Once again the always mature, go root for another team instead of point out how poorly the team is being run.
Is it nap time for someone already?
This team, for once, isn't being run poorly. You have just been programmed into thinking, thru years of hard luck and tears, that what you know, is what should be right. And this is on top of a team that hasn't been properly run in over a century.On that I cant really blame you. Its simple minded people who look up and see a blue sky who buy tickets and trinkets at Wrigley Field who make the brand work. Good for you (pats head). But, in the bigger picture you have a team that dedicated itself to failure for generations that wants to cleanse itself from its horrid past. Sorry, little fella, but the brain trust now finally has a brain. And unlike you, many are willing to sacrifice the now for a more beneficial future.
I mean, if your opinion mattered, wouldn't there be some sort of changes? How does that make you feel? (chuckles)
Yours can be summed up in one word also, ignorant.
By agreeing with the plan Theo is dedicating his tenure to? By establishing a strong farm system first and foremost then building around that instead of pulling a Hendry and wasting monies on players like Milton Bradley who brought nothing to this team? Or spending lavishly on pitchers like Zambrano who were washed up the second they signed that contract? Or appeasing fans with rough shots in the dark like Soriano who choked both years he supposedly led the Cubs into the post season and give him a NT clause that killed a deal where he would have netted the Cubs a top notch prospect? Or handed Dempster a NT clause that killed a potential deal with the Braves that would have returned Randall Deldado? See, Hendry, in all his wisdom, still crippled this team last year and he wasn't even on the payroll.
Whats Theo done? Drafted great. Developed the players he deemed talented by not rushing them, signed cast off to cheap contracts that he can flip at the deadline for even more prospects all the while trying to get all those albatross contracts Hendy accumulated out the door. And the best thing of all, trimmed payroll so when the time comes, he has the room to take on a big contract or two. I mean, its not like Theo hasn't had experience in working in a big market or has shied away from signing elite FA's or anything. His track record speaks for itself.
What does Hendrys say, again?
Of course they aren't losing any sleep.
They are too busy laughing all the way to the bank.
their team.
You are just a fan.
See how that works?
Did I ever say I was content with the division titles? Nope, sure didn't.
But does that make division titles meaningless? Not even close. To claim as such is completely moronic.
Anything less then the WS is for the weak. It reminds me of the time, I think it was 91 and the Hawks were the best team in hockey by a huge margin, then they went into the playoffs and were quickly disposed of by the North Stars. The next year at the first home game, they raised the Presidents Trophy banner during the pre-game and it meant....nothing. You don't play for the consolation prize, that's the losers reward. If you think that means something, what does that say about you?
LOL at you and everything you mumble.
Clearly stating the obvious isn't mumbling. Trying to reach the dunderheaded who have hurt feelings because their favorite team wants to break a losing tradition tho.....
No he isn't. Oh my god are you a fool.
As of right now, he is. His value skyrocketed after ST. If you used google, I would guess you could find some early rankings that put him in the top 20.
No he wouldn't have been.
"According to Callis, Soler likely would have been a top-five pick in the 2010 draft "
That was a much better draft
Keith Law of ESPN.com indicated that Soler had the talent of a top-five draft choice in the 2012 Major League Baseball Draft, had he been eligible to be drafted.
Now, I have labored thru your posts, I will take the opinions of Callis and Law over yours, sorry bout that.
Yes, the most polished HS player in the draft who is the closest HS player to the bigs.(shakes head)
You are clearly nothing but a troll.
Save the troll comments for WoW. I disagree with your useless drivel and thank the lord you are here spouting off your delusions and not in the Cubs front office ruining a brave new beginning. If people like you didn't exist this place wouldn't be interesting from a sincerely stupid point of view that you seem to have cornered the forum with in your flaccid attempts at trying to reinvent the Cubs while using Ricketts money. This isn't a video game, and no offense, try all these ideas you have next time with the GM functions turned on instead of allowing every trade you make to go thru. You might learn a few things considering the AI is getting better with each passing game.
A complimentary player??
You clearly know nothing about baseball.
Well, to your defense, he sure wasn't paid like one.
But he played like one.