Skille has been one of the bright spots on the team this year...YEAH I FUCKING SAID IT!
I will agree some of Skille's shot selections are a bit brutal, but ripping a guy who makes close to the league minimum is idiotic. Jack has shown improvement all year and has been busting his ass every game. Is Skille going to be a big time player like JT or PK? **** no. But for what he's making a year and for little NHL experience he has, he's playing solid for that type of role.
He likes to talk about Bickell, and I like Bickell, but for **** sake, BB has some issues with balance and staying on his feet, and you mention none of this about him, but bash Skille for being greedy?
The guy also mentioned in his comments section this dandy idea:
I think Dowell as "2nd line center" might raise some eyebrows but he is underrated for his hockey sense— he can play with skill guys.
I firmly believe this man has never played hockey and has no clue what he's talking about.