Tom Brady GOAT


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Um, you know he holds the record for most goals ever, most goals in one season, etc., right? I mean yeah, he was great at those things too, but to say his best ability wasn't his goal He was dominant in every aspect of the game in all honesty, other than his two-way game.

Jordan, Gretzky, and Brady are all similar in their pure domination of a sport. If you just look at Gretzky's stats in every category, it blows your mind -- and he holds many that will simply never be broken, ever. Killer instinct is hard to exhibit in hockey as it is arguably more of a team game than Football or Basketball -- there is never just "one" player who carries an otherwise mediocre/average team to a Stanley Cup.
Gretzky has 1963 assists compared to 894 other words for every goal he has 2 assists to his name. how is he a better scorer than passer? have you heard the term “gretzky’s office” before?


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Oct 14, 2019
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Gretzky has 1963 assists compared to 894 other words for every goal he has 2 assists to his name. how is he a better scorer than passer? have you heard the term “gretzky’s office” before?

Gretzky's office is where he generated offense in general, not only assists but his own goals.

Second, the grand majority of all-time great offensive NHL players will have more assists than goals in their careers. That doesn't necessarily mean that said player is better at passing.

I'm not saying Gretzky wasn't an awesome assist-man -- again, he dominated every area of the game other than his two-way game -- I'm saying that, in addition to assists/points, he also leads in goals, which is the hardest and certainly the most important category in the sport. So to say that wasn't his best ability, when he's literally the all-time best in that particular category....
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Formerly known as 85Bears
Sep 26, 2012
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Enemy territory...
Where he go? Aaronitout was posting hot and heavy 24/7 for weeks and all of a sudden disappeared from the face of the earth
There seems to be no reason for it.


Pissing people off the right way!
Jul 15, 2012
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CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Gretzky has 1963 assists compared to 894 other words for every goal he has 2 assists to his name. how is he a better scorer than passer? have you heard the term “gretzky’s office” before?

Gretzky's office is where he generated offense in general, not only assists but his own goals.

Second, the grand majority of all-time great offensive NHL players will have more assists than goals in their careers. That doesn't necessarily mean that said player is better at passing.

I'm not saying Gretzky wasn't an awesome assist-man -- again, he dominated every area of the game other than his two-way game -- I'm saying that, in addition to assists/points, he also leads in goals, which is the hardest and certainly the most important category in the sport. So to say that wasn't his best ability, when he's literally the all-time best in that particular category....

This is a Bears forum not a hockey forum. No one gives a shit about Hockey.

Having said that, Gretzky entered the NHL as an exceptional passer so much so that his goal scoring came about because teams were trying to stop him from passing. He has 93 goals more than Gordie Howe but 714 more assists than Ron Francis. Even if you account for assets been easier to get than goals, his assist lead is 7 times higher than his goal lead and players don't generally average 7 times as many assists as goals. This is born out by Gretzky's himself saying Super Mario was a better goal scorer than he was. So the gap between his goal scorer and others is much smaller than the gap between his passing and others.


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This is a Bears forum not a hockey forum. No one gives a shit about Hockey.

Having said that, Gretzky entered the NHL as an exceptional passer so much so that his goal scoring came about because teams were trying to stop him from passing. He has 93 goals more than Gordie Howe but 714 more assists than Ron Francis. Even if you account for assets been easier to get than goals, his assist lead is 7 times higher than his goal lead and players don't generally average 7 times as many assists as goals. This is born out by Gretzky's himself saying Super Mario was a better goal scorer than he was. So the gap between his goal scorer and others is much smaller than the gap between his passing and others.
i’m not the one who brought hockey up not sure why i was included in the response


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Oct 14, 2019
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This is a Bears forum not a hockey forum. No one gives a shit about Hockey.

Having said that, Gretzky entered the NHL as an exceptional passer so much so that his goal scoring came about because teams were trying to stop him from passing. He has 93 goals more than Gordie Howe but 714 more assists than Ron Francis. Even if you account for assets been easier to get than goals, his assist lead is 7 times higher than his goal lead and players don't generally average 7 times as many assists as goals. This is born out by Gretzky's himself saying Super Mario was a better goal scorer than he was. So the gap between his goal scorer and others is much smaller than the gap between his passing and others.

No one gives a shit that you don't give a shit.

And teams were trying to stop him, period. It's funny you mention gaps and Howe compared to Gretzky while conveniently ignoring the fact that it took Howe close to 280 more games to get his total.
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Pissing people off the right way!
Jul 15, 2012
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Bringing up how much you get laid in a non related discussion is a sure sign you dont get laid. Nice try though.
It’s a fucking with it dummy


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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No one gives a shit that you don't give a shit.

And teams were trying to stop him, period. It's funny you mention gaps and Howe compared to Gretzky while conveniently ignoring the fact that it took Howe close to 280 more games to get his total.

I didn't bring it up because it took Ron Francis 247 more games to still fall short of Gretzy's assist total by over 700 assists. So the reality is Howe is still closer to Gretzy in goals than Francis is in assists and it isn't even close. There is just no comparison between outscoring Howe by 93 goals in 280 less games than out assisting Francis by 714 assists in 247 less games. The 33 gap between Francis and Howe in terms of games played isn't enough to bridge the gap between 93 goals and 714 assists.

Gretzky scored 0.6 goals and 1.3 assists per game. Howe scored 0.45 goals per game and Francis scored 0.72 assists per game. So Gretzky outscored Howe by 25% per game but out assisted Francis by 44% per game.

There are 6 guys with a higher goals per game average than Gretzky. Super Mario is 2nd all time which is why Gretzky himself said he was a better goal scorer.

No one has a higher assists per game average than Gretzky. He beats Super Mario by 0.2 assists per game. So all the data says he was a better passer than scorer although of course he was great at both.
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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
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Patrick Mahomes is probably just a few years away from becoming the greatest of all time.
I said last year Tom Brady is undoubtedly the GOAT, but Patrick Mahomes is the greatest QB I've ever seen. I don't think it's unrealistic to think this Chiefs team could win 4 or 5 in a row. He's that good.


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Oct 14, 2019
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I didn't bring it up because it took Ron Francis 247 more games to still fall short of Gretzy's assist total by over 700 assists. So the reality is Howe is still closer to Gretzy in goals than Francis is in assists and it isn't even close. There is just no comparison between outscoring Howe by 93 goals in 280 less games than out assisting Francis by 714 assists in 247 less games. The 33 gap between Francis and Howe in terms of games played isn't enough to bridge the gap between 93 goals and 714 assists.

Gretzky scored 0.6 goals and 1.3 assists per game. Howe scored 0.45 goals per game and Francis scored 0.72 assists per game. So Gretzky outscored Howe by 25% per game but out assisted Francis by 44% per game.

There are 6 guys with a higher goals per game average than Gretzky. Super Mario is 2nd all time which is why Gretzky himself said he was a better goal scorer.

No one has a higher assists per game average than Gretzky. He beats Super Mario by 0.2 assists per game. So all the data says he was a better passer than scorer although of course he was great at both.

The original argument had nothing to do with Mario and whether or not he (or anyone else) was better at goal-scoring. It was specifically about what Wayne's best ability was. He's utterly dominant in both categories. One category (goal-scoring) is significantly more difficult than the other. Unlike assists, there are no secondary goals in the NHL.

There will never be another player who will score 92 goals in a single season and there will most likely never be another player who scores 50 goals in 39 games. His regular season assist average per game pales in comparison to those two accomplishments alone, not to mention the fact that he has the most playoff goals ever and the most professional goals ever.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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The original argument had nothing to do with Mario and whether or not he (or anyone else) was better at goal-scoring. It was specifically about what Wayne's best ability was. He's utterly dominant in both categories. One category (goal-scoring) is significantly more difficult than the other. Unlike assists, there are no secondary goals in the NHL.

There will never be another player who will score 92 goals in a single season and there will most likely never be another player who scores 50 goals in 39 games. His regular season assist average per game pales in comparison to those two accomplishments alone, not to mention the fact that he has the most playoff goals ever and the most professional goals ever.

The fact that assists are easier is accounted for by the fact we are comparing him to his peers because it is easier for his peers as well. The fact that goals are harder is accounted for by the fact that we are comparing him to his peers because it is harder for his peers as well. So the fact Mario and others have a higher goals per game average means that relative to his peers, his goal scoring was not the greatest. By contrast his passing was the greatest because he has more assists per game than anyone in history.

It is also silly to point out Howe took more games to accumulate his goals but then ignore the fact that the reason why Gretzky has more goals than Mario is because he played more games. Mario played 915 games while Gretzky played 1487. Can't use the games played argument for Howe then ignore it for Mario. Especially when Mario lost 3 seasons due to cancer and still has a higher goal per game average. It is obvious had he not had cancer he would have scored more goals than Gretzky as again his goals per game is higher even with cancer.

This is Gretzky admitting Mario was a better goal scorer than he was. So this isn't really up for debate. Gretzky was an amazing goal scorer but others were better by his own admission. No one was a better passer than him statistically. So I will close by saying I will roll with Gretzky on this one.
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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2019
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The fact that assists are easier is accounted for by the fact we are comparing him to his peers because it is easier for his peers as well. The fact that goals are harder is accounted for by the fact that we are comparing him to his peers because it is harder for his peers as well. So the fact Mario and others have a higher goals per game average means that relative to his peers, his goal scoring was not the greatest. By contrast his passing was the greatest because he has more assists per game than anyone in history.

It is also silly to point out Howe took more games to accumulate his goals but then ignore the fact that the reason why Gretzky has more goals than Mario is because he played more games. Mario played 915 games while Gretzky played 1487. Can't use the games played argument for Howe then ignore it for Mario.

This is Gretzky admitting Mario was a better goal scorer than he was. So this isn't really up for debate. Gretzky was an amazing goal scorer but others were better by his own admission. No one was a better passer than him statistically.


Again, that wasn't the original argument.
