Yesterday's squat workout. It was alright, the squats felt easy, but breaking in a new belt still. I can't breath at the bottom. It's making it hard to get to depth, and I honestly stopped at 6 because my ribs hurt, not because I couldn't do more.
you squat really wide for your size. If I did that my legs would be on the outside of the white bars. I was 5'1" and 95 lbs in highschool, hit puberty at 15 and grew too damn fast. Retained the chip on my shoulder though and work ethic as I was trying fruitlessly to get stronger without testosterone. But the ethic stayed and served me well. I am just getting back into weights after a 2 year hiatus. I have lost 70 lbs of fat and muscle since rugby ended and its time to get back the muscle. I will be coming here to learn and share. thanks man
and the reason I took time off was total body injuries. so I am going to be rehabbing weak points leftover from that.
1) Left MCL gone
2) 2 third-fourth degree distended AC shoulder joints from tackling without pads
3) left elbow pain
4) left thumb fucked up
5) neck pain, bunched up muscles and a mess from car accident and then playing rugby before healing fully
6) mid back alignement slightly off and painful
the wrist issues and elbows have improved greatly, I hope they don't mess me up.
So we will see how this goes. I am on day 3 at 6'5" 205 lbs, and 13.5% body fat. I would like to reach 210-220lbs, 6-8%, be able to run a 5 minute mile, run a 4.8, bench 400 for new pr (with long arms), squat 500 and deadlift 500 again. And I'm not a leaper, have never jumped 30 inches. That would be a major accomplishment for me.
I'm not naturally strong, but I can pack on muscle and get strong. Built for endurance, ectomorph with the long legs and neck.
I hope I can reach those goals but we'll see with the injuries and my addicitons. 34 years old. time to max my ability so I can cash in on muscle memory the rest of my life.