The Walking Dead


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I finally watched episodes 7 and 8.

Honestly not sure I can keep watching.

A house full of women, during a storm, 8+ years into a zombie apocalypse, and the best they could come up with to keep the flesh eating nightmares outside was randomly nailed in 2x4s and some drapes?

And where did the Men go? To fight a fire during a rain storm.

It isn't that the narrative is bad, it is, but that's not the point.

The writing is so fucking awful the scenes don't make sense in this universe.

Like the privileged white couple making out as zombies approached.... I mean, you gotta do a whole lot of world building to get from society circa 2009 to one where zombies approach a pair of white kids who grew up post zombie apocalypse and have seemingly lost the innate human trait of self-preservation.

I don't care how fucking rich you are, you still fear for your physical safety, and if the guards they supposedly had were not nearby and zombies showed up, that kid and his gf would not have just sat there. Humans have fight or flight.... we're not fucking rodents, we don't do cower and play dead, that's why we have to be taught to play dead if certain types of animals (bears) were to get the upper hand on us, it isn't in our nature to just remain in place when our physical safety is in danger.

I really wanted to at least see if an ending emerged where we got to see Rick again, but I don't know that I want to see how they crash land this nightmare.

checks mental notes, yep I did say I'd finish out FTWD and TWD:WB

starts drinking again


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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I’m only still watching cause I didn’t abandon ship five years ago when I should have. At this point might as well see it through.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I’m only still watching cause I didn’t abandon ship five years ago when I should have. At this point might as well see it through.

I feel the same.


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You're like @dabears70 with Ryan Pace luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul

Penny Traitor

Staff member
Aug 21, 2012
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I really wanted to at least see if an ending emerged where we got to see Rick again, but I don't know that I want to see how they crash land this nightmare.

Seems like they are still hellbent about resolving the Rick Grimes story in theaters long after most people will care. His storyline is being set up in the limited two season run of that "World Beyond" spin off.

Maybe TWD ends with select characters tying into that storyline, but expect zero resolution to happen with Rick Grimes in the charred remains of this once fine show.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I am binging season 7 of FTWD and honestly its not even a zombie nor an apocalypse show any longer.

It is like a Soap Opera got control of a zombie TV show.

Because when I decide to enjoy some entertainment, about a world full of flesh eating zombies, what I really want is a crybaby feeling fest about how hard motherhood/parenting can be.

There are shows for that.... good ones..... zombies are not the place for feelings, how did the plummeting ratings the last 5 years not indicate to these people that they are producing garbage?


Discoverer of Dragosaurs
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 20, 2012
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Guys, how the fuck is this still a thing? I'm sure we could search back and figure out exactly where I gave up, but not the point. This show has been shit for the longest fucking time. Start watching piss porn or something...


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Guys, how the fuck is this still a thing? I'm sure we could search back and figure out exactly where I gave up, but not the point. This show has been shit for the longest fucking time. Start watching piss porn or something...

I get high and laugh my ass off at these shows now.

I am gonna binge TWD:WB today, and honestly it is the most hilarious of the 3, even though FTWD writers really enjoy making their story beyond implausible.

I'll throw you a few snippets from my binge up to present on FTWD:

- A white male sociopath/psychopath who was a serial killer survived into his 60s/70s, was convicted and put in prison, survived the zombie apocalypse in prison, proceeded to start a doomsday cult, and then tried to hand over that cult to a white girl he picked up. (Cuz this is Ted Bundy worked, he definitely wanted to hand control over to a matriarch)

- Some guy who existed in one episode one time and Morgan killed him, turns out, he has a brother, who is pissed, but then he's got layers, and it turns out he's just a big tough soft teddy bear who wants to help!

- Oh random one, but in TWD they have jumped forward in time by like 8 years, so the zombie apocalypse has been going on for 10+ years and people live their entire lives surrounded by it, but then there was a bad Thunderstorm, and there was a fire during this rain storm where rain was raining down from the sky, and the Men had to go fight the fire, and it turns out everyone thought nailing some 2x4s in random places and just closing the drapes would keep the zombies out.

- Dwight switched shows to chase his wife that Negan had taken as a concubine all the way across the country, and when he finally found her, she put "Its Complicated" on their woke Zombie Apocalypse FB status for 2 seasons, but now they are a duo called "The Dark Horsemen".

- Morgan switched shows to go on a road trip and meet new friends and repeat this cycle where he stubbornly refuses to compromise on his beliefs, much to the hardship of himself and those around him. No one really fucking knows what those beliefs are, but you can be sure once a season he will give a soft spoken speech where he convinces you that this time they are gonna find that place to build a community.

- FTWD has a character in a wheel chair who has survived 10+ years into the zombie apocalypse, and while I find it implausible, I enjoy his character immensely, so naturally he's been on the show about 28 seconds in total.

- Everything in all 3 shows is about feelings.... I've never seen Men spend so much time on their feelings right after someone tries to kill, rob, rape, etc. Idk bout the rest of you but if you tried to kill me, and suddenly I have the loaded gun, you're dead as dead gets before you open your mouth to explain why I should show you mercy.

All 3 shows are hilariously bad at this point and I only continue because I watched 10 seasons of TWD, 5 seasons of FTWD, and now 1 season of TWD:WB and they said it would only have 3(?) seasons.

Even if I hate how they killed these shows and the overall story, I do want to see how they attempt to write their way out of this box they put themselves in. They decided to jettison the comics to a large degree 2-3 seasons ago, so I am curious how it all wraps up.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I finished TWD:WB this past week.

It was a woke GenZ shitshow IMO.

But the ending had a tiny bit of TWD story material.

Jadis (junk yard lady who took Rick) shows up towards the end of the show.

She confirms that she traded someone (Rick) for her spot in this Civic Republic group.

It was unclear to me if Civic Republic is part of the Commonwealth or if they are two distinct groups.

Jadis also confirms she lied about the type she was giving them to "keep him out of Dr. Experiment's on people Lady's lab".

So more/less she confirmed Rick is still alive, and she was in a position of power, so he was apparently useful to the Civic Republic.

The Series Finale of this show ended with a montage like it was set up for another season, so my guess is these characters will show up in TWD or one of the spin-offs
Last edited:

Penny Traitor

Staff member
Aug 21, 2012
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Quickly reaching the halfway point of this final season and let's turn all of the focus on Eugene.

Let me repeat....Dr Smarty Pants is getting entire episodes devoted to him.

JFC....I feel like I am just waiting for the divorce to be finalized on a loveless marriage.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Quickly reaching the halfway point of this final season and let's turn all of the focus on Eugene.

Let me repeat....Dr Smarty Pants is getting entire episodes devoted to him.

JFC....I feel like I am just waiting for the divorce to be finalized on a loveless marriage.

Its like the end of a meal that I really enjoyed at first, but then for some reason a cook came by and started just dusting my meal in powdered sugar mixed with glitter.

And TWD:WB was a dessert that I was required to eat in order to get my check.

And FTWD was a shitty appetizer that came during the middle of the meal for some reason.

These cunts have ruined an entire genre for me.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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I finished TWD:WB this past week.

It was a woke GenZ shitshow IMO.

But the ending had a tiny bit of TWD story material.

Jadis (junk yard lady who took Rick) shows up towards the end of the show.

She confirms that she traded someone (Rick) for her spot in this Civic Republic group.

It was unclear to me if Civic Republic is part of the Commonwealth or if they are two distinct groups.

Jadis also confirms she lied about the type she was giving them to "keep him out of Dr. Experiment's on people Lady's lab".

So more/less she confirmed Rick is still alive, and she was in a position of power, so he was apparently useful to the Civic Republic.

The Series Finale of this show ended with a montage like it was set up for another season, so my guess is these characters will show up in TWD or one of the spin-offs
Thanks for the whole write up I was tempted to waste part of my life watching it lol


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Thanks for the whole write up I was tempted to waste part of my life watching it lol

I figured at least a few folks might appreciate getting those tiny nuggets that were buried in 20 hours of self-discovery and feelgasms.

You know how when characters who are friends/family get separated and suffer alone, but then finally get reunited and they have those feelgasm montages of hugs and whatnot?

Then you tend to have those more wistful inverse scenarios where they are going their separate ways on purpose and must say goodbye, and all the feelgasms of not seeing someone, potentially ever again.

Those 2 things make up about 97% of the show.

Penny Traitor

Staff member
Aug 21, 2012
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These cunts have ruined an entire genre for me.


Netflix has some good zombie stuff that will win you back. All of Us Are Dead was great. There is another series called Daybreak that was a really fun & orginal take on the zombie apocalypse. Unfortunately it became one of those shows released in late 2019 that never got renewed after the COVID backlog.

I never got into the spin offs of this show.

FTWD opened their series with such an unlikable group of characters that I threw in the towel maybe five episodes in. I gave it another shot when Morgan got bounced over there, but it lost my interest quickly again.

I watched season one of "World Beyond " and never got back to season two. Maybe once this show is done, but I wasn't that maybe not.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Netflix has some good zombie stuff that will win you back. All of Us Are Dead was great. There is another series called Daybreak that was a really fun & orginal take on the zombie apocalypse. Unfortunately it became one of those shows released in late 2019 that never got renewed after the COVID backlog.

I never got into the spin offs of this show.

FTWD opened their series with such an unlikable group of characters that I threw in the towel maybe five episodes in. I gave it another shot when Morgan got bounced over there, but it lost my interest quickly again.

I watched season one of "World Beyond " and never got back to season two. Maybe once this show is done, but I wasn't that maybe not.

I watched Daybreakers and thought "Huh, a show with GenZ kids and their worldview, but one I can still enjoy."

And then yeah, gone.

I meant TWD as a franchise, I suppose, more so than the actual genre.

They ruined 3 shows, with supposedly 2 more to follow.

I just wish I knew what drove the writers/producers to go from fun zombie comic show, to feelgasm fest sometimes featuring zombies.

They shoulda changed the story, had Negan beat their skulls in one by one in that forest, and then ended the series.

Penny Traitor

Staff member
Aug 21, 2012
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They shoulda changed the story, had Negan beat their skulls in one by one in that forest, and then ended the series.

Maybe not that short, but let the Saviors triumph in the end of that war and the final shot of the finale episode is Rick Grimes getting Lucilled.

Then use the rest of the comic characters like the Whisperers & the Commonwealth for your spin offs to make it easy on the writers.


Silicon Valley CA Bears H
Aug 21, 2012
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Silicon Valley, CA
That's it, I can't take it any longer with this endless garbage show. Can't waste another minute on Eugene or any soap opera emo-nonsense, now when I watch I FF through any dialogue to the action scenes. IDC about their plots and relationships, no nuance whatsoever.
