather old, so old fashioned morals and all but I was raised by my father that parents want what's best for their kids. So my mom who could have really helped me go to school didn't do that. No she was selfish.

Sorry winos your argument holds zero water. But hey thanks for playing.

If your looking for sympathy you won't get it from me. You think your the only person who had to pay their way through college? Where is it written your parents are obligated to pay for your college? My parents didn't get that memo.

I've filled out pell grant/federal education loan forms. I find it hard to believe a financial aid officer/counselor encouraged you or your parents to submit a fraudulent application, unless maybe you went through Acorn, because thats the kind of stuff the IRS does catch.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
If your looking for sympathy you won't get it from me. You think your the only person who had to pay their way through college? Where is it written your parents are obligated to pay for your college? My parents didn't get that memo.

I've filled out pell grant forms. I find it hard to believe a financial aid officer/counselor encouraged you or your parents to submit a fraudulent application, unless maybe you went through Acorn, because thats the kind of stuff the IRS does catch.

How exactly is it fraudulent when in fact she reports no income? Her omission of filing taxes is certainly fraudulent but saying she has no reported income isn't. No it wasn't Acorn either.

I don't want sympathy in regards to my mother. I don't feel sad because her and I don't talk. It was written no where that parents had to pay for college but all I needed was a signature and I couldn't even get that. So I wrote her off, just like my two sisters and one of my brothers.

Hell to be honest I can't wait for her to die so my dad can sell the house in Chicago. He lives in Florida and has to pay for half of the expenses (taxes and all that junk) on a piece of property he doesn't even want.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
One simple change that will drop you a shit load of weight quickly if you're a pop drinker, cut that shit out of your diet. You'll likely lose 20-30 pounds over 3 months just from that.

i drink pop like water, diet pop though. Ive gone through stints where I was dieting and lost weight just fine despite drinking it like a fish. Some people claim you can still gain weight from diet pop, I just dont see it (it may make you retain water, but thats about it) its the equivilent of saltwater, as it has nothing in it but sodium, from a nutritional standpoint.

really, if I drank regular pop, id have to leave my house via a knocked out wall and a crane.

My only major food vice is cereal, its like an addiction, so i never buy it. If left up to my own devices I could easily put away 2 boxes of cereal a day and that would be like 4000 calories.

So far the past couple weeks, id have a couple pieces of fruit from breakfast, and for lunch and dinner, either lean pocket or a lean cuisine meal. and later on a night if I get a snack attack bust out the light popcorn.

Im wierd in that I am NEVER hungry throughout the day, I have to actually force myself to eat breakfast and lunch. But its like between 7-11pm I could just eat constantly if I let myself.

Theres always the one big deterrent to ever eating bad food again, there are times I would unwittingly eat really healthy for a week or two, then eat some greasy pile of shit, I get ungodly sick, when I eat high calorie high fat food, if I layed off it for awhile.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Lots of good info here, but here's my take:

1st off, I'm a bit overweight, I have some issues concerning my stepmom (mom died when I was 5), and I'm very socially inept. Yet, not only have I been dating my fiancee for over 5 years, but we're also engaged.

So a lot of the excuses I'm hearing, much like a hippie, simply won't wash.

What I'm reading, amongst you guys having the issues is not apathy, it's the opposite. You're caring too much. Your excuse is that you don't care about anything but the outcome. Your problem is you are focusing on the wrong outcome. The outcome is not whether or not a woman you say "hi" to accepts you as a mate or not--the outcome is getting accepted by someone that you like back. It's a loftier goal, but if you keep your eyes on that prize, things fall into place a lot easier.

I mean hell, In my case iI had to weed through a lot of crap women and also got denied a lot before I found my fiancee. I'm sure all the others here, men and women, will say the same if they're inolved. You will get rejected, but you can never take it personally.

See, it is true that when it coms to undertsanding women and what they want, we, as guys, will never figure it out. But what we can do is just accept that they behave and react a certain way. The "why" is not important, nor is debating that they should behave differently. It's one of those things you have to accept. From there it is all psychological.

Oh, and it helps to realize that to try and get a woman, never take a woman's advice. Emulate the guys the get all of the women. After all, they arew doing something right.


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May 14, 2010
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Wow, Just wow. I have really missed out. I don't know if I can wrap my little pea brain around all this.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
Wow, Just wow. I have really missed out. I don't know if I can wrap my little pea brain around all this.

Not really much to wrap your head around. I'm terrible with talking to women. I hate my mother. Winos says I have mommy issues. I say I don't. There all caught up really.


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May 14, 2010
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Not really much to wrap your head around. I'm terrible with talking to women. I hate my mother. Winos says I have mommy issues. I say I don't. There all caught up really.

Do your mommy issues affect the way you treat or react to women? You aren't hurtful or abusive, right. Some men can become very hateful toward women because of their hostility toward their mother. If a woman disappointed you, would you cast her out of your life? Nobody is perfect and I'm afraid you set your expectations too high.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Lots of good info here, but here's my take:

1st off, I'm a bit overweight, I have some issues concerning my stepmom (mom died when I was 5), and I'm very socially inept. Yet, not only have I been dating my fiancee for over 5 years, but we're also engaged.

So a lot of the excuses I'm hearing, much like a hippie, simply won't wash.

What I'm reading, amongst you guys having the issues is not apathy, it's the opposite. You're caring too much. Your excuse is that you don't care about anything but the outcome. Your problem is you are focusing on the wrong outcome. The outcome is not whether or not a woman you say "hi" to accepts you as a mate or not--the outcome is getting accepted by someone that you like back. It's a loftier goal, but if you keep your eyes on that prize, things fall into place a lot easier.

I mean hell, In my case iI had to weed through a lot of crap women and also got denied a lot before I found my fiancee. I'm sure all the others here, men and women, will say the same if they're inolved. You will get rejected, but you can never take it personally.

See, it is true that when it coms to undertsanding women and what they want, we, as guys, will never figure it out. But what we can do is just accept that they behave and react a certain way. The "why" is not important, nor is debating that they should behave differently. It's one of those things you have to accept. From there it is all psychological.

Oh, and it helps to realize that to try and get a woman, never take a woman's advice. Emulate the guys the get all of the women. After all, they arew doing something right.

I think that last line can be a combination of both. When i woman tells you what she wants in a man or what women want so to speak, they are describing a husband, not the guy they will just meet and regularly **** the shit out of, the guy she just described wouldnt have a chance at that.

So If its real dating for a real long term relationship, I would listen to women over men. When its goin out for poon, look at a guy thats doin it right.

and i know fast talking foul mouthed ignorant smartass works. My college sexual hero mr. currently happily married We'll call him skeletor, was the most notorious heart breaker known to all the women in Dunn-Barton and hamilton-Whitten halls. The man was not particularly attractive i mean he wasnt hideous or anything, he was just absurdly average with a pretty bad case of acne, and looked like skeletor because he was so damn skinny and boney(my buddy alex coined calling him skeletor) Let my put it this way being very unmodest, I was a very attractive guy back in my more fit days in college, and I couldnt even dream of holding a candle to him at the time. But skeletor, skelelor could talk his way into the panties of any pretty little thing he came across that peaked his interest. He could get any chick he wanted. The ***** of it all, after he'd score a one night stand with these broads, they would like fall in love with him on top of it and he had to break hearts left and right. One night he had to tell this broad how it was in my dorm room with me present, I was like now your talkin buddy, leave her right on my bed in tears I think I can take over from there.

He was the best wingman on the face of the planet too, he could talk a ***** into his bed and her friend into yours without breakin a sweat.

Anyway. I know for a fact it is possible to be a pretty homley dude, and pork some of the hottest chicks in existence if you can talk.

If I could compare him to a character in the history of TV, it would 100% be alan alda's Hawkeye Pierce. He was just so on point with his wit, it wasn't even funny.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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  1. Chicago Blackhawks
You most likely do--at least subconsiously. Thing is, whether you do or not shouldn't matter.

And really, as for being terrible at talking to women, just practice and stop letting the outcome of you talking to them matter. And yes, it is just that simple. it's you that makes it more complicated than that.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
Do your mommy issues affect the way you treat or react to women? You aren't hurtful or abusive, right. Some men can become very hateful toward women because of their hostility toward their mother. If a woman disappointed you, would you cast her out of your life? Nobody is perfect and I'm afraid you set your expectations too high.

No. I don't have mommy issues. She is one person that I simply want absolutely zero to do with. No I dont hurt or abuse women. as for women disappointing me, well I'm through 10 years of her bullshit I am still friends with Tiffany. I dont know why but we are still friends and yeah she's pretty good at disappointing me. My expectations are short and sweet, don't be an ignorant dumbass and I can pretty much get along with anyone
