Tom Brady GOAT


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Again, that wasn't the original argument.

Umm yes it was. WCBF said his best ability was his vision and passing and you responded saying no it was his goal scoring. So it is clearly relevant to that question that:

1. Mario and others had higher goal per game averages.
2. Gretzky has the highest assists per game and in total in NHL history.
3. Gretzky himself acknowledged Mario was a better scorer.

It is quite silly to then suggest based on the above that his vision and passing were not his best ability when the stats say it was and Gretzky would agree as well.


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Oct 14, 2019
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Umm yes it was. WCBF said his best ability was his vision and passing and you responded saying no it was his goal scoring. So it is clearly relevant to that question that:

1. Mario and others had higher goal per game averages.
2. Gretzky has the highest assists per game and in total in NHL history.
3. Gretzky himself acknowledged Mario was a better scorer.

It is quite silly to then suggest based on the above that his vision and passing were not his best ability when the stats say it was and Gretzky would agree as well.

You were the one who brought up Mario. There's a difference between arguing what a particular player's best attribute is and arguing whether that particular player is best in any given category -- if you honestly can't understand the distinction, I don't know what to tell you. No one ever said Gretzky was a better goal-scorer than Mario -- that's a different argument.

For a guy who "doesn't give a shit," you sure seem to enjoy twisting yourself into a pretzel over the subject. I'm assuming you know nothing about the subject in the first place, since you implied that you don't care right off the bat.

The majority of your argument is based on the assist gap of the next closest player in Howe, which is comical. That's all you have.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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You were the one who brought up Mario. There's a difference between arguing what a particular player's best attribute is and arguing whether that particular player is best in any given category -- if you honestly can't understand the distinction, I don't know what to tell you. No one ever said Gretzky was a better goal-scorer than Mario -- that's a different argument.

For a guy who "doesn't give a shit," you sure seem to enjoy twisting yourself into a pretzel over the subject. I'm assuming you know nothing about the subject in the first place, since you implied that you don't care right off the bat.

The majority of your argument is based on the assist gap of the next closest player in Howe, which is comical. That's all you have.

You would think when arguing what someone's best attribute is, you would not pick the one they clearly said someone was better in. You would also think you would pick the one that they did better than anyone else.

Your argument makes no sense. You are basically saying his best attribute is goal scoring because you said so. The stats don't support you nor does Gretzky's own opinion.

As for the no one gives a shit, I responded pages ago to WCBF telling him I was just joking. The fact you are bringing that up is proof positive your argument is lacking.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2019
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You would think when arguing what someone's best attribute is, you would not pick the one they clearly said someone was better in. You would also think you would pick the one that they did better than anyone else.

Your argument makes no sense. You are basically saying his best attribute is goal scoring because you said so. The stats don't support you nor does Gretzky's own opinion.

As for the no one gives a shit, I responded pages ago to WCBF telling him I was just joking. The fact you are bringing that up is proof positive your argument is lacking.

He's better than everyone else in literally every single category. Lol.

I gave you the reasons why I think that's his best attribute. They're the only reasons I need for my argument.

And I was just joking too. Keep up, Sparky.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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He's better than everyone else in literally every single category. Lol.

I gave you the reasons why I think that's his best attribute. They're the only reasons I need for my argument.

And I was just joking too. Keep up, Sparky.
Except for goals per game which is uniquely relevant. On one hand you argue he is better than everyone else in every category but then when it is noted he was not a better goal scorer than Mario, you say well that is a different argument. Which is it?

How is it that games played was relevant when discussing Howe but not relevant when discussing Mario? Gretzky was not a better goal scorer than Mario. The stats don't actually say that once you adjust for games played like you did with Howe, and Gretzky himself denies it.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2019
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Except for goals per game which is uniquely relevant. On one hand you argue he is better than everyone else in every category but then when it is noted he was not a better goal scorer than Mario, you say well that is a different argument. Which is it?

How is it that games played was relevant when discussing Howe but not relevant when discussing Mario? Gretzky was not a better goal scorer than Mario. The stats don't actually say that once you adjust for games played like you did with Howe, and Gretzky himself denies it.

I don't know how else to explain this to you. I'll try one last time:

Gretzky's best attribute was his goal scoring. Does that mean he's the best goal scorer to ever play the game? No, because again, that's a separate argument.

What makes Gretzky's best attribute his goal scoring are the following reasons: he holds the most goals ever scored -- in both the regular season and the playoffs, and professionally. He scored 92 goals in a single season and 50 goals in 39 games -- no one will ever break the former and most likely the latter.

You want to pretend since Gretzky wasn't "the" greatest goal scorer to ever play the game, that the automatically proves goal-scoring wasn't his best attribute. It's a comically weak argument. Just because Mario was the best goal-scorer to ever play the game, that doesn't mean that Gretzky's best attribute wasn't goal-scoring, or that he himself wasn't one of the best goal-scorers of the game. I can't believe I have to explain this to you.

Anyways, have fun with the last word.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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I don't know how else to explain this to you. I'll try one last time:

Gretzky's best attribute was his goal scoring. Does that mean he's the best goal scorer to ever play the game? No, because again, that's a separate argument.

What makes Gretzky's best attribute his goal scoring are the following reasons: he holds the most goals ever scored -- in both the regular season and the playoffs, and professionally. He scored 92 goals in a single season and 50 goals in 39 games -- no one will ever break the former and most likely the latter.

You want to pretend since Gretzky wasn't "the" greatest goal scorer to ever play the game, that the automatically proves goal-scoring wasn't his best attribute. It's a comically weak argument. Just because Mario was the best goal-scorer to ever play the game, that doesn't mean that Gretzky's best attribute wasn't goal-scoring, or that he himself wasn't one of the best goal-scorers of the game. I can't believe I have to explain this to you.

Anyways, have fun with the last word.

Holy shit, it isn't simply because Gretzky was not the best goal scorer. It is that coupled with the fact he was in fact the greatest passer of all time. It is like you are only looking at one half of the argument. The reason passing was his best attribute is because 1) His assists per game and in total is far above every single human being that ever played the game AND 2) there are other players with comparable goal scoring abilities.

You will note I bolded and put in caps AND because 1 and 2 go together to form my argument. I have no problem if you disagree but you are going on for pages without even addressing what I said. When judging two attributes to determine what is best, it is entirely logical and fair to argue that the attribute for which someone far exceeds his peers is a better attribute than the one where his performance is exceeded by his peers. No one exceeded Gretzky as a passer. Several exceeded him as a goal scorer on a per game basis so that is why the former is his best attribute.

I can't believe I have to explain this to you.
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