The Walking Dead


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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The above image is how I have felt about the show since the carl/ negan bromance.

Rick didn't talk his feelies out on the road. He snapped and told those bitches it wasn't a democracy.
Daryl never gassed on about almost ditching the group.. dude never spoke more than a sentence.

Should have left it that way.

Penny Traitor

Staff member
Aug 21, 2012
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This last season appears to be far more disappointing than I could possibly conceive

I am kind of amazed how incredibly boring Negan is now. I mean it takes some talent to suck every last ounce of charisma out of that character. Not where I would have used that talent, but I am still impressed in all the wrong ways.


Silicon Valley CA Bears H
Aug 21, 2012
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Silicon Valley, CA
How many episodes left? Can't wait to end this infuriating waste of time garbage show.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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I am kind of amazed how incredibly boring Negan is now. I mean it takes some talent to suck every last ounce of charisma out of that character. Not where I would have used that talent, but I am still impressed in all the wrong ways.
I know right? I was surprised how much I was enjoying when the script let the actor do his best Negan when he was amongst the Whisperers. It was so frickin funny, thoroughly enjoyed that. The show had that gold but then threw a wet blanket on it, making him a dud. Not very wise.

I mean I know in the story, at least in the TV series, the writers want to show his change of character, and it'd be tricky, but should have been a top priority to have him keep his moxie going full tilt.
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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Methinks they "conclude" The Walking Dead, but continue the story via the new spin off shows.

I had the same feel, its not really a series finale, it just feels like yet another shitty season finale.

The Walking Dead: World Beyond had this group called the Civic Republic, which is much like the Commonwealth.

Junk Yard Lady (Jadis) shows up, she's now a big bad ass security chief lady and makes mention of how she got her spot in the Civic Republic (she says she lied about what Rick was to spare him from the labs, so presumably he's alive).

Civic Republic and Commonwealth seemed like the exact same kind of shady elites running a knock-off copy of the old modern world.

Either movies or new shows will pit Civic Republic against Commonwealth would be my bet.
Yep, I kinda forgot about that. It's not really a show finale when there's a couple off-shoot shows, and a film script being constructed. Not sure why I was expecting a season finale.

I read Lincoln, the Rick Grimes actor, isn't doing much. I wonder if they'll just slap him back into World Beyond, along with any other character/actors if they want to do it?

I sense it would sorta hurt the film if Lincoln/Grimes plodded into World Beyond. It seems like it would be wiser to end all the series a short time before the film, and then launch one series based on the film.

But maybe the two off-shoot series are finding audience and budget necessary to make a profit.

The Walking Dead isn't exactly a big budget type of film project. The audience and notoriety is pretty huge. Hard to imagine any producer would think they couldn't make a profit as long as the budget is reasonable.

Maybe they're looking at Serenity... had a $25 million budget, only made $15.8 gross. But Serenity was an outer space budget setting, whereas Walking Dead is in the woods.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I didn't realize this is a mid-season finale coming up.

There's another slate of episodes which will constitute "Part 3 of 3" of the series finale.

Gonna be like 90k die-hards remaining when Eugene solves the zombie apocalypse via cuckery.


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Dec 19, 2012
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I think the one eyed priest and one armed gay guy and old ass grey haired crazy lady should get honorable mention lol


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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I didn't realize this is a mid-season finale coming up.

There's another slate of episodes which will constitute "Part 3 of 3" of the series finale.

Gonna be like 90k die-hards remaining when Eugene solves the zombie apocalypse via cuckery.

Eugene discovers he caused it.

He swabbed a bum on his way home and setup a little virus lab in his room...
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CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Eugene discovers he caused it.

I just hope I get to see his bottom lip tremble some more until one of his momfriends comforts him sufficiently.


Silicon Valley CA Bears H
Aug 21, 2012
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Silicon Valley, CA
I can now tolerate the show - barely - in my new viewing format, which is to fast forward through all dialogue and stop only to watch fighting/killing scenes. Each episode takes me about 8-10 minutes at most to get through, highly recommend.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I can now tolerate the show - barely - in my new viewing format, which is to fast forward through all dialogue and stop only to watch fighting/killing scenes. Each episode takes me about 8-10 minutes at most to get through, highly recommend.

You don't deserve This Is Us: Zombies Sometimes Edition

Penny Traitor

Staff member
Aug 21, 2012
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I can now tolerate the show - barely - in my new viewing format, which is to fast forward through all dialogue and stop only to watch fighting/killing scenes. Each episode takes me about 8-10 minutes at most to get through, highly recommend.

Another thing I hate about this show is that they have a man with a mace for an arm for like two dozen episodes now and I have seen him use it on maybe three zombies. Can't recall him ever using it on a real person ever.

That is the most criminally underused mace in the entire history of the weapon. Just about every scene should end with Aaron clubbing someone or something with that thing in every remaining episode to make up for such a Cinematic Sin.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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Was it ever confirmed that once you turn to a zombie your skull turns into tomato soft to the point a knife can go through it lol


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Jun 9, 2011
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My favorite teams
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I'm clearly in the minority here.... but I actually have been enjoying this last season haha. The previous 2 seasons were absolutely a miserable experience... but idk, this last one has kept me engaged. I actually want to know what happens next as opposed to not really caring in the previous couple of seasons.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Was it ever confirmed that once you turn to a zombie your skull turns into tomato soft to the point a knife can go through it lol

One of the things that always pissed me off on the show was when Daryl would pull an arrow out of one skull and stab it through another by hand. I dont even think The Rock could grip an arrow tight enough to pull that off.

Has anyone here ever spent too much time with someone that you are getting tired of, and you notice little meaningless things start to annoy you?

I am suffering that with TWD. In the last episode, Right off the bat we get the shot of the nickel flipping in slow motion.
Someone spent a crap ton of time doing the cgi on it, yet not a single person involved in that process thought to verify that a 1982 Buffalo nickel existed.
They don't.

It is a small thing, but sums up how weak Kang is at story telling.
Darabont, Nicotero and Gimple littered the show with meaningful shots and low key easter eggs keyed to the story and what was coming.

Kang runs it like a b movie and uses expositional dialog exclusively- her vision dumbed the show down to jump scares and what you see is what you get.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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One of the things that always pissed me off on the show was when Daryl would pull an arrow out of one skull and stab it through another by hand. I dont even think The Rock could grip an arrow tight enough to pull that off.

Has anyone here ever spent too much time with someone that you are getting tired of, and you notice little meaningless things start to annoy you?

I am suffering that with TWD. In the last episode, Right off the bat we get the shot of the nickel flipping in slow motion.
Someone spent a crap ton of time doing the cgi on it, yet not a single person involved in that process thought to verify that a 1982 Buffalo nickel existed.
They don't.

It is a small thing, but sums up how weak Kang is at story telling.
Darabont, Nicotero and Gimple littered the show with meaningful shots and low key easter eggs keyed to the story and what was coming.

Kang runs it like a b movie and uses expositional dialog exclusively- her vision dumbed the show down to jump scares and what you see is what you get.

I don't normally watch the after-episode feelfest that Kang and the gang put on.

But I decided to listen to her and see if it would help explain why TWD is so bad.

She had this diatribe about how Maggie knows Negan's wife (Annie) is trustworthy and a good ally to leave Hershel with so he'll be safe.

They cut to a scene where Maggie and Annie are standing near each other and share a look, no words.

Kang goes on for a bit about how much meaning there is in this body language between the two of them and how Maggie and Annie have built a strong alliance because Maggie knows Annie keeps Negan in check.

They built an entire alliance via like 22 minutes of screen time across 5 episodes and a scene where Maggie looks at Annie briefly.

It makes total sense how the show has become this weird version of itself where so many events feel like they have no setup to the payoffs or no payoffs to the setups.

She thinks her audience are a bunch of mind readers who think exactly the way she does and pick up on every subtle vibe.

Or worse she's shitting all over her own story so she can have reason to do after-show explanations and keep Talking Dead running.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Watching the last episode it struck me just how littered TWD is with named characters that are neither interesting, nor funny, nor badass, nor useful.

Like the last few years Kang kept pumping in diverse characters and then did nothing to build them up, and killed off the ones who had been built in some shape or form by seasons 1-6.

When the Whisperers got their heads on stakes moment I was more happy to see boring characters dead than anything, but then nothing new nor interesting replaced the dead ones, just more of the same.

Now we have a gaggle of these people trying to oust an old white lady from her position of underived authority, all centered around a deaf woman who is writing newspaper stories during the zombie apocalypse.

And if those characters were interesting and funny and/or brooding/volatile, I'd be interested to see them gather together, how might they react to one another, ya know?

But it was Magna the deadpan white girl.
Connie the deaf reporter
Connie's "sister" who signs and talks for her
Eugene the trembling goodboy White guy
Max the powerful diverse female character who says little
Ezekiel the cancer-surviving black dude who should have weed but doesn't

Remember when Ezekiel and Jerry used to have those moments?

Or Rick/Shane? Hell even Carl/Negan had some funny moments.

None of these people have fun stories or inside jokes based on shared history, just desperation and more desperation.

They don't even act like people who've been there before, like kinda professional in the face of danger because they've faced really really scary shit and found their way past it.

Its just these gaggles of desperate characters who walk on eggshells and build alliances via body language, apparently.

And they did this across all 3 shows that have aired.... casts are diverse and heavily female with lots of strong female leader types who then do no leading.

Ever notice Maggie rarely actually leads? She doesn't organize people into efforts ala Negan organizing his people to surround and capture Rick/Maggie/Daryl/Glen/etc.

For all that talk about building stuff using Georgie's book, Maggie bailed on her people to go chase something.

She found a whole new family who got wiped the fuck out, and her first action upon her return with the remnants was to take all the fighters she could and go on a revenge tour that she hoped would end with reclaiming food they left behind.

All of that is so non-leadership.

-Leaves Alexandria undefended and without food as soon as she shows up.
-No plan for long term food crisis solution, just go get temporary supplies, which are either extremely old canned goods, or they are recently made goods that are likely to have spoiled.
-Plan for food is actually a plan to lead Alexandria's fighters on a revenge mission that she didn't clearly define.
-Walks into an ambush and gets some of her group killed and the remainder scatter and rout because they have no strong/central leader.
-While on this idiot mission she consistently conflicts with Negan, arguably the biggest and best fighter, and probably the smartest survivor amongst her group, but she's on a mission to kill him in the middle of a mission to kill Pope/The Wardens, in the middle of a mission to get food for a busted up Alexandria that Maggie abandoned along with her child, the moment she got there.

And I'm sure Kang explained it all away in her post-op, but it still reeks of writers who cannot actually imagine the scenario Maggie was in when she returned to Alexandria and just wrote something hyperbolic that would be so whacky of a proverbial car wreck that viewers wouldn't look away until the end (hopefully).

Penny Traitor

Staff member
Aug 21, 2012
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For all that talk about building stuff using Georgie's book, Maggie bailed on her people to go chase something

The actress leaving the show definitely stunted Maggie's arc into this great leader. The seeds were planted, but her ill explained exile left them to die and now we're just left assuming she became an even stronger leader on the road.

You are right, she has not showed any real leadership since her return and Georgie has barely been referenced since as well.

Nah, let's move right on to revenge...just not for the father of your child because that would have been too awesome and this show stopped killing anyone I even cared about with Carl Grimes.


I am liking this Hornsby character. I love me a good old fashioned grifter and Hornsby nails it so well. That sleezy smile of his may be my favorite part of this season.
