The Runners Thread


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Day 36 is ^ there.

This 7 days is up. Was still feeling worn down from whatever illness i had. started to feel a lil more energy on day 42. Im basically on a 2 on 1 off cycle right now. Started doing 20 minutes worth of leg specific drills and form running drills.. stretches have evolved to include some yoga shit.. tried to mix up time and speed this week. day 42 was suppose to be a 5k but wasnt feeling enough energyz.. idk... just building a strong foundation atm. running form is def getting better and my legs are stronger overall... though i was missing the energyz.

all my focus on running is taking away from other shit i normally do.. time constraints. still working in some basic calisthenics though. will modify once me core runnings are solid enough and i can condense me running portion. need another hour to dedicate to exercise. this work shit is getting in the ways.. and old age recovery is bs. i need deer horn cream.. man doing uptempo i cant imagine pacing twice as fast like in me younger days.. maybe its the treadmill.. idk never really ran on a treadmill before this..

Day 37 20 mins total jog/walk no more than 2 minute jog. 20 minutes worth of leg drills/stretching
Day 38 Day off
Day 39 20 mins Leg work drills, stretches, 30 minutes running/walking total – single 5 and 10 min jog intervals Stretches
Day 40 20 mins Leg work drills, stretches, 30 minutes running/walking total – single 15 min interval and 3 min Uptempo. Stretches
Day 41 Day off
Day 42 Stretches, 35 minute run/walk time. 8-12x Uptempo intervals 1:30-3 mins. Stretches
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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Welcome back to the saddest 40+ year old run thread in the world, self..

What did the last 7 days produce, me?

Well self, the week started out great, Im like damn, my g, you gotz lots of energy, this running thing is goings guud.. then it dawned on me, it wasnt extra energy.. rather, I was finally over whatever bug I had and felt normal again. managed 2 5ks and another combined 5k over days 45/46

Continued mixing up various runs each session. Gonna start working in the foam roller, massage gun, soak on days off as just treatment, i started on day 47. My leg drills vary, but i may or may not do bands in those drills too, just as prehab, but wont mention it. I have found the prehabbing to be beneficial. other than day 48, I havent had any sort of lingering lil cramps/pains etc in any part of me legs for a couple of weeks.

Day 45, woke up late for work.. almost passed up running, but fit in a mile... victory...

Day 48 my left hip/buttock area cramped durning me 5k. Had to stop at 20 mins to piss... when i came back and started again that area cramped.. had to run and walk a few minutes a couple of times.. finally went away and finished up at 44:49.. was on pace for sub 40 min prior to not wanting to pee on myself. too much hydration preworkout.. idk what it was from, may have been from the legs drills on day 46.. introduced weighted single leg lunges.. im fine at 40-45 min 5ks for now.. long ways to go.. long term goaling going on..

day 49 was meter day.. i didnt realize my 200m were sub 7 min pace, I was targeting sub 8. when looking at me pacing chart after the fact, i noticed my pacing was off by a minute. What I also know is this, i feel uncomfortable going that fast on my treadmill.. held on the rails for those, but i still wanted the legs to get the motion going.. still on a 2 on 1 off routine, so day off tomar.

look forward to starting the days of 50... mike singletary is pulling his pants down in front of a group of men somewhere.... in honor of the glorious milestone..

Day 42 Stretches, 35 minute run/walk time. 8-12x Uptempo intervals @ 1:30-3 interval spurts
Day 43 Stretches, Warm up, 44 min 5k, 60 min jog/walk time total. Longer cool down, Stretches
DAY 44 Day Off
Day 45 Stretch, Warm up, 10 min mile, cool down , Stretch
Day 46 Stretch, Warm up, 11:20 mile, 4x 400m (10 min pace) cool down. Leg Drills, Stretches
Day 47 Day Off, Foam Roller, Massage Gun, Light Stretching, Epsom Soak
Day 48 Stretch, Warm up, 5k (44:49) long cool down, Stretch
Day 49 Stretch, band prehab, 1 x 800m (12 min pace) 2x400m (9:40 pace) 4x200m ( 2x 6:54 & 2 x 6:26 min pace) lots of walking inbetween intervals.. cool down, stretches.
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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
What a shitty week mane. Fucked up me sleep pattern that i had finally improved a tad and it fucked me week up in a sense. a 30 hr and a 24 hr day threw me off. Had to take day 54 off cause of it and took an L. Also have an obligation this coming week thatll **** me sleep up too. Gettin off me schedule starts me man period... def moody, bloated and spotting.

Turned up the treadmill a bit and subbed 40 mins.. didnt mean to. trying to stay at 40-45 for another month

Was suppose to 5K on day 56 but was defeated by a fucking clothes dryer. Me breathing was heavy as in that thick air. Cold, rainy day up in the mountains of hongakonga and the wifey is drying clothes. Me treadmill is in the patio/sunroom and off to the side is the laundry room. Evaporator dryer made the room super humid on an already wet chilly bs day. Nearing sauna levels of moisture. I was drenched at mile 1. Still running in a fucking hoodie and long sleeve thermal. I havent sweat like that since back in the day when I was working out in a garage in central florida during summer. Would have been guud if i were acclimated to that climate again..

Decided to start looking at me diet. Im not on any kind of program, just need to eat more vitamin rich veg. or any veg in general.....been skipping veg for awhile and opting for a vitamin instead.. gonna see what that does...

Day 50 Day Off
Day 51 Stretch, Warm Up, 2.5k (19:00 min), Cool down, Stretch
Day 52 Stretch, Warm Up, 5k (39:28 min) Longer Cool down, Stretch
Day 53 Day off, Roller, Massage gun, Soak
Day 54 Day off
Day 55 Stretch, Warm up, 2.5 k in intervals, 1 x 800m 4 x 400m, cool down, stretch
Day 56 Stretch, Warm up, 2 miles (24 min) cool down, Stretch


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
No point in waiting for the day to end to joglog. Day off.

Good 7 days in a sense, had me fav day, but i didnt like how the 2 on, 1 off created 3 off days. However, at me age and reintroduction into running as a beginner again... i need the recovery time.. that inner 20 something yr old wolverine is gone..

I think imma start training for a 5k race though. I have a soft goal of getting to 10k at some point, but theres a local weekend 5k that i might start doing to give me a target to shoot for. Not to race, race, but to get official times at me beginners pace. to compete with meself and to track long term progress. Most importantly, to get me off the treadmill eventually. maybe in 4-8 weeks.... hopefully in another 8 weeks, a 30 min 5k should be doable eh..

I thought about punching meself in the face day 57 and skipping me day off, but the ghost of Kruetz ended up choking me out instead..

Day 58 was my fav workout and day since all this started. Happy like when 58 was trade to Baltimore. i even tried a variant of it on day 62. I like the slower aerobic pacing for 2.5k to 3.2k followed up by some faster intervals. im still uncomfortable going at anything under 8 min pacing.. but no holding on to the rails this time. i will say that 30 minute 5ks will probably be my fastest pace on me treadmill.. anything quicker for a length of time will have to be outside... not getting thrown off me shit... too old and brittle for that shit..

5k time on day 61 was 37:20 basically a 10 minute improvement in 32 days. maths aint me strong suits but thats around 20% mo betta, right? I think i watched a youtube vid about people improving 1-5% in 30 days. I beat them and their tailored program designed by a channel called the running channel.. i would have won the cash.. maybe i was sandbagging it at 47:47... maybe im 6'9 650 pounds.. thing is, i didnt mean to run 37:20 as is either.. just got bored going slow and turned up the speed half way through.. still need to back off for another month. idk when i go from beginner to novice.. but when i do.. ill bump it up a avg beginner 75 years olds run 45 min 5ks.. good thing im not comparing meself to them. going slow, building da foundation, trying not to injure meself... grow the football fellas.

also i noticed last week that me quads have grown a lil and feel fuller.. idk how much theyve grown, but its noticable.. i should have measured from the start.. anywho probably some muscle memory.. still years away from the marbling someone else fancies

Day 57 Day Off
Day 58 Stretch, Warm Up, 2.5K, 4 x 400 tempo, long cool down, Stretch
Day 59 Stretch, Warm up, 1 mile, 2 x 400, 2 x 200 tempo, cool down, 20 min leg drills, Stretch, had heavy legs - aka old
Day 60 Day off, Roller, Massage gun, Soak
Day 61 Stretch, Warm Up, 5k (37:20 min) Cool down, Stretch
Day 62 Stretch, Warm Up, Interval 5k. 2 mile (23:30), 6 x 200m (6:40-7:30 pacing) + in between walks, Cool down, Stretch.
Day 63 Day Off, Roller, Massage gun, Soak
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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Joglog entry something. a day early againz, off day on 70. Hmm day 70... so 10 weeks in.. theres been some progress i guess. For a 7'1 720 pound mid 40's guy who hasnt run in 2 decades, Im doing okay.. Its hard to not compare and remember me 2 decades ago, but i get da reality. I know i need to back off and not try to push meself hard.. theres no need to at this point in me life. i need to take is slow and steady.. build miles.. recover and avoid them injuries.. right

Im most proud of me consistency.. 70 days in... 15-20 years to go...

This week was a struggle physically. Its probably sleep related. Not giving me OLD body a chance to repair with quality sleep. Reading shit on the web...whomever they are, recommend 7-9 of sleep for running recoveries. I may get 1, 7 hour sleep every 3rd or 4th week. Im in the 4-6 hr on avg camp until i crash and sleep 16-18 hours one day out of the blue every few months. ive been on the 4-6 hr routine for 8.5 of the 10 weeks.. ?‍♂️

Day 64, my legs felt heavy. Might have been from all the intervals from the previous week and not recovering..
Legs still tired on day 65, i tried to keep it to me 1 mile day with leg drills.. I ended up burning the shit out of me hips overloading on band drills.. smfh..

Day 67 5k, tried to go back to a slower pace to use as a recovery run, legs were dead the entire time.. going slower seemed harder.. treadmill is funny.. go too slow/too fast and it feels hard.... theres a sweet spot for me... and too slow isnt it..

Went to bed early day 68 to try and get a long sleep.. woke up hours later. unable to fall back asleep.. i went for a run outside at midnight so i didnt weasel out of a run that morning due to being too tired.... it kicked me arse. got to bust out the bone conduction headphones in the process too...

i live in da mountains and this plateau burb is hilly... i pulled up at .90 of a mile. the first .75 miles is hilly as ****.. the start of me route is a 500-600m climb @ 30-35% incline... then its up and down for the next the end towards the 3/4 point.. you drop 40% really quick.. then ease back up @ 20% which builds to 45% before Uing across a bridge and declining back down to a flat stretch , which isnt entirely flat. if you go past that mental mile marker.. theres another good 1.5-2 miles of semi flat road.. its the start though.. eventually ill keep going straight.. just wanted to ease the road in and do a mile.. when i pulled up I was at 8:39.. too fast at this stage of me program.. im 6-11 666 pounds and old...

i started too fast on the first part and when looking at me bs heart rate on me app its high... my HR was where i build to 20 minutes in on da treadmill.. im there almost instantly on this hilly road.. i havent paced meself for 20 years M8's.... my treadmill paces me.. after stopping at .90 of a mile i stopped, turned around and did intervals until i hit 2.5k then walked the rest as a cool down.

Undeterred by my defeat on day 68. I thought id turn me off day, day 69, the Jared Allens national mullet day into another try. Was sore from day 68.. muscles i normally didnt use on the treadmill were barking.. all i wanted to do was run that mile without stopping.. this time i paced slower up da hills. did the mile without stopping and walked home to club dub.. pace was way slower @ 11:29.. i could have kept going but im not trying to kill me body just yet.. need to work that pavement in after weeks on me soft treadmill..

What i enjoyed about being on the road.. easily could adjust pace/effort per step if needed.. stride length is naturally longer on road vs the mill... same form too... so pacing is naturally a lil faster. time flew by as the treadmill timer wasnt ticking in me face.. what was hard.. the terrain.. not just that it was a hilly demon ass ****, but the ground def hit back harder than the treadmill, i feel it..

I think going foward.. ill slowlly work in road sessions... but imma def start elevating me treadmill a tad. didnt eat a lot of veg this week, but managed to eat some daily.. will look to continue to add more.. may take the next 2 or 3 days off depending on how me legs go...

Day 64 Stretch, Warm up, Interval 5k. 2.5 k, then 2 x 400, 4 x 200 + in between walks. Cool down, stretch tired today.
Day 65 Stretch, Warm up, 1 mile, 25 minute leg drills, Cool down, Stretch
Day 66 Day off, Roller, Massage Gun
Day 67 Stretch, warm up, 5k (40:30), cool down, stretch
Day 68 Stretch, 2.5k struggled. 3.34 KM total ,Stretch
Day 69 Stretch, 1 mile. 3.35 km total, Stretch
Day 70 Day off

edit: maybe the first climb isnt 800-1000m long.. just drove on it.. sure felt long as **** though.. probably cause its still hilly when you get to that lil crest and this route doesnt let off until you make it to the lil bridge
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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Been awhile since I entered into me other joglog. May be one of my lasts in this one. Im not really keeping track anymore. Its become a habit and theres no need to track data at this point. I tell myself what imma do next run and go do it.

Had a week off after my 10 week reintroduction to running. It was def needed. Only just finished up week 1 of phase 2. This week i only did 4 days to work myself back in my routine. two days of 1 mile runs and 2 days of 2.5ks. I think ill do a couple of 2 miles next week with at least a 5k. legs felt great and it was easy work. I think 4 days may be the go to so my old ass can recover. however if i can push it over say 10 weeks.. a week off may be the go.. playing it week by week atm

changed me diet so itll be interesting to see how that aids in recovery going forward.

Im not sure if im going to build up over 10 weeks again and then rest or what.. i know no uptempo intervals until im fully adapted to me new diet..

the youngin has decided he wants to start walking, so on my run days, i walk a couple of miles before running. it doesnt effect my time that i have available on weekends but during the work week it may force me to modify what im doing.
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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
OKay i thought the last entry was the last of me meat shit running for da week. im like, hey pussy, you had a 20 year rest, on top of that 1 week you just got off.... wtf my man. Did a interval 6k on day 7 of week 1 of phase 2.

Ran 2.5k. Did x4 uptempo 200m with walks inbetween then ran the rest. Uptempo speed was @ 6:26 mile pacing. not like imma go run a 6:26 mile or anything anytime soon or ever again.. jus wanted the legs to move a tad........Yeah i know i was thinking no uptempo until me body fully adjusted to me new diet. well **** me feelings man. I got 2 days rest coming. was gonna do 7.5k but had to go do shit and cut it short.

Broke in some new shoes too...

I sold those ultraboosts i got that i didnt like and bought some more mizunos.

Mizuno Neo Wind aka as the meat fart friendly zunos.. 50% made from sustainable and recyclable materials.


I often wonder about the Japanese when it comes to story telling M8s. Jin is over here stealing supplies from citizens in a worn torn tsushima. You got a passed best by date mama san who raised Jin, leading him to a hot spring because she thinks Jin is 'stressed'. Like what? However, when it comes to their manufacturing, their cars and dem shoes are legit and on point.

The cushioning is not as soft as the wave rider 25s or the wave rider neo 2.0. However, its still has good cushion but feels a lil more firm. Where it differentiates from the other 2 imo, is that its way more responsive.....the energy return propels you at higher tempos. the bounce is real

In terms of cushioning the waver rider neos 2.0 are the softest, followed by a slightly firmer wave rider 25, followed by a slightly firmer but cushioned ride of the neo wind. Ive been saving the neo 2.0s for longer road runs. VS the wave rider 25s the response and energy returns are next level when upping the tempo. Each shoe is similar but differ slightly in feel. Use as needed or find that sweet spot ye like.

I have noticed the wave rider 26 and 27 both seem to have a similar midsole as the neo wind and it may be a future buy. Cause while the one piece upper is nice and sufficient enough on the neo wind, i still prefer me tongue locking system if given the choice on the wave riders.

The tread is next level too. the grip pattern lets you dig in, so im sure these would handle basic trails without issue..


These only come in one natural colorway... which are nice....if you are cripin along, all is well and its a def plus. However, its also a plus if you want to shorten your splits.... go strolling through some blood sets and see the magic of these mizuno winds in action.
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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Finally injured.. wtf mane. Shin splint in me left leg. never had shin splints in me life... Had been turning up the intensity the last couple of weeks in terms of tempo well compared to what i had been doing. plus i had added in da boxing dancing, n jumping rope wif no rope.. i think its probably from dancing, jump rope wif no rope and footwork dills for longer periods of longer just going straight with me running form now im moving in all angles... cant run/jump for a week or 2.. to the exercise bike.. talk about a fucking boring exercise.


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Dearest Diary,

Been 6ish months running on me Mizuno Wave Rider 25s. Still gotz some miles left on them but a few worn out patches on da tread are there and they will have to go soon. The other 2 mizunos still kickin it.. Use those when doing uptempo intervals and they still gotz awhile to go as I have been doings more slower distance stuff.

Wave Rider 25s were legit. Fav running shoe of all time.

Upgraded to some pink Mizuno Wave Rider 26. Initial reviews from randoms werent the best on the Wave Rider 26. I have to agree that the fit is a tad small. Even though da size when side by side with the 25s are the same size... 🤷‍♂️ . i think its the shape, it slightly differs ...

Still fits though but 0.5 upsize would feel better imo. ANYWHO I went wiff da pinks cause 20 dollar goes towards sum breast cancer and were on da sale. the sooner we can cure this cancer the sooner nfl teams can stop wearing da pink. Will see how these shoes break in, just gotz them. The 25s break in was a treat. Ordered some Mizuno Wave inspire 19 as well.. havent arrived yet. Just wanted to see how the stability version compares. I do know that i wont rotate in the uptempo pairs and will run these wave rider 26s out and move to the 27s asap.



Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
been back to running for a few weeks now after some bogus getting old bursitis shit. just running time @ 20-30 mins at slow/med paces for now. finally got to get me wave inspire 19s a go.. they just the stability version of the wave riders. been running in them exclusively.. havent even wanted to try the wave rider 26s i picked up wiff these. these fit true to size as opposed to the rider 26s running a tad small. the ride feels nice. good stability while still having that cushioning.

may try the wave rider 26s tomar. idk..

i live n train @ 3000 feet. in da past ive read there was no benefits until 5000ft.. i have to say, i ran at sea level the other day and it felt easier. perhaps minimal benefits but i could tell the difference at sea level..

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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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been back to running for a few weeks now after some bogus getting old bursitis shit. just running time @ 20-30 mins at slow/med paces for now. finally got to get me wave inspire 19s a go.. they just the stability version of the wave riders. been running in them exclusively.. havent even wanted to try the wave rider 26s i picked up wiff these. these fit true to size as opposed to the rider 26s running a tad small. the ride feels nice. good stability while still having that cushioning.

may try the wave rider 26s tomar. idk..

i live n train @ 3000 feet. in da past ive read there was no benefits until 5000ft.. i have to say, i ran at sea level the other day and it felt easier. perhaps minimal benefits but i could tell the difference at sea level..

View attachment 36656



Hooters Waitress
Jan 6, 2015
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My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Bears
Who says this?

Cite your source.

Read an article that 80% of Americans over the age of 30 can’t run a mile without stopping or do a pull-up. Too lazy to look for it.


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A

It is sweet M8, almost as sweet as these mizuno inspire 19s. Nearly started this journey a year ago.. gonna have to celEbrate at 1 year wiff something. 2 injuries though.. 1 minor but set me back weeks. shin splints.. that mid level bursitis that put me out fer 2 months from running, still dunno how that happened just woke up with it.. may have kicked me recliner wiff me heel while i slept

anywho.. made great progress.

just think.... some of these ccs double tits could have been improving they self. What they gonna do when the zombie apocalypse hits?

Some these fatties will work 60-80 hours a week for someone else but wont invest 20 mins a day to help themselves. so to da obese.. you wasted another year.. you gonna waste another? if u finally decide that ye had enough of wearing sport bras n gonna get at it.. mizunos..


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Damn its been a minute.

i think yall know how i fucked me shoulder, back etc .. might of been in me wooo thread.,.

Had to shut it down around april mAY june july. something.. to rest n recover.. i started seeing some lame ass physio kunt. i listened to her dumb ass cause she was suppose to be a professional. didnt get better.. was told to stop exercising etc and be gots worse --- weak and fat.

The ebullying got me down bads and put me in some depressions... lost all discipline and started eating carbs.. put on about 14 pounds in 5 months.. id say a good 8 is water weight.. but still.. feeling bloated..

got rid of kunt about 8 weeks ago and ran for the first time that day and the first time in about 3-4 months at that point.. 30 mins in i strained me fucking calf. lol.. too much too soon, yeah but i was feeling okay until the moment i didnt.. it was sudden.... so that put me on me arse for nearly 6 weeks... just started reintroducing jogging two weeks ago.. a single 4min, run followed by 6 the following day , 8, 10 ,15, 20, 25 kind of shit. im essentially starting over in a way.

got a new physio 2 weeks ago.. some 3rd eye alternative ayahuasca triathlon competing mf er. saw improvements in me back area in one session. some ppl just know they shit i guess.. their assessment of me last physio was the same as mine.. kunt was shit. i should have never stopped exercising.. etc etc

shoulder still fucked but started light bag work last week.. just doing range of motion stuff.. not having surgery on it..

also finished making me game.. meh. i realized i have no passion fer programming at all. nor the art or muzac.. but i accomplished what i set out to do..

havent been to work work in 16 months.. i think im retired. maybe i should resign.. ill think on it the next 12 months..

anywho.. bout to get serious come monday and start phase 2 of me training.. phase 2 aka phase 1, 2.0.. gotta restart this shit all ova again.. might hit the weights this go around though.. im thinking part of my issue wiff blowing out me shoulder was too much forces on muscles that werent ready to go at that rpms once i started getting serious about boxing again and throwing 120%. def need to get all me lil supporting muscles up to specs..

what would thomas brown do.. eyes up and move forward yall...
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4th round grade on Trubisky
Dec 7, 2016
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Damn its been a minute.

i think yall know how i fucked me shoulder, back etc .. might of been in me wooo thread.,.

Had to shut it down around april mAY june july. something.. to rest n recover.. i started seeing some lame ass physio kunt. i listened to her dumb ass cause she was suppose to be a professional. didnt get better.. was told to stop exercising etc and be gots worse --- weak and fat.

The ebullying got me down bads and put me in some depressions... lost all discipline and started eating carbs.. put on about 14 pounds in 5 months.. id say a good 8 is water weight.. but still.. feeling bloated..

got rid of kunt about 8 weeks ago and ran for the first time that day and the first time in about 3-4 months at that point.. 30 mins in i strained me fucking calf. lol.. too much too soon, yeah but i was feeling okay until the moment i didnt.. it was sudden.... so that put me on me arse for nearly 6 weeks... just started reintroducing jogging two weeks ago.. a single 4min, run followed by 6 the following day , 8, 10 ,15, 20, 25 kind of shit. im essentially starting over in a way.

got a new physio 2 weeks ago.. some 3rd eye alternative ayahuasca triathlon competing mf er. saw improvements in me back area in one session. some ppl just know they shit i guess.. their assessment of me last physio was the same as mine.. kunt was shit. i should have never stopped exercising.. etc etc

shoulder still fucked but started light bag work last week.. just doing range of motion stuff.. not having surgery on it..

also finished making me game.. meh. i realized i have no passion fer programming at all. nor the art or muzac.. but i accomplished what i set out to do..

havent been to work work in 16 months.. i think im retired. maybe i should resign.. ill think on it the next 12 months..

anywho.. bout to get serious come monday and start phase 2 of me training.. phase 2 aka phase 1, 2.0.. gotta restart this shit all ova again.. might hit the weights this go around though.. im thinking part of my issue wiff blowing out me shoulder was too much forces on muscles that werent ready to go at that rpms once i started getting serious about boxing again and throwing 120%. def need to get all me lil supporting muscles up to specs..

what would thomas brown do.. eyes up and move forward yall...
Welcome back to running. Dumb physio.. exercise is good for joints unless you do something stupid like ego lift
When I started jogging around 40 my knee pain went away no got worst.

So you aren't retired.. but haven't resigned but haven't worked in 16 months?? I think you got fired.


Staff member
Jun 9, 2011
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My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  2. Oakland Raiders
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
I used to run a lot when I was in high school and my early 20s. Then went over a decade without running much.

Recently, I tore my meniscus while hiking, and as part of my rehab (didn't get surgery), I started a jogging program. It's helped my knee a ton, but damn.... my ego has taken a hit. Event after 3 months of consistent jogging, I am no where close to where I was a decade ago. I guess that's part of aging, but it sucks haha. I used to be able to run 3 miles in around 16 minutes, and now it's like 28 minutes and I feel like I'm dying.


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Welcome back to running. Dumb physio.. exercise is good for joints unless you do something stupid like ego lift
When I started jogging around 40 my knee pain went away no got worst.

So you aren't retired.. but haven't resigned but haven't worked in 16 months?? I think you got fired.
View attachment 41871

i changed positions to a non key role before going on leave. i keep extending... im def still on the books and on def on leave... unpaid of course at this point but not fired.

I used to run a lot when I was in high school and my early 20s. Then went over a decade without running much.

Recently, I tore my meniscus while hiking, and as part of my rehab (didn't get surgery), I started a jogging program. It's helped my knee a ton, but damn.... my ego has taken a hit. Event after 3 months of consistent jogging, I am no where close to where I was a decade ago. I guess that's part of aging, but it sucks haha. I used to be able to run 3 miles in around 16 minutes, and now it's like 28 minutes and I feel like I'm dying.

28 min is good at an older age imo.. i dont run at paces faster then that unless im doing intervals n shorter distances. i do me 5ks around 30-33 mins. though ive been injured here and there i think my easier paces has limited my leg injuries over the last year and a bit. minus that inactive calf thing, my legs have been fairly good.

if i wanted to compete maybe id push harder in my distance runs, but for me its just more about long term health n wellbeing. just want to be a functional 50-60 yr old kunt when i get there

however, i could see u hitting 19/20 min in 6 months, idk about 16 anymore... but i aint limiting the ceiling - thomas brown
