The Ultimate Insult


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Nov 12, 2010
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Ok, so out of about 400 games pippen has played in his prime, youve only seen roughly 10. But yet youre able to draw a conclusion on what Pippen could/couldnt do?

Im sure I can name half of them. Jordans flu game, game 6 of the 98 finals, game 6 of the 92 finals, game 5 of the 91 finals, game 6 of the 93 finals, game 6 of the 97 finals and game 6 of the 97 finals.

You sure didnt arrive at your conclusion from youtube. Or quotes from nba greats.

Are you really gonna say thats a fair assesment?

Saying he was the perfect role player is an insult?

I think its an insult to Derrick Rose to call Tyrus Thomas a "staple"

I think it insulting to Reinsdorf to saying Dolan is a better owner because he spent money on the likes of Alan Houston, Jerome James, and Eddy Curry.


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For whatever it's worth, I think Allan Houston was a pretty darn good player when he was healthy. :dunno:



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Apr 25, 2011
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Saying he was the perfect role player is an insult?

I think its an insult to Derrick Rose to call Tyrus Thomas a "staple"

I think it insulting to Reinsdorf to saying Dolan is a better owner because he spent money on the likes of Alan Houston, Jerome James, and Eddy Curry.
This is another one of those times when youre taking something out of context. The Bulls dint trade Tyrus Thomas because they felt he wasnt gonna amount to anything, they traded him because they didnt want to pay him. I saw Thomas as being another andra kirlenko. Excellent defender, long, great shot blocker, capaable of jumping out of the gym. Hes the one guy that I felt could matchup on lebron james.

And im positive if you took a poll on who the Bulls fans would rather have as their owner, Dolan would win in a landslide over Reinsdorf.


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Apr 25, 2011
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He probably would be a better fit on Malone's team than Jordan.

He didnt just say Jordan. He said he would pick him over everyone on the dream team. That includes Bird and Magic


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Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
I've seen a few. Could probably count on my hand what I saw. I work and go to school so my time is limited to what I can see.

Its cool my wigga.
I feel you, and its not like I'm judging you for being like 16 to 20 years younger than me.
Its just that I don't understand why you would speak on things you havnt seen, or experienced.
Also, I'm sure you have seen a lot of Lebron James, so maybe you have knowledge on him..
Cool, understood.

And another thing, I was born in 1976....I grew up watching the Bulls and was very much into it from a kid all the way to an adult.
I rarely missed Bulls games, and I recorded the dam games so if I missed anything I could watch it the next day or whenever I was free.
Guess what, I still have my recordings.
As I read arguments on 90s Bulls basketball or underrating Pippen on this forum, I get insulted because I have the evidence at my disclosure....And not just 1994 Bulls or Pippen.....try 1988 to 2000...
So basically what I'm telling you is that Hue is not the only old dog on this forum that's seen a lot of Bulls basketball.
Plus, most importantly, your idol(Hue) is not some kind of basketball historian professor or wizard that knows all and seen all.

He's just a man that's seen(or claims to have seen) a lot of basketball in the 80s and 90s...So fucking what man...
Does that mean everything is the way he saw it......the answer is NO!!!
Its just his opinions and how he looked at players in the league growing up.
I'm no different, just seen things from a different perspective and opinion than his.

Ill make it simple for you to understand.
Just pretend me and Hue are 2 guys checking out a fat girl at a club.
I look at her and say, "dam that ***** is ugly as **** with dem cellulite jelly roll stomach".
Then Hue say, " come awn bruh, that ***** is thick and fine as Hell to me, and dem stretch marks sexy to me."

Think about it......Neither of us are wrong....I wasn't lying, I THOUGHT that ***** looked nasty and Hue liked her and too him, she was beutiful.....That's his opinion....fine....The problem is, Hues going to go around preaching to everyone that that fat nasty ***** being beutiful is FACT.....

It the same concept he has used in his posting on this thread, that's for dam sure........GET IT?

Don't be mislead and believe everything Hue says is fact, because one of these days he's going to tell you that if you jump off the Willis Tower, you'll be o.k because he will have a stack of pillows laying on the side walk for you and you'll be just fine....
You may think,"o.k, if Hue said it, it must be fact" even though its really just an opinion that he may truely believe.....and then might jump..
The real FACT is, there will be one hell of a pot hole in the sidewalk and feathers everywhere........

Just sayin, I know you look up to him like some kind of basketball mentor, but don't be mislead by only 1 mans opinions.....

AND the bottom line is, Hue seriously underrates Pippen and even goes against certain facts he may not like and convince you and others it ain't so, just to promote his favorite players of all time.........

Most Barkley fans I know or have met over the years do not like Pippen, and its funny because Barkley never liked Pippen much either.

A die hard Barkley fan knows this, so I guess they just follow suit, and begin the Pippen bashing.

True story bro :smug:

P.S, I garentee Hue is reading this right now and is probably going to say somthing like "good grief, this is the most insane B.S I have ever read"...or "SP is unstable and insane and a rodeo clown".....and if not, after reading this last paragraph in this reply, he most likely will just not say anything at all just so he can pretend I'm on ignore because I'm quote on quote, just an idiot in his eyes....but then again, he's responded to me more than a few times, so I guess that means I'm not an idiot according to his own avatar sig.......He clearly states above his avatar, that he ignores idiots.....FACT...:dunno:

The truth is, I'm just honest.........PIPPEN AIN'T EASY........
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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2012
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Pippen was one of the best defenders in the history of basketball if not the best. Offensively there are a lot of players who were/are better than Pippen. I don't believe that Pippen was something so special offensively. But when Jordan is in your team who gives a **** if you are not the best offensive player? I would pick Pippen instead of everyone else easily. When you have a weapon of mass destruction in your team you go with the elite defender.

It's like having Kobe in your team and pick Bynum instead of Howard because he has more offensive moves than Howard. Only idiots would pick a better offensive player instead of the ultimate defensive player as the sidekick of Jordan or Kobe. Without Pippen, Jordan might not be who he is today. He would have been the best offensive player of all time. Pippen helped him become the GOAT.


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Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Pippen was one of the best defenders in the history of basketball if not the best. Offensively there are a lot of players who were/are better than Pippen. I don't believe that Pippen was something so special offensively. But when Jordan is in your team who gives a **** if you are not the best offensive player? I would pick Pippen instead of everyone else easily. When you have a weapon of mass destruction in your team you go with the elite defender.

It's like having Kobe in your team and pick Bynum instead of Howard because he has more offensive moves than Howard. Only idiots would pick a better offensive player instead of the ultimate defensive player as the sidekick of Jordan or Kobe. Without Pippen, Jordan might not be who he is today. He would have been the best offensive player of all time. Pippen helped him become the GOAT.


The chosen one has made his triumphant return

Where the Hell have you been? :crazydance:


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Apr 25, 2011
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Pippen was one of the best defenders in the history of basketball if not the best. Offensively there are a lot of players who were/are better than Pippen. I don't believe that Pippen was something so special offensively. But when Jordan is in your team who gives a **** if you are not the best offensive player? I would pick Pippen instead of everyone else easily. When you have a weapon of mass destruction in your team you go with the elite defender.

It's like having Kobe in your team and pick Bynum instead of Howard because he has more offensive moves than Howard. Only idiots would pick a better offensive player instead of the ultimate defensive player as the sidekick of Jordan or Kobe. Without Pippen, Jordan might not be who he is today. He would have been the best offensive player of all time. Pippen helped him become the GOAT.

Great post


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2012
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The chosen one has made his triumphant return

Where the Hell have you been? :crazydance:

I am really busy during summer doing whatever doesn't include staying in front of a PC. Working,swimming,sunbathing,spearfishing,fishing,drinking etc :p

Right now I am here.



Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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Pippen was one of the best defenders in the history of basketball if not the best. Offensively there are a lot of players who were/are better than Pippen. I don't believe that Pippen was something so special offensively. But when Jordan is in your team who gives a **** if you are not the best offensive player? I would pick Pippen instead of everyone else easily. When you have a weapon of mass destruction in your team you go with the elite defender.

It's like having Kobe in your team and pick Bynum instead of Howard because he has more offensive moves than Howard. Only idiots would pick a better offensive player instead of the ultimate defensive player as the sidekick of Jordan or Kobe. Without Pippen, Jordan might not be who he is today. He would have been the best offensive player of all time. Pippen helped him become the GOAT.

You pretty much called Pippen a sidekick. And the goofball posse commended you for it...unbelievable. I agree with most of what you said...except Jordan would have been the greatest if Pippen had never existed.


Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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Please show evidence that Barkley didn't like Pippen! Tell everybody you were born in 1976...then why do you act as if you are 5? Barkley WANTED PIPPEN IN HOUSTON TO PLAY WITH HIM!


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
I am really busy during summer doing whatever doesn't include staying in front of a PC. Working,swimming,sunbathing,spearfishing,fishing,drinking etc :p

Right now I am here.


But you can do all that and post on C.C.S at the same time.....I do.....
Just get a 4G smartphone.......I can't remember the last time I actually posted here from a PC....LoL
I take C.C.S everywhere, even work....:smug:



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Apr 25, 2011
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You pretty much called Pippen a sidekick. And the goofball posse commended you for it...unbelievable. I agree with most of what you said...except Jordan would have been the greatest if Pippen had never existed.

He basically stated Pippen complimented Jordan. Your ideas of Pippen being a sidekick is a backhanded insult to Pippen.


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Apr 25, 2011
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Please show evidence that Barkley didn't like Pippen! Tell everybody you were born in 1976...then why do you act as if you are 5? Barkley WANTED PIPPEN IN HOUSTON TO PLAY WITH HIM!

You have alot of nerve demanding someone backup their assertion with facts. All weve gotton from you over these last few days iis unfounded claims with no evidence to back it up. Lies, backpedaling, double standards, and unfounded claims are all youre good for


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Please show evidence that Barkley didn't like Pippen! Tell everybody you were born in 1976...then why do you act as if you are 5? Barkley WANTED PIPPEN IN HOUSTON TO PLAY WITH HIM!

Please just shut up man.......
Please.................................There's plenty of evidence of Barkley-Pippen beef.....Surf the web your dam self and find it, *******.....for example start googling Houston Rockets, Pippen-Barkley.....there's plenty there all by it self........But you shouldn't have to, because if you actually remember what was going on in 1999s basketball world, you would already know that.......And it began well before 1999................its not like its some kind of secret......did you live in a cave? :rolling:

P.S, what's up with all the name calling in like every post?
You remind me of a bad rapper that has to throw in curse words just to make there rap rhyme because there simply a bad rapper.....Or a rapper that publicly tries to humiltiate others just to gain public interest for record sales.....
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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2012
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You pretty much called Pippen a sidekick. And the goofball posse commended you for it...unbelievable. I agree with most of what you said...except Jordan would have been the greatest if Pippen had never existed.

Pippen helped jordan develop his defensive game a lot. He is the goat not only because he was the best offensive player but because he was one of the best defenders too. And of course he didn't win a championship without Pippen.


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Apr 25, 2011
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I would like to address Chosenones assesment of Pippens offense. While its true Pippen wasnt a great scorer (mainly because that wasnt his game) he was a very good scorer. In 94/95 he was top 15 in the NBA. During most of his priime he had to play alongside Jordan.

Compare his ppg avg with other players

Tim Duncan
21, 22, 23, 22, 26, 23, 22, 20

Kevin Garnett
19, 21, 23, 22, 21, 23, 24, 22, 21, 19

Magic Johnson
18, 22, 19, 17, 18, 18, 19, 24, 20, 23, 22, 19

Reggie Miller
25, 23, 21, 21, 20, 20, 21, 21, 20, 18

Glen Rice
17, 22, 19, 21, 22, 22, 26, 22, 18,

Mithc Richmond
22, 22, 24, 23, 22, 23, 22, 26, 23, 20

18, 21, 19, 22, 21, 19, 20, 19

Now remember Pippen shared the Ball with Jordan. In the two year without Jordan he was avg 22. Thats right in line with the players I mentioned. Theres no reason he couldn't avg 23-25 ppg without Jordan. And mind you all those guys were first option players on their team.
