Theo Epstein Delivers Death Sentence to Chicago Cubs Future


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Aug 26, 2012
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I've been a Cubs fan for 33 years and I can almost count on one hand how many playoff teams I've seen. Since 1980 we've had six seasons where we made the playoffs ('84, '89, '98, '03, '07, and '08). When the Tribune explored selling the Cubs and we boosted payroll, we finally had two seasons ('07 and '08) where we appeared destined to be a perennial playoff team.

After the Cubs were sold and the Rickets family took control, they hired Theo Epstein. The ensuing two years have become the darkest days in Chicago Cubs history. So dark and future-less, that the Cubs franchise is now officially Dead forever. The product on the field is the worst in baseball, yet the ticket prices are among the highest in baseball. The Front Office is concerned only with Wrigley Field, adding advertisement, and increasing revenue. Meanwhile, the franchise cares little as to who actually is playing on the field.

The course Epstein is embarking on is the same the Houston Astro's have been on for years. Stock-piling high pick after pick and allegedly stocking the farm system. But yet the Astro's haven't gotten better -- and it's been YEARS. Or take the Pittsburgh Pirates, who, for decades, tried this method. For literally decades they were a bottom-feeder, despite an endless supply of top picks to boost the farm system.

Unfortunately Theo has gone about rebuilding the Cubs in a manner that typically results in Failure. And what he and Jed have done in Wrigleyville has been a failure of catastrophic proportions. A failure on a level so enormous, that is just may result in a permanent death blow to the organization. Never again do we have hope of going to the Friendly Confines and watching a playoff team. Never again can we imagine what it might be like to watch a Parade in East Lakeview. Never again is it possible that our major league club will rule the division. It's Over.

We've seen long term contract extensions to Rizzo and Castro, two never-will-be's. Mental errors, shattered confidence, and hundreds of losses have destroyed their productivity. Fear not, we've been told, our farm system is among the best in baseball. But yet, we have no pitching prospects. To win a World Series you need pitching -- and we have none in the pipe line. But yet Theo and Jed tout our prospects, chief among them the unstable Soler, as the future.

After two full years and 200 losses, all we have between our minor league teams and the player personnel in the big's is Almora and Bryant. That's it. Two freaking players. And neither of them are pitchers. We have no present hope and, worse, we have no future hope. In two years from now when Bryant and Almora are batting .300 and a pitching staff giving up 5 runs a game, how many games are we going to win?

Theo Epstein won two World Series championships in Boston but his legacy will be giving the Chicago Cubs a Death Sentence -- effectively ending an historic, charter franchise's existence. Ten years from now, will we even have a team? Good Night, baseball, it's been fun.


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Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
Is this Kanas Boyd?

How about this: you and I have been fans of this suck ass team for relatively the same term. I started late 76. I liked the Dodgers more back then because they were the the NL team in 77. I got into the Cubs after going to some games and the south side was just that.

That said does it really matter much if they try to build a franchise like the Braves, Tex or STL. Yes they need to dive into F/A some but like those teams they are trying to lay down the foundation. The foundation is a farm that produces quality talent. Then using F/A as a supplement vs main source.

Don't like it there is no law saying you have to like the Cubs. If you like a bigger market style there are a few teams to root for.


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Apr 24, 2013
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The ensuing two years have become the darkest days in Chicago Cubs history. So dark and future-less, that the Cubs franchise is now officially Dead forever.

Dark and future-less?

For the first time since I have been a fan (52 years) they are building the foundation necessary to have winning organization.

You can't build sustained success with free agents. They can supplement what you home-grown talent you have, but you can't buy a whole team.

You also can't keep trying to win today with 34 year old pickups on the downside of their career. Again, they can supplement, but they can't be your core.

Build the farm SYSTEM, not just one or two picks you hit on, but depth, multiple good prospects. Teach and train. I am so darn tired of guys coming up making the same basic fundamental mistakes. Time for that to stop.

I think the cubs have a bright future because of these past two years. They have improved the whole organization's depth, but some see only the major league team at present.

Every previous GM made the same mistake. They all look at how long it's been since the Cubs won, and they feel they can't afford to do it right. You can't BUY an orchard. You have to grow one. It may not look great the first year you plant the seeds or the saplings. But you can't shortcut it.

Call me a fool if you like. But I am very optimistic that this organization is finally getting it right.
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Apr 16, 2013
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Is this Kanas Boyd?

LOL no.

You'd know if its KB, he thinks theo is a fucktard--and he still is. Not enough insults in OP's post.

He also would take a shot at the dipshit mods here, because they truly are the most incompetent bunch of retards I've seen--except Rush. X and Dabs are dbags. Anything that rattles the cages of the :fap: squad gets met with lifetime bans and 'shame on you for being correct, you've upset the stupid children and wannabe writers who use unconfirmed sources.'

The other thread that got locked (managerial search one I think) was spot on at the end with Greenberg's excellent article. The cubs are going to suck for at least 2-3 more years. Wake us up when they are not terrible. Cubs fans will believe anything, and they do (this tomfoolery being run by Ricketts/Theo as they laugh all the way to the bank.) Greenberg hit the nail on the head, harsh as it as and as much as it puts cubs' fan panties in a bunch--he's 100% right.

Nobody in 20 years will care if the Daytona Cubs won the FSL championship in 2013 but the Chicago Cubs haven't won shit since; Unless you live in Daytona and the big race isn't on.


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Aug 26, 2012
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My points of contentions are the following:

1) Our allegedly high-ranking farm system is curiously devoid of pitching talent. We have CJ from the Rangers in the Garza deal but aside from him we're frighteningly thin. You figure two out four of our positional players (probably Baez and Bryant) will become good, powerful hitters in the majors. Unfortunately two strong hitters will not translate into W's when our pitching staff is getting rocked.

2) The supposedly tried and true method of losing 100 games a year and stock-piling high draft picks typically results in prolonged and sustained failure (see Astro's and Pirates as exhibits A and B). We're basically hinging our future on Bryant, Baez, Almora, and Soler. Remember when we valued Corey Patterson (a 5-tool Ken Griffey Jr-type) and Hee-Sop Choi (a perennial 40-HR 1st basemen) as future stars? What type of careers did they ultimately end up having? Soler will be a bust -- you can take that to the bank.

3) Now we have a deeply engrained culture of profound losing at Wrigley. The years of '07 and '08 are long gone. Bringing up two guys in 2015 who can actually play isn't going to change that. When Bryant and Baez get here in 2015, they'll both probably hit .300 but end result of Wins and Losses will not change. We need half a dozen arms to promote along with them and we simply don't have them.

My best guess is by 2016 we still won't win more than 80-85 games, Wrigley will be half full, Theo will be on his third manager, and Wrigley renovations won't be near completion. I also think that will be the best year of Theo and Jed and the future will be so bleak that the existence of the franchise will be seriously in question. The future of Wrigley might very well be a museum and, honestly, it might be for the best.

Chris J

Chris Jelinek
Jul 22, 2011
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This is probably the most clueless post about the Cubs

Here's reasons why Cubs shouldnt be compared to Houston and Pit
1. Better scouts and player development system
2. Money to bring in Free Agents when the young guys come up

Just because you send a kid to school doesnt mean he will be smart. He needs good teachers. Just like baseball players need good coaches. Some teams just have better coaches then others. Simple fact.


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This is probably the most clueless post about the Cubs

Here's reasons why Cubs shouldnt be compared to Houston and Pit
1. Better scouts and player development system
2. Money to bring in Free Agents when the young guys come up

Just because you send a kid to school doesnt mean he will be smart. He needs good teachers. Just like baseball players need good coaches. Some teams just have better coaches then others. Simple fact.

Because Theo Baseball has made a lot of great coaching hires in his two+seasons in Chicago!


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Aug 26, 2012
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This is probably the most clueless post about the Cubs

Here's reasons why Cubs shouldnt be compared to Houston and Pit
1. Better scouts and player development system
2. Money to bring in Free Agents when the young guys come up

Just because you send a kid to school doesnt mean he will be smart. He needs good teachers. Just like baseball players need good coaches. Some teams just have better coaches then others. Simple fact.

You talk about us having better teachers BUT WE HAVE NONE. We just signed Renteria yesterday and have no idea who the other coaches will be. You have no idea how good the coaches will be at the major league level. They still need to developed when they reach the majors -- they aren't finished projects. Players have to adjust when pitchers figure them out.

We're in big, big trouble here. We need pitching desperately. Do people not realize that?


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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Fire Forum Moderator
Apr 26, 2010
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  4. Loyola Ramblers
  5. Northern Illinois Huskies
  6. Northwestern Wildcats
Good stuff. Like the direct tone and "on the warpath" style. But LOL at implying that Rush is a competent mod...he is by far the most incompetent mod. He doesn't even moderate any more.

I think he meant Jntg4 is the only competent mod. Ever see a flame war in my section? :smug:


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Apr 16, 2013
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Well, I am not saying if the Cubs are doing right or not because its about half way. The buying of FA isn't because they are going a different route. They aren't buying FA because Ricketts will not spend money until he starts bringing in revenue from his renovations. I think that is pretty clear. I will say that the Cubs HAVE done what Theo has done before. Andy McPhail was brought in to build a farm and he did. Him and Hendry were the main reasons the Cubs had a top 5 farm in the early 2000's. Its just started dissipating because of the ridiculous ownership the Cubs were under. Will what Theo is doing work? I don't know. They have to come up here and perform to say that. See, people don't see it but Hendry and Theo are very similar with the ownership handcuffs just opposite. Hendry was told to spend on big league team to sell the team. Theo was told to build a farm and lower the payroll because of Ricketts. Theo hands are tied with FA. Ricketts has a set cap and he keeps lowering it. Hard to put a team together when you are a big market team spending like a mid market. The only shot Theo has is prospects.


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Apr 19, 2013
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Worst post ever...

It sucks that the Cubs are the first team ever to be in a rebuild. This is coming up on 2 years. The previous years were not rebuilding but a period of denial, that the team sucked


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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Worst post ever...

It sucks that the Cubs are the first team ever to be in a rebuild. This is coming up on 2 years. The previous years were not rebuilding but a period of denial, that the team sucked

Which one?


Fire Forum Moderator
Apr 26, 2010
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My favorite teams
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  1. Chicago State Cougars
  2. DePaul Blue Demons
  3. Illinois-Chicago Flames
  4. Loyola Ramblers
  5. Northern Illinois Huskies
  6. Northwestern Wildcats
Which one?

Think he meant to just say that this is the first time this organization has actually rebuilt, instead of denying and trying to fix shit by throwing more money around.


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2013
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Two things about the Cubs current course:

1. Small market teams build thru the farm system because they don't have the money to acquire top free agents.
2. There is no guarantee your minor leaguers will pan out. Putting all of your hopes on young guys is a formula for failure.

The Cubs have the money to build a serious contender and field a team Cubs fans can be proud of. The Cubs are a cash cow and the Ricketts family have every intent to operate at the lowest possible cost while reaping profits from the longest suffering fanbase in ALL of professional sports. In short, you guys are getting bent over and rocked without the benefit of a reach around.


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Yes there is no reason for optimism ever. This team will lose 100 games for 100 years.

And conversely, throwing away two seasons at the MLB level provides no reason that this team will 100 games because we sacrificed two seasons.
