The Walking Dead

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Didnt even bother weighing in on this one. It reeked of a filler episode.

How did the plot advance?

The only plot point relevant was gabriel... despite the madness... pointed out that the whisperers on their own should be easy to turn.

Beyond that...Alpha got fucked up and is angry. But she was coming for the communities anyway.
aryl got fucked up- but how much you wanna bet he is out kicking ass in 24 hours?

... who knows. Maybe there was a point. Maybe daryl getting torn up is a way to open the door for Negan to do the job.

Whatever it is, the plot points for the main story could have been done in 5 minutes.
This was filler. Not even good filler.
That's what I'm thinking. Knew Daryl wasn't gonna get killed off but possibly Alpha. They took it to the point where she asked Lydia for the mercy kill...but then she's suddenly ok. Thinking Negan will just end up killing her quickly on a whim.


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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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That's what I'm thinking. Knew Daryl wasn't gonna get killed off but possibly Alpha. They took it to the point where she asked Lydia for the mercy kill...but then she's suddenly ok. Thinking Negan will just end up killing her quickly on a whim.

For a minute there I thought alpha was gonna hari-kari... and I didnt want that. Still wanting negan to take care of business.

....I didnt really give any space to connie and magna... because I really do not give a shit.
BUT- I have no doubt they will be fine.
The savior chick with the neck tattoo will be fine.

Seems like kang for the most part is a TV trope follower. The most shocking kills I expect were the heads on pikes, and even that was of minimal impact compared to who it could have (should have) been.


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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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FYI: Kang did confirm last fall that Maggie returns next season .

That solidifies my thought.....
(dont read if you know nothing of the comics)
That Georgie and maggie are involved with the commonwealth.
It is difficult to pin down the time she left, and I cannot imagine she is carting her kid around in a van trading books for records.
She has to be somewhere, and the commonwealth is next up on the playlist. Eugene is on the radio talking to someone and that fits the comic story.

Which leads me to wonder- If that is the case, why didnt she bring in the communities?
Grudge against Negan being alive?
Doesnt think they will fit? Worried they will take over like they did in alexandria and hilltop?

... and I still cannot shake the theory that we are watching Ginny from FTWD plant the seeds of the commonwealth. I scoured the web for the theory when I was watching the last season of FTWD and they introduced her, but there is no traction yet.
I #calledit and am firmly convinced that is what we will see play out.

Penny Traitor

Staff member
Aug 21, 2012
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That solidifies my thought.....
(dont read if you know nothing of the comics)

I will leave the spoiler tag closed.

True story: My wife knew someone that was on the makeup team for the first two seasons. My wife knows I love me a good zombie movie, so long before the AMC premiere of the show she asked me if I ever heard of this comic book it was supposed to be based on.

I had no idea, but found a good deal on a compendium of the first 48 issues on Amazon with lots of great reviews.

I read that before the show even started, but stopped to enjoy the show with less spoilers...even if they do divert from each other. So I got to the final showdown with The Governor in the comics. Think I am finally ready to go back to them this summer.

Comics aside, the show just has her off with Georgie right not a stretch to write her back in at azny moment.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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I will leave the spoiler tag closed.

True story: My wife knew someone that was on the makeup team for the first two seasons. My wife knows I love me a good zombie movie, so long before the AMC premiere of the show she asked me if I ever heard of this comic book it was supposed to be based on.

I had no idea, but found a good deal on a compendium of the first 48 issues on Amazon with lots of great reviews.

I read that before the show even started, but stopped to enjoy the show with less spoilers...even if they do divert from each other. So I got to the final showdown with The Governor in the comics. Think I am finally ready to go back to them this summer.

Comics aside, the show just has her off with Georgie right not a stretch to write her back in at azny moment.

Writing her in is no sweat- but the where she was had better be spectacular. she traded a safe life for her and her kid to run off.

The bones of the story from the comic are likely still there, the players are different... but there is still a chance for many of the scenes to play out in similar fashion. Dont read em if you dont like spoilers, no mtter how much people tell you it is different now.

The rick/Jadis A/B helicopter thing is not in the storyline of the comics and that one is actually the one I am looking forward to the most.
Michonne running off wasnt either, and that appears to be the only compelling storyline Kang has brought to the table.

I am really hoping things turn back around. Since you read through the governor in the comics, You can look back and see the extra story lines that were written in to the show exclusively and were really good stories.
Those extras just are not there under Kang, and it is dissapointing.
I will watch to the end, But I am really hoping for a showrunner change or an epiphany by Kang to step up her game.

Give me a story line that she creates that hooks me, and I will get off her back. But as of yet, sloppy and disjointed.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Was scanning through a couple episodes from this season to reacclimate myself with timeframes and whatnot.
Most interested in michonne and seeing if I could figure out when she was going to get back if all goes well.

For shits and grins I googled the name of the island she was headed to with virgil.

It wasnt really an old naval base, but it was used for naval target practice.
IRL, it is still off limits due to potential unexploded ordinance. Just recently, a ship carrying 40 people sank nearby due to underwater obstacles...tanks and shit that were used as target practice.

It is also very accessible from the virginia coast.

With that in mind, I wouldnt scoff at there being a significant arms stash being located there in tv land.

It leads me to believe michonne will be back in the nick of time with some monster explosives to wipe out the hoard.

I really hope they finish the whisperer storyline and introduce the next antagonist before the end of the season.

I have a solid guess on how it goes down, and where the season will end, but will save it and wrap it in spoiler tags at a later date.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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So... Michonne is leaving the show.

Unlike Rick (Andrew Lincoln) she seems to be fully done with the show.

If that's really the case, I have to think she returns this season and dies.... the only other option is some kind of shitty "She can't come back" thing similar to Rick, but in theory that would have to mean she will return later on down the road.

Will be interesting to see how they write it.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Thought last week's show was good and obviously a lead up to their biggest episode. They'll retreat to Oceanside making some wonder why they just didn't go there in the first place and remove the road blocks. They could go to Alexandria but doesn't seem likely with it being Michone's last episode and all. Don't think she'll die onscreen. Instead, expect her to find out Rick is alive and likely leave again hoping to reunite with him.

Some dummies in the group will think Negan has sided with Alpha but the one who let him go, in the first place, will know otherwise. Suspect that person is Carol. Thinking she let him go with the deal being that he'd bring her back Alpha's head on a stick and he'll pretty much do just that. And agree with others here that Michone will have powerful weapons to give her peeps to take out the rest of the Whisperers and dead crew...hopefully sooner rather than later.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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So... Michonne is leaving the show.

Unlike Rick (Andrew Lincoln) she seems to be fully done with the show.

If that's really the case, I have to think she returns this season and dies.... the only other option is some kind of shitty "She can't come back" thing similar to Rick, but in theory that would have to mean she will return later on down the road.

Will be interesting to see how they write it.

I had assumed michonne would find a lead on rick at the island...for all I know the helicopter people may be based on that or a nearby island... and that would be her departure. Eventually show up with rick in a movie or a few episodes at the end of the series when it all closes up shop.
Going that route, I assumed judith and RJ would go with her.

Now you gotta wonder where they go. Does daryl take them?
Father gabriel?

I am not gonna be too broken up about losing michonne on the show.
She is a great badass and I loved her in that role but the last few seasons when they added depth to her character it just seemed forced.
I thought she was at her best as a female daryl, and the only depth I thought rang true with her was her friendship with carl when he was alive.
Gor whatever reason the 2 of them being buddies was fun to watch. It all fell apart when rick started boning her.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I had assumed michonne would find a lead on rick at the island...for all I know the helicopter people may be based on that or a nearby island... and that would be her departure. Eventually show up with rick in a movie or a few episodes at the end of the series when it all closes up shop.
Going that route, I assumed judith and RJ would go with her.

Now you gotta wonder where they go. Does daryl take them?
Father gabriel?

I am not gonna be too broken up about losing michonne on the show.
She is a great badass and I loved her in that role but the last few seasons when they added depth to her character it just seemed forced.
I thought she was at her best as a female daryl, and the only depth I thought rang true with her was her friendship with carl when he was alive.
Gor whatever reason the 2 of them being buddies was fun to watch. It all fell apart when rick started boning her.

Richonne was a terrible mistake made, IMO, purely to add difference/diversity to the show story in comparison to the comics.

In the comics, from what I skimmed, Rick ends up in a relationship with Andrea.

I had thought they would make Jessie into a major character and pair her up with Rick as the Andrea replacement, and instead she and her dumb kids died.

Richonne reeked of the Producers going "We need a diversity hookup.... Rick has no one, have him start fucking Michonne"

There was no romantic hints or build up... no friendship development that moved into romance... no major experience/trial shared that brings two people close enough for romance to fester.... Rick was as close to Michonne as he was to Maggie or Carol or any other female character he collaborated with, but never showed interest in more than acquaintanceship.

Worse still, the two actors had zero chemistry.... they were like two people who met in a long bank line and immediately started fucking in the parking lot.
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Ok. Watched this weeks episode already.

As bad and disjointed and trite as the cliffhanger was, I am putting it in the rearview mirror.
The story is pulling together in much the way the savior storyline built to a head.

It is nice to see several stories reach a coherent and timely head.

Will the coherence and pacing last? I hope so.

Cant wait to dissect it.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Richonne was a terrible mistake made, IMO, purely to add difference/diversity to the show story in comparison to the comics.

In the comics, from what I skimmed, Rick ends up in a relationship with Andrea.

I had thought they would make Jessie into a major character and pair her up with Rick as the Andrea replacement, and instead she and her dumb kids died.

Richonne reeked of the Producers going "We need a diversity hookup.... Rick has no one, have him start fucking Michonne"

There was no romantic hints or build up... no friendship development that moved into romance... no major experience/trial shared that brings two people close enough for romance to fester.... Rick was as close to Michonne as he was to Maggie or Carol or any other female character he collaborated with, but never showed interest in more than acquaintanceship.

Worse still, the two actors had zero chemistry.... they were like two people who met in a long bank line and immediately started fucking in the parking lot.

Although jessie would have been a good fit for rick, sam dying was so satisfying.
It warms my heart to think of it.

How about the michonne/ carl friendship?

As much as I hated rick and michonne, her and carl seemed like a natural and convincing bond stemming from shared trust.
Carl in effect brought her in with the picture mission, and the first irreverent humanity you see from michonne was the cat she stole on that mission.
They played great off of each other imo.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Although jessie would have been a good fit for rick, sam dying was so satisfying.
It warms my heart to think of it.

How about the michonne/ carl friendship?

As much as I hated rick and michonne, her and carl seemed like a natural and convincing bond stemming from shared trust.
Carl in effect brought her in with the picture mission, and the first irreverent humanity you see from michonne was the cat she stole on that mission.
They played great off of each other imo.

Michonne and Carl were convincing in the moments they spent building that bond, sure.

To me that was a friendship... Michonne's convincing bond with Carl was friendship.

Once Richonne happened and Michonne, on paper, joined the family unit as the Mother, I found her relationship with Carl split... friendship... mothership..... oh and she was fucking Carl's Dad....

I think like you said, Michonne would have been better as that quiet badass..... she was interesting and kinda scary. If they had to soften her up, it should have started way back at the prison... her and Carl's friendship should have been emphasized there and been the thing keeping her from bailing on the group.

Unfortunately no character can be allowed to remain unattached... people cannot remain alone, IT MUST NOT HAPPEN EVER.

Cuz ya know, IRL no one ever ends up alone lol


Well-known member
May 31, 2014
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Finally dropped the show. I kept sticking with it over the past several terrible seasons but now I'm just bored to tears. TV is suppose to be fun, when it's not anymore, time to bounce it.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Michonne and Carl were convincing in the moments they spent building that bond, sure.

To me that was a friendship... Michonne's convincing bond with Carl was friendship.

Once Richonne happened and Michonne, on paper, joined the family unit as the Mother, I found her relationship with Carl split... friendship... mothership..... oh and she was fucking Carl's Dad....

I think like you said, Michonne would have been better as that quiet badass..... she was interesting and kinda scary. If they had to soften her up, it should have started way back at the prison... her and Carl's friendship should have been emphasized there and been the thing keeping her from bailing on the group.

Unfortunately no character can be allowed to remain unattached... people cannot remain alone, IT MUST NOT HAPPEN EVER.

Cuz ya know, IRL no one ever ends up alone lol
To the last sentence.. that is why I dig daryl.

When asked by abraham at the hilltop if he would ever settle down his answer was " you think shit is settled?"

I am conflicted about him and connie. They are going a slow burn for their relationship which is good.... but being hitched up would minimize daryls character


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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To the last sentence.. that is why I dig daryl.

When asked by abraham at the hilltop if he would ever settle down his answer was " you think shit is settled?"

I am conflicted about him and connie. They are going a slow burn for their relationship which is good.... but being hitched up would minimize daryls character

Agree 100%

And it has been a long time, if Daryl has a slow-burn relationship or one that ends in tragedy, I'm fine with it.

If he ends up another boring Dad.... fucking shoot me.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Kind of thought that was coming, but for some reason still surprised me when it did. The last scene also shocked me a little.
