Lots of good info here, but here's my take:
1st off, I'm a bit overweight, I have some issues concerning my stepmom (mom died when I was 5), and I'm very socially inept. Yet, not only have I been dating my fiancee for over 5 years, but we're also engaged.
So a lot of the excuses I'm hearing, much like a hippie, simply won't wash.
What I'm reading, amongst you guys having the issues is not apathy, it's the opposite. You're caring too much. Your excuse is that you don't care about anything but the outcome. Your problem is you are focusing on the wrong outcome. The outcome is not whether or not a woman you say "hi" to accepts you as a mate or not--the outcome is getting accepted by someone that you like back. It's a loftier goal, but if you keep your eyes on that prize, things fall into place a lot easier.
I mean hell, In my case iI had to weed through a lot of crap women and also got denied a lot before I found my fiancee. I'm sure all the others here, men and women, will say the same if they're inolved. You will get rejected, but you can never take it personally.
See, it is true that when it coms to undertsanding women and what they want, we, as guys, will never figure it out. But what we can do is just accept that they behave and react a certain way. The "why" is not important, nor is debating that they should behave differently. It's one of those things you have to accept. From there it is all psychological.
Oh, and it helps to realize that to try and get a woman, never take a woman's advice. Emulate the guys the get all of the women. After all, they arew doing something right.